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Mijbr090490 t1_iwzmuq2 wrote

Lancaster city is probably the only thing that will sorta check all those boxes. Not sure about their public transportation, but the other cities are abysmal in that regard. Not going to avoid the crime either. Harrisburg City has made some improvements but it needs so much work at this point. The downtown scene is nothing like it used to be and much of the city aside from downtown has deteriorated. The surrounding areas including west shore are very nice though. Lebanon is boring. York city doesn't really have much going.


KLoHbg t1_ix1wkkj wrote

Lancaster has some things going for it, but driving there is a nightmare. Harrisburg is not as bad from a traffic perspective.


Trout-Population t1_iwznszk wrote

Former Harrisburg resident, don't move there. I'd really suggest the Lehigh Valley, specifically Bethlehem.


k2j2 t1_ix06add wrote

Not Reading, but just over the bridge is West Reading. Vibrant Main Street, lots of boutiques, restaurants, craft breweries, etc. The old outlets have been transformed into really nice apartments. Close to Reading Hospital, Reading Art Museum, Grings Mill. If I had to move back to Berks, this would be my pick.


yeags86 t1_ix1sfas wrote

I’ll second this. I’m south a couple miles out in Shillington. Have friends that actually live in West Reading. Really cool little area.

If OP wants to be in the city though - Reading probably isn’t the place to go.


MrKamikazi t1_iwzluyx wrote

Maybe Harrisburg. Look into Bethlehem also.

Many people think Lancaster is great but I wasn't that impressed with the combination of very visible homelessness in the downtown and the Amish theme park aspect of the area.


yorkkat18 t1_iwzsk0c wrote

I would say Lancaster most likely. I live in and love york, but i don’t think it would check all of your boxes. Definitely not Harrisburg though


--Cr1imsoN-- t1_ix02znq wrote

I spent half my childhood in Harrisburg (the other half in the Philly suburbs). I only recently finally moved out of Harrisburg this past year for Lancaster. Harrisburg really wasn't a good place to live. Incredibly boring city, even for being the capitol. Many folks who work in the city of Harrisburg don't even live there and they leave the moment their shifts are over so the city becomes a ghost town after 5pm. High crime for an incredibly small population of only around 50,000. Horribly designed and outdated traffic signals, means that every red light you hit will be a good 5 minute punishment light. What should take you 20 minutes to get somewhere turns into 35 minutes just because of how outdated the traffic lights are. I know that doesn't sound like a big deal, but it contributes towards the cluttered amount of traffic for a city that really shouldn't have traffic issues. But yeah Harrisburg has largely deteriorated and most folks are miserable. It's your typical rust belt city that was once a prosperous place but those days are long gone.

I think Lancaster would be your best bet from all those choices. Unlike Harrisburg, there is a lot of community involvement. It has a booming tourist economy in the summer that brings attractions to the city. Many businesses are up and coming in the area. I moved to Lancaster mostly for that reason. The company I work for is based out of Erie but is trying to build a client base in Lancaster. Lancaster also has more diversity than Harrisburg (the city at least). I like to describe Harrisburg as a Crayola box with only 2 different crayons. Lancaster city has all kinds of people though. Very large Hispanic population, but I've met a lot of people from Nigeria, the middle east and the Philippines. Lancaster has more age diversity as well. A lot more people in their 20s-30s than I ever saw in Harrisburg. But in terms of what you're looking for OP. Lancaster has much lower crime than Harrisburg. It's practically a night and day difference. Made even more interesting because Lancaster and Harrisburg half around the same population. Lancaster city has decent walkability and public transit. You'll run into issues with that if you decide to leave the city where things become very rural very fast. I will give Harrisburg some credit in that regard in that it is a more walkable city. Lancaster has significant more economic growth than Harrisburg by far.

edit: If the online presence is anything to go off either, check out the Harrisburg and Lancaster subreddits and compare them. I see events, pictures and questions posted all the time on the Lancaster subreddit. But the Harrisburg subreddit is practically dead.

