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Tina_Las_Vegas t1_iuf00gi wrote

~15% is not extremely rare…which is the stat of women who have abortions for health issues. Whether it be their own health or the health of the fetus.

Also it’s none of your god damn business


pmabraham t1_iufd4i5 wrote ---> 32,123 abortions of which per the state document, ONLY 162 are classified as "Pre-existing Medical Conditions Which Would Complicate Pregnancy" (which doesn't give the % of risk). 162 / 32123 = 0.5% were for the mother's health. Next time, please try not to lie when there are reports to verify the truth.


Tina_Las_Vegas t1_iufge9u wrote

I was talking nationally not in a state level and I was confusing the stat. An abortion ban could increase maternal fatality over 20%


pmabraham t1_iufgsh5 wrote

Incorrect. Each state department of health publishes it's own data. I presented Pennsylvania's data. It mirrors the NATOINAL level of less than 1% of all abortions done for the "mother's health." What if studies don't count over reality of what is actually happening.


Tina_Las_Vegas t1_iufi6f1 wrote

Pre-existing conditions are not the only thing that would require a medically necessary abortion. A condition that pregnancy brought on, a miscarriage, pre-eclampsia, or a required hysterectomy(an additional stat in the report you attached) would also be medically necessary reasons and obviously not considered in the 162 figure you are using. Additionally any situation where the fetus has already been determined to be not viable would not be pre-existing and would be medically necessary for the health of the mother.


pmabraham t1_iufncqf wrote

The removal of a non-viable fetus (i.e. one that IS NOT alive) is not an abortion procedure. A medically induced abortion kills a living unborn baby.


Tina_Las_Vegas t1_iug5aaq wrote

Actually yes it is. This article also reminded me that an ectopic pregnancy is another example of something that is not a pre-existing condition that would require an abortion for the life of the mother.

“Medical providers often refer to miscarriages as spontaneous abortions, or by its subcategories including missed, incomplete and inevitable abortions (see Glossary).”

Link for quote.


pmabraham t1_iuhajzt wrote


Tina_Las_Vegas t1_iuhflyo wrote

Not the US. Try again

Edit: KFF is a non-partisan research group and I at least went with a research org instead of some for profit greedy corporation.


pmabraham t1_iuhjooe wrote

Lifestyle news is nonprofit try again


Tina_Las_Vegas t1_iuipy7w wrote

Still not referring the good ole US of A.

I no longer have time to waste on you. Enjoy your life.


pmabraham t1_iufa4u7 wrote

God is good AND murder is everyone's business. Please cite the source of the 15%.


Tina_Las_Vegas t1_iufgi4f wrote

But also this is false.

God is in fact a murderer and not good. There are several examples in the Bible of this. Noah would be the most well known example.


pmabraham t1_iufgmth wrote

Your opinion, and again you don't have a source for the 15%...


Tina_Las_Vegas t1_iufh2s6 wrote

You live based on stories in the Bible which you believe to be facts. So what I said is a fact. I got it from your book.


amoliski t1_iugz3lz wrote

If abortion is wrong, why does God kill kids?


pmabraham t1_iuhaexp wrote

He doesn't.


amoliski t1_iuig93u wrote

If I'm sitting by a pool and I see a toddler fall in and drown, I'm not a bad person for not taking the second to reach down and pull them out of the water?


Keinichn t1_iuj31me wrote

You realize that the Bible doesn't even consider a fetus to be a person and that there's even passages for a priest-led miscarriage/abortion ritual, right? Please stop using that stupid book as justification for shit when it directly contradicts the things you're trying to justify.

EDIT: Numbers 5:11-31 (Priest led fidelity test. Woman miscarries if she was unfaithful). Exodus 21:22-25 (punishment for causing a miscarriage due to hitting a pregnant woman. Causing miscarriage = fined. Killing the woman = death. Fetus is not treated as a person). Several other verses imply a being is not living until it has taken its first breath, which a fetus in the womb cannot do.

According to your very own holy book, abortion isn't murder because the fetus isn't a person until they're born and breathe. If you think differently, that's fine, but just remember your own religious text doesn't back you up on that view.