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baldude69 t1_iy9twfs wrote

The voters should be angry as hell that their elected officials are nullifying their votes by not certifying


HeyImGilly t1_iyalimq wrote

Right. The voters’ gripe is towards the people not certifying the results for unjustified reasons. Take it up with them. They’re elected officials after all.


johnnybiggs15 t1_iybhhf3 wrote

Luzerne county resident here. My county has a good record of fucking up elections. It's usually local elections this is new territory for us but not surprising. I can't blame the officials for not certifying.


irishhank t1_iycl343 wrote

Except it is not their job to decide whether the votes should be certified. If they have problems they are to refer to the DA. They can be charged criminally for not doing their procedural duty. The duty to canvass elections is not discretionary, and that state law doesn't offer the officials any reason not to certify other than if they have not received all the returns, and that is not the case.


Roz150 t1_iyclth5 wrote

Except there has been piles of election tampering and no one gets charged.


irishhank t1_iycy0m2 wrote

Where’s the proof? Keep claiming elections are rigged and promoting candidates that lie about them. Worked out great for you in the midterms. They fed you shit sandwiches and you happily ate them up. Congrats on being duped.


Roz150 t1_iyczwur wrote

Im referring to the the republicans tampering with elections. The constant recounts in arizona. The fake electors. The horrible threats to election workers. Those people all seem to do that stuff with impunity. Its infuriating something hasn’t been done. Given this history, Im struggling to believe any election official in Luzerne county will have any consequences.


guyandadog t1_iydg4j9 wrote

Lol notice the difference between when they thought you were a republican vs when you say youre not. The statement is the exact same, all that changed was your affiliation in their minds and suddenly nobody downvotes you 😂 politics are laughable
