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PinsAndBeetles t1_iuijmvi wrote

Because you can live anywhere and volunteer for a candidate. In the 2020 election I volunteered to write post cards to remind voters of dates, how to register, etc…. My cards were pre-addressed to voters in GA. Mine was through my labor union so they gave me the cards and a script.


ornery-fizz t1_iuijpd9 wrote

It's completely normal for people to send mail encouraging voters across state lines. Not sure who this is , but check out Vote Forward for something similar. We're in a swing state, and a tight federal election, so folks from out of state try to encourage registered voters like us, whose votes make a big impact.


appleslady13 t1_iuijpij wrote

Because people from all over the country are volunteering for whichever organization sent that postcard. Our Senate race is considered critical for both sides.


j428h t1_iuimemf wrote

One candidate is from out-of-state, and maybe so are his supporters!


XeroxApple t1_iuimuup wrote

This year has been especially crazy in terms of mail and people knocking at my door. It really feels like the government is an occult. I would certainly like to vote for less spam.


laurajodonnell t1_iuinl8w wrote

Our race is really important this year so tons of supporters from other states are pitching in to help reach voters. Most of the time when I volunteer I get PA voters but there have been times I've been directed to other states and was still able to help find polling locations, etc. It's common practice.


jackNexRed t1_iuisw96 wrote

It’s so they arrive quicker than if they had been mailed from Harrisburg 🥸


Keinichn t1_iuisyga wrote

Welcome to living in a swing state that the whole country has their eye on.


KindKill267 t1_iuivr2x wrote

Most of the campaign donations have come from out of state also


Wordnerdinthecity t1_iuj51h3 wrote

I really need to figure out what list they're using. They keep sending mail for my sister who moved out of state more than 5 years ago!


randompaaccount t1_iuj7huy wrote

Wait till you get those creepy “center for voter information” mailings.


mist8kenidentity t1_iujp825 wrote

Because that’s where the company is located that handles the direct mail


its-saute t1_iujqv3x wrote

“Welcome to a swing state….”. Welcome to the Democratic overlord machine. Illinois is a heavily Democrat run state. So much so that they paid to support a far right candidate so that their own governors re-election, Pritzker, would be assured because he could cast the other side as extremist. And now they are weighing in on your local election. Just keep an eye on which states you are getting this type of material from.


OldChucker t1_iujvxmu wrote

Shucks!!!! I was hoping it was because Pennsylvania was trading DELCO for Carol Springs and a highway to be named later.


OldChucker t1_iujw2vo wrote

Oops, Carol Stream? No deal, trade is off.....


nachobitxh t1_iuk05ym wrote

For the same reason my aunt in Minnesota and my sister in Ohio think they can tell me who to vote for.


Illustrious_Air_1438 t1_iuk1zxt wrote

People from around the country are volunteering for campaigns. I've done the letter writing thing before, back in 2018. Yesterday I went to Milwaukee and knocked on doors to get out the vote for Mandela Barnes/Tony Evers.


DeHizzy420 t1_iukbjx2 wrote

So do we. My daughter gets the mail when we get home from picking her up from school. We have fun figuratively wiping our asses with the mailings on our way up the driveway...

Yes we actually do do that...