Submitted by YonderMTN t3_z9o8b2 in Pennsylvania
delco_trash t1_iyhp937 wrote
Doug the loser.
Gop is trash
PaApprazer t1_iyhphip wrote
He should come grab his signs still polluting the roadways
happyjazzycook t1_iyhq4wp wrote
Wendell August Forge?
AsteroidDisc476 t1_iyhripn wrote
It’s the “fReEdOm” Republican talking point reinvented.
JacoDaDon t1_iyhs7ms wrote
You should! Give everyone one. Ya know, for the lulz.
LordKaraka12 t1_iyhsdtp wrote
Certain side does and it’s not libs
zorionek0 t1_iyhsfmm wrote
Holiday? You mean CHRISTmas, ya heathen! /s
zorionek0 t1_iyhsigi wrote
My daughter gave me her hand made ornament from school like a sucker. She should have charged me for them like a good capitalist.
polgara_buttercup t1_iyhsjaj wrote
I hate the one sitting beside 81 just past the Chambersburg mall.
MacDynamite71 t1_iyhtg0b wrote
tuenthe463 t1_iyhtmzd wrote
A few years ago I walked into a office for my job and the Christmas tree was completely decorated with Trump stuff. Not like a decoration or two but a Trump- themed Christmas tree.
abro79 t1_iyhtwap wrote
I left the Republican Party after the Jan 6th insurrection. For the first time since I began voting in 1990 something, I did not vote for the Republican gubernatorial candidate. Dougie “the fascist” Mastriano needs to stay out of wombs, bedrooms, and politics. He’s nothing but a traitor and Trump bootlicker.
SandGrits t1_iyhtyze wrote
I just want to forget this guy and his messages
friskimykitty t1_iyhv3jh wrote
That was my first thought. I hope it isn’t.
SeraphRising89 t1_iyhvmcp wrote
Grifter. Now that he doesn't have the power he desires he's going for it via money.
Someone needs to hire a PI into this guy's Financials. Dollars to donuts there's insider trading and anything done to crush people out of their last dime.
Benanov t1_iyhvqku wrote
It's from the bible iirc
flaaaacid t1_iyhw19a wrote
My god they're everywhere in Luzerne still
[deleted] t1_iyhwdxg wrote
ArcOfADream t1_iyhwq1j wrote
Can I interest you in my line of summer camp ceramics class ashtrays? Because every parents' dream is to put out their smokes in a kid's hand imprint!
happyjazzycook t1_iyhwvp8 wrote
I tried to do a search...came up empty. Would like to know this as my Mom wanted something from WAF for Christmas 🙄
zorionek0 t1_iyhx4wh wrote
Ironically, if it’s referring to 1 Peter 2:16, the coda to that is “not using your freedom as a cover for evil…”
ArcOfADream t1_iyhxa5x wrote
Misquoting the bible actually, but when has that ever been a fuss for religious fundamentalists? (ie. John 8:36, KJV: "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.")
cirenj t1_iyhxi0j wrote
The ones my kids made for me.... but keep trying
EmergencySundae t1_iyhxr2u wrote
The person I bought my house from left behind their Trump Christmas ornaments. On a random windowsill. (We bought the house in May, so they’d been out for a while.)
Into the trash they went.
lank81 t1_iyhxsgv wrote
I hate when people don't take down their signs. Obviously the actual representative isn't the issue, but the volunteers/cheerleaders who put them up need to dispose of the signs post election. Maybe if we had a law which said "Past xx days the representative will be fined 1$ per sign per day". If you want to keep your sign in your yard, that's fine, but on roadsides, intersections, and other public areas you should be held to some accountability.
JacoDaDon t1_iyhxu6d wrote
She’s charging you, trust me…and she’s in it for the long haul.
badatmetroid t1_iyhxx4q wrote
Didn't know Doug Mastriano had a reddit account.
JacoDaDon t1_iyhxyiz wrote
Like I told the last guy…nothing your kids make you is free.
