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Ihaveaboot t1_iybylfw wrote

>Regarding long wait times, L&I has taken many steps since the start of the pandemic to meet demand and improve the UC system. These include:

>Hiring staff

>UC claims are processed by staff in interviewer and examiner roles. Currently, in total, the department has 619 individuals in these roles. About 80 of these individuals are new hires within the past few months, and efforts to hire additional UC staff are ongoing.

Seems like a good "one stone, two birds" approach 😀 press 1 to apply for UC benefits, press 2 to apply for a job here...


Friendly-Effect-1691 OP t1_iybysbt wrote

Yeah, unfortunately they have been using the pandemic as an excuse for too long. Pennsylvania's unemployment is supposed to be at an all time low, yet they're still taking 8+ weeks to process claims, meanwhile people are going into financial ruins.


Wuz314159 t1_iyc5bqv wrote

I gave up on UC in March 2021. That's why I'm on the edge of homelessness. I can't afford my taxes+fines.


IamSauerKraut t1_iycv4jx wrote

This is one area of govt where Gov Wolf has totally failed the PA people. I hope Shapiro overhauls the entire department.


karensPA t1_iycvux7 wrote

On the issue, yes. Individually, they can get your case unstuck with the UI system. Our state senator did this for us twice during the recession. Constituent service.


PatientNice t1_iycx5fg wrote

Why are they so short staffed? Budget cuts? No one wants to work there? It is inexcusable that this agency functions so horribly. Anytime you rank behind Southern states in anything, you should be embarrassed.


Hib3rnian t1_iycyccd wrote

How do you spend millions to modernize an inefficient system only to have it be vulnerable to fraud, inaccessible to users, more inefficient in processing requests and still require the hiring of hundreds?


crispydukes t1_iyd0l3t wrote

Shit, as an employer it's bad.

The state mails you a letter on a date. You're lucky if you get that letter 4 days after the date written on the letter. You then have seven (7) days to mail it back to them. Well fuck, you lost me 4 days. I need 1-2 days to answer. Then I need 2-3 days to mail it back...

That's absolute bullshit.


zorionek0 t1_iyd6gmv wrote

The cruelty is the point.

It should be easy to get UC, but there’s this asinine prejudice against the people who use this system.

Rather than the old “better that ten guilty men go free than one innocent suffer,” our government seems to take the approach “better that 10 families starve than 1 person scam the system.”


IamSauerKraut t1_iyd8azk wrote

Scammer can delete her reply but don't do the work-from-home crap. It's the Amway of envelope stuffing where you address the envelopes but they don't pay you for the stamps.


Shilo788 t1_iydagpk wrote

GOP runs the state and they hate it so of course it is poorly run. Kick the damn right wingers out so the state can run better. They do nothing to improve the state, education is getting worse,


Hib3rnian t1_iydazcs wrote

As tax payers, we're all potential users of the system at some point in time.

The fact it's been so "cluster fucked" should be an outrage especially at a time when so many need UC, and based on predictions on the economy, so many more will soon.

Drives me nuts that people are so caught up in how "this political party is doing this and that political party is doing that" when citizens can't get simple services today that worked fine less than 3 years ago. And cost the taxpayers millions for what is essentially less.

THATS where the outrage should be focused. THATS what needs to be fixed now.


thunderGunXprezz t1_iyduh5q wrote

I have an overpayment balance that I've been paying back over the course of the last year or so. Each month I get a letter telling me how I can pay online and each month I look and that part of the site is still offline. So I still have to mail them checks.


InterLoper610 t1_iyehfmm wrote

I was on UC in PA for like 3 months in 2019, Oct - Dec, and it was pretty much perfect. Working as intended it seemed. I guess the pandemic broke it.


PileOfSnakesl1l1I1l t1_iyeqyq2 wrote

Applied for UC in May 22. The check cleared last week. This was an uncomplicated claim where both me and my employer agreed that I was underperforming. Why did it take 6 months to "investigate" that? Most of these outstanding claims could be cleared with two clicks on a spreadsheet.

I'm fortunate in that I have savings and was able to get a job shortly after losing my last one but this kind of mismanagement really hurts people in PA.