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pmabraham t1_iufa4u7 wrote

God is good AND murder is everyone's business. Please cite the source of the 15%.


Tina_Las_Vegas t1_iufgi4f wrote

But also this is false.

God is in fact a murderer and not good. There are several examples in the Bible of this. Noah would be the most well known example.


pmabraham t1_iufgmth wrote

Your opinion, and again you don't have a source for the 15%...


Tina_Las_Vegas t1_iufh2s6 wrote

You live based on stories in the Bible which you believe to be facts. So what I said is a fact. I got it from your book.


amoliski t1_iugz3lz wrote

If abortion is wrong, why does God kill kids?


pmabraham t1_iuhaexp wrote

He doesn't.


amoliski t1_iuig93u wrote

If I'm sitting by a pool and I see a toddler fall in and drown, I'm not a bad person for not taking the second to reach down and pull them out of the water?


Keinichn t1_iuj31me wrote

You realize that the Bible doesn't even consider a fetus to be a person and that there's even passages for a priest-led miscarriage/abortion ritual, right? Please stop using that stupid book as justification for shit when it directly contradicts the things you're trying to justify.

EDIT: Numbers 5:11-31 (Priest led fidelity test. Woman miscarries if she was unfaithful). Exodus 21:22-25 (punishment for causing a miscarriage due to hitting a pregnant woman. Causing miscarriage = fined. Killing the woman = death. Fetus is not treated as a person). Several other verses imply a being is not living until it has taken its first breath, which a fetus in the womb cannot do.

According to your very own holy book, abortion isn't murder because the fetus isn't a person until they're born and breathe. If you think differently, that's fine, but just remember your own religious text doesn't back you up on that view.