SuggestAPhotoProject t1_iyhy1vo wrote
It was telling people to ignore all mask mandates and lockdown restrictions because Mastriano and his supporters believed that Covid was a worldwide hoax.
asforus t1_iyhy223 wrote
Run it over with your car
JacoDaDon t1_iyhy6tt wrote
Why wouldn’t he? Although Reddit is a left wing echo chamber…it certainly is not exclusive to the left, my boy.
Benanov t1_iyhy9gr wrote
Christians who read the bible cover to cover are known as Atheists.
zorionek0 t1_iyhynyc wrote
shrugs it did not have that effect on me. It did however move me to some very left-wing stances regarding the stewardship of the earth, the care of our fellow humans, and compassion.
Religion, like alcohol, doesn’t put anything into a person that wasn’t already there. People will always find a way to justify their own behavior.
jmdunkle t1_iyhyx7c wrote
I'd like to take this a step further. The losing candidate in any given race is required on the hook for their signs AND the winner's signs. Then slap your fine structure on top of that. Makes the races even higher stakes and ensures cleanup
MoreThanZeroo t1_iyhz838 wrote
Why? Just, why? He's so smarmy and ick. How do they not see it?
Just_speak_the_truth t1_iyhzbab wrote
Dougie is a loser and so I s anyone that would buy that crap!
cirenj t1_iyhzbad wrote
Yeah.... whatever you say....
Unethical_GOP t1_iyhzt29 wrote
Walk as Free People. EXCEPT, if your LGBTQ, female, or your skin isn’t lily white. -Dougie the Insurrectionist.
badatmetroid t1_iyhzytv wrote
Fearless-Metal5727 t1_iyi1bot wrote
Representative Rossi's Trump house enters the chat
badgerbarthowlemeiux t1_iyi31hu wrote
Your Mom wants this ornament?
ShawnOttery t1_iyi3iey wrote
That sounds very easily exploitable
[deleted] t1_iyi5kay wrote
Greatcookbetterbfr t1_iyi75zk wrote
I saw a clown at the grocery store last week with a Mastriano hat and a General Flynn sweatshirt. We kept running into each other through out the store as we shopped and every time I made eye contact purposely and shook my head. The last time I saw him before checking out I told him he should be embarrassed to wear clothes displaying the names of clowns who tried to overthrow our democracy. Strangely he had nothing to say…
GWSIII t1_iyi7lji wrote
Say that to my parents, who put the star ornament I made out of sticks in our yard on the tree lol.
Reddwolf02 t1_iyi8gsn wrote
You bought that trash? Day after elections I saw a Mastriano celebration and thought all of PA was going to hell in a hand basket. I was almost as disgusted as when Trump made it to the Whitehouse!
IrresponsibleScience t1_iyi8x3a wrote
Weird…. I’m still feeling just as free. Must not have anything to do with Mastriano.
Gayboifresh t1_iyi93pj wrote
And then everyone clapped
jmdunkle t1_iyidgxv wrote
are you suggesting politicians are dishonest lol
IWantAStorm t1_iyidyvv wrote
Let's be real here there are still god damn Trump signs around.
The ones I hate the most are the homemade ones. There's one in Kingston/Luzerne made out of wood that I want to light on fire.
blackheart12814 t1_iyie68l wrote
Who is not letting them walk free? Themselves, that's who. You're free!!!! Go! Walk!
[deleted] t1_iyieiil wrote
Open_Veins_8 t1_iyiekr4 wrote
I wonder how many he has sold already.
flaaaacid t1_iyiemb0 wrote
So many. I have to drive past a house all the time with a BIDEN IS NOT MY PRESIDENT and about 6 other Trump signs. Get help, dude.
IntoTheMirror t1_iyifkzn wrote
Walk as free people. Terms and restrictions may apply. Must be white, straight, male, and Christian.