As for the other cities, I've never lived there but I can speak on how they were when I visited. York seemed depressing. Very rundown city. I saw a lot of homes that just weren't cared for and a lot of trash. I'm sure there are nice parts, but I didn't really travel through them. I've been to Reading a few times. Noticed a lot of warehouses and industry. Lots of tractor trailers. Wasn't as trashy as York, but it just didn't seem particularly interesting. It feels very much like a rust belt city. I can't say much on Lebanon, but anyone I've talked to who has lived there has had some crazy story to tell. Whether it's some racist asshat or drug related. I wouldn't want to live there regardless.


Allemaengel t1_iwzqtac wrote

Avoid Harrisburg and Reading for absolute certain.


sachmogoat t1_ix0ic1y wrote

Lehigh Valley, Lancaster, Lititz


fallowcentury t1_ix0y4pj wrote

lititz. I'm in abbottstown, 15 miles east of Gettysburg. we love it, but you gotta love rural living here. I'm from philly, I have good taste, lititz is your best bet if you can afford it.


kosmo8pa t1_iwzrbbb wrote

Nope, nope, maybe, nope, nope


apesofthestate t1_ix00xlp wrote

Lancaster by far. Our public transportation sucks but it’s 1000% better than ever other place you listed by a long shot


New-Grapefruit-6349 t1_ix0ihlw wrote

Out of those I’d say Lancaster. Also near Lancaster is Litiz which is nice. If you wanna move a little farther out of that region, I’d suggest Gettysburg it checks all your boxes except public transportation.


ftwin t1_ix1c6c3 wrote

Lancaster and it’s not even close


coysmate05 t1_ix0q6yl wrote

Lancaster is the only decent city that’s worth moving to in that list. There are also some nice towns in Lancaster County that are good to live in and are only 20 minutes from downtown Lancaster. Lititz is great (but high demand), Ephrata is up and coming imho, but it still has a lot to be desired.

Also public transportation sucks in all those cities, but Lancaster is at least somewhat okay.


mikered30 t1_ix0z7xu wrote

Certainly not Reading or Lebanon. Lancaster is the easy decision.


RoadKillSouffle2000 t1_ix15zh1 wrote

Lancaster has fantastic farmers markets, good clubs for live music, a much better downtown environment. I live next to York. It sucks.


the_dorf t1_ix1x8qs wrote

Lancaster would be the closest only on your "ideal city" recommendations. The good transportation connection to other areas criterium separates Lancaster from the others as their bus system, while inaccurate, goes pretty far in the county, as well as the Amtrak station and Greyhound buses for travel outside. Harrisburg is the only other one with an Amtrak station.

I love all the those cities for what you mentioned as each have their indidvidual charms in my world, plus craft breweries (with exception to Reading, but West Reading is walkable). Harrisburg has a great gentrified area in Mid-town as well as the State Library (whenever that reopens up again). Reading has great hiking trails nearby on Mt. Penn and Neversink mountains; as well as events at Santander arena. Lancaster has a lot of tourist/history spots/central market as well as a very good county park to camp just right outside the city. York has a decent downtown with history, Central Market, and a wonderful rail-trail. Lebanon has Snitz Creek brewery and the rail-trail that goes all the way down to (near) Etown.

All of them have something, but I believe to start out, Lancaster is your way to go and go from there.


moms_on_reddit t1_ix4wo8f wrote

People usually move out of Pennsylvania, not in.


harold1226 t1_ix1x1k3 wrote

I used to live in Reading and I love it and some places you can definitely see the local economic booming. For example West Reading, Wyomissing, Shillington, Mount Penn are all really nice areas. Stay away from the city of reading and from the following streets Cotton, Maple, Franklin, Mughlenber, Chesnut and you will be good.


marieknight t1_ix1ybhv wrote

Harrisburg is good. Still rural enough to enjoy a little nature too


Limp-Adhesiveness453 t1_ix3tml5 wrote

Harrisburg or it's environs (especially the west of the river suburbs), but there's nice areas of Harrisburg, just make to avoid the bad areas in any of the options. Lancaster is probably the best city, it might not have as many job options as Harrisburg, and you'll pay more to live there, but those two are in a different league from everyone else


jackfinch t1_ix5lci6 wrote

I was going to say that it depends on what OP considers the cities here. If they are interested in the greater areas, then Harrisburg has some incredibly nice areas around it (as do any of the cities, though there are ranges). However, if they're looking at only the city proper, then I have no idea.