
t1_ja2x8h7 wrote

“Stand up against tyranny” aka be duped by misinformation into believing false election lies, masks don’t work, and that anti-parasite drugs are useful for COVID. You’re still mad about lockdowns 3 years later? Please don’t come here as we have enough morons already. Do you even know pa is blue? Dems took governor and the state house. What will you do in 2 years when they take the senate and have full control? “Tyranny” will run rampant!


t1_j9108he wrote

He’s a fucking freshman senator in his first month on the job. What did you want from him? Do you know what he did the days the senate wasn’t in session? Just sat around and did nothing right? I’m sure you know what all the other senators did and how they’ve done so much more work than fetterman, right? Do you know what the typical daily duties of a senator actually are?

What do you want from people? You want them to say “oh damn I should have gone against all my principles and beliefs and voted for Oz?” Do you think this is gonna convert hundreds of thousands of democrats to republicans? Yeah, not gonna happen. You asked a stupid question as a front to trash the man who had a stroke. Clown.


t1_j28fn28 wrote

GOP still holds the senate. But yes, if they had control of house, senate, and governor the minimum wage would be raised in Pa. Unfortunately, the cancer in our state government still persists. Obstruction will be the goal of the state senate for at least the next 2 years. Gas taxes going up again Jan 1st thanks to republican governor Corbett and the white trash rubes’ favorite politicians in Harrisburg. But I’m sure it will all be dems fault.


t1_iycl343 wrote

Except it is not their job to decide whether the votes should be certified. If they have problems they are to refer to the DA. They can be charged criminally for not doing their procedural duty. The duty to canvass elections is not discretionary, and that state law doesn't offer the officials any reason not to certify other than if they have not received all the returns, and that is not the case.