UnableAudience7332 t1_iyifrdn wrote
LOL imagine buying a Xmas ornament with a politician's name on it. A LOSING politician. 🤣
IFitsWhenISits t1_iyifrgo wrote
There seriously needs to be a federal or state law that states that all signs related to a recent relection must come down within a month of said election or face fines that are imposed weekly.
IWantAStorm t1_iyifrvz wrote
I had to go to Wyoming County for the only frigging available spot for a specific medical thing and went by a house that had a "fuck biden" 3x4 ft sign in one of those glass encased, stone things you'd see in front of a church with times and events on it in their yard.
I don't see how or why anyone would want a sign saying fuck in their front yard.
joefred111 t1_iyig3w2 wrote
Free People*
*Unless you're a woman of childbearing age°, then the government controls you.
°Age 10-40
flaaaacid t1_iyigjt7 wrote
It's interesting, I have never despised someone as much as Trump, and I think he did more damage to this country than nearly anyone in history. And yet! You know how much real estate I devoted to announcing that in my yard? None. Because I am not a crazy person.
IFitsWhenISits t1_iyigqm6 wrote
It shouldn’t be allowed period. Unless the signs are related to a current ongoing election there shouldn’t be any signs allowed anywhere on personal property or public unless that’s your vehicle with your pity party bumper sticker.
minnick27 t1_iyigy8t wrote
At what point is it legal for me to do it? Election day was 3 weeks ago, can I start taking down the signs from public property?
EliteProdigyX t1_iyihlav wrote
You’re only free to choose wether you want Burger King, McDonalds, Wendy’s, or arbys. Edit: of course the next slide I get is a McDonald’s ad, as I currently am about to have it for lunch. Very free…
jelliott79 t1_iyii908 wrote
May the odds be ever in your favor
throwaway4206983 t1_iyiiq0q wrote
But you don't think some people would plant even more signs to screw the other candidate?
JacoDaDon t1_iyijck7 wrote
I see we have a coincidence theorist on our hands.
[deleted] t1_iyijg7h wrote
JacoDaDon t1_iyik3sg wrote
Bro. First of all, this post has nothing to do with handmade ornaments. This post is referring to ornaments that cost money. Congrats! You’re the 5,367,248,991st set of parents to receive a handmade Christmas ornament from your kid(s). I’m sure you’ll display it proudly as long as you can, as you should. That being said, their ornaments are irrelevant in this context.
nittanylion t1_iyikytd wrote
A cashier even cried and called his mom to tell her he loved her.
Finrodsrod t1_iyikzd5 wrote
And then Albert Einstein came out of the shadows and gave OP a subtle approving nod and a wink while taking a puff out of his pipe.
the_real_xuth t1_iyimcoq wrote
Do we do that with all of the losing candidates? What happens when only one person is on the ballot? What about the write-ins? Can I screw a losing candidate that I loathe by moving a bunch of signs onto public property?
the_real_xuth t1_iyimoik wrote
We shouldn't have our elections take multiple years to run. In other places there are strict time limits on when campaigning can start and this on the level of weeks before an election rather than years.
akennelley t1_iyin2kp wrote
Better late than never. I left them in 2016 and looking back with good ol' 20/20 hindsight...I regret not doing it much sooner.
MaybeADumbass t1_iyip8x7 wrote
I have this Trump flag that someone taped to my car as a joke. I use it for target practice ;)
MaybeADumbass t1_iyiqd6m wrote
I'm sure you can think of plenty. I can, too. These are not intelligent, thinking people. Remember the idiots who showed up armed to a cemetery because of a Facebook prank?
The problem is that I can't think of anything I could sell to these rubes that doesn't violate my sense of ethics and propriety.
Sufficient-Lab-5769 t1_iyirqpp wrote
I love that idea of giving them as gifts. Oh my god it would be hilarious to see my brothers’ faces. I just don’t want to give a penny to Mastriano.
YonderMTN OP t1_iyirxpj wrote
HA! FUCK no, that was from his public FB page. It's a laugh riot.
Altruistic-Rip4364 t1_iyis7mx wrote
I’ll be looking at my parents Xmas tree for that one. And a doctor oz/angel tree topper
zacattack62 t1_iyisbdn wrote
Mental illness will also exclude you.
Altruistic-Rip4364 t1_iyisbse wrote
I wish gun clubs would gather them up as great target holders
IWantAStorm t1_iyit0oy wrote
"Because I am not a crazy person." Made me burst out laughing.
Not because I think you're crazy, it just caught me off guard.
flaaaacid t1_iyivhhf wrote
I keep thinking about that but I know one of those wires will go straight through my radiator.
zorionek0 t1_iyiw6bl wrote
Ay, there’s the rub.
Alternative-Flan2869 t1_iyiwcxy wrote
He should have sold matching pairs of those T-shirts that say “I’m with stupid.”
Alternative-Flan2869 t1_iyiwtge wrote
What’s up with Luzerne - hearing a lot of kookoo stuff happening there.
flaaaacid t1_iyiwzn8 wrote
Yeah I dunno. My house isn't there but it's right on the line so I drive in a lot.
ComprehensiveCat7515 t1_iyiyeh4 wrote
The whole "walk as free people" slogan is so dumb. Its not like the US, let alone Pennsylvania, ever had real lockdowns where people couldn't leave their house.
raven4747 t1_iyiza8c wrote
have a fee that all candidates pay into that would pay for a township/municipality crew to take a day cleaning them up
Logan_Holmes t1_iyizi9a wrote
Why should you not be allowed to start campaigning until a few weeks before the election?
FairyFlossPanda t1_iyj13tx wrote
I honestly hate when businesses do shit like this. Dont make me as a customet decide if I want to indirectly support someone. Cause if I decide it is someone I would be uncomfortable donating directly to I am never going back to that business. Plus I think it is unfair to the employees. If it is public facing they have to deal with customers getting upset over the sign or deal with people who use a political party as a personality and want to pull them into conversations about politics they may not want to be involved in. And what if you happen to support the opposing candidate? If your boss finds out are they going to start treating you different?
Unless the boss is literally on the ballot keep that shit at home.
mainelinerzzzzz t1_iyj1fse wrote
He should have got a book deal.
thunderGunXprezz t1_iyj2w51 wrote
I think it is, unfortunately.
Jef_Wheaton t1_iyj38fr wrote
They're supposed to be removed within 5 days of Election Day. After that, some municipalities consider them "abandoned property".
friskimykitty t1_iyj8j8o wrote
I am so disappointed. Will never buy anything from there again.
thunderGunXprezz t1_iyj93e9 wrote
Right. It's a shame. It's been tradition in my family to give these as gifts to each family from my late grandmother. My parents had continued that tradition each year since her passing.
friskimykitty t1_iyj962k wrote
No, if you read the comment it says she wants “something” from WAF.
1AriesBBWRedhead t1_iyjcfeg wrote
Man he needs to just go away now here! He lost the election and I believe he conceded the election too here as well. Now his brain dead supporters are filing lawsuits to challenge the election. Once again they are using the whole Trump narrative that the election was stolen and it’s voter fraud! Just go away folks! Damn!
ItsjustJim621 t1_iyjcl3u wrote
WaLk As FrEe PeOpLe
ItsjustJim621 t1_iyjcw2y wrote
It’s like that in Bucks country too…including flying the American flag upside down, and an all black American flag
ItsjustJim621 t1_iyjda4e wrote
Reddit is a left wing echo chamber…
r/conservative is left wing now? Lol
ItsjustJim621 t1_iyjdk3a wrote
For those people that insist everyone else has to say “meeey Christmas” I’ll reply back to them “happy saturnalia”
ScienceWasLove t1_iyjg5c8 wrote
Griswa t1_iyjgh1y wrote
With absolutely zero knowledge in politics. Hey my house is decorated like trump. Boom, win.
There was a guy running for county commissioner a couple years ago, that believes in aliens, and at the polling station was wearing Trump shoes and a jacket. He almost won. Not because of anything he believed in, but because he was a diehard Trump person. Outside of Pittsburgh and Philadelphia Pennsylvania really is Kentucky
ProudBoysLikeMen t1_iyjgk94 wrote
I absolutely choose who gets my business based on things like this. Basically if you thought it was a good idea to cover your business in someone else's logos and name for're bad at capitalism and business, and I'll give that money to someone else. This is a problem that will solve itself, while they blame the economy for their failing business.
Fine-Blacksmith-9330 t1_iyjh2hw wrote
If you don’t have the $30 just say so
Dry_Presence7112 t1_iyjhi86 wrote
Works both ways too. A lot of people have good paying union jobs knowing full well their dues support a Democrat candidate. Should they quit. No, deal with it and understand that it doesn't matter who you support or they support. Our representation is picked for us years in advance and votes mean nothing to the "machine".
Dry_Presence7112 t1_iyjhp73 wrote
If you leave signs, you should get a littering fine for each one.
DarkApp33 t1_iyjhtpw wrote
But it's *not* cult-like behavior. All politics aside it's not healthy for any human to be celebrated quite like this.
zachimusprime44 t1_iyjjgiq wrote
I saw like 100 of them on the side of the highway.
the_real_xuth t1_iyjlc50 wrote
One of the biggest things is that it distracts from governing. In the US, a very large percentage of a legislators efforts are spent on campaigning for the next election. This is especially the case for representatives who are elected every two years, where for many, there is no time when it's not campaign season. It is also hugely expensive thus giving unfair advantage to candidates who either have more money or have wealthier supporters.
I firmly believe that having more restricted campaign times combined with having saner finance rules (many of which we used to have) as well as the media fairness laws that we used to have (until they were gotten rid of in the Reagan era but this also ties into the finance rules since having billion dollar media corporations shilling for you is unquestionably helping to finance your campaign) would go a very long way to making our elections more fair and our governance far better. But when you take the path of anyone can campaign for anyone else at any time, saying anything they want, we get what we have today.
SmasherOfAjumma t1_iyjof35 wrote
Yep. And if these union guys are ever at a strike or rally that gets ugly, Fox News will label them as "liberal thugs". Really, like how many union workers do you know who identify as liberal?
SmasherOfAjumma t1_iyjow1s wrote
I am not a crazy person either; we should get tee-shirts.
Frsbtime420 t1_iyjugmi wrote
Thankfully he’s didn’t get elected and pa can still walk as free people to adequate schools and healthcare
muricaball76 t1_iyjxwnm wrote
Union household voters consistently support democratic candidates more than republicans usually by around 15 points every election season
mentalgopher t1_iyjyajk wrote
I see that this got labeled a low-quality post. Considering that the subject of the post is a low-quality candidate with a low-quality Christmas ornament, I guess it's fair.
TheSmilingDog t1_iyk0id6 wrote
I don't care for politics or ragging on about them, but if you're decorating your tree with political trash then maybe you've lost the spirit of Christmas a bit...
SmasherOfAjumma t1_iyk18fx wrote
Of course they do, it’s in their self interest. I hope you don’t think this means they consider themselves “liberals”.
SickeningPink t1_iyk1jvw wrote
“Walk as free people… except with all these extra limitations on your freedom that I want to impose”
YonderMTN OP t1_iyk1m3c wrote
happyjazzycook t1_iyk1sj0 wrote
Yeah, she likes their trays 😉 and it's an easy Christmas gift but... not going to support their doing business with the state insurrectionist.
Sharkfowl t1_iyk28rs wrote
That would almost certainly result in a 1st amendment related lawsuit.
EmoGothPunk t1_iyk2pqz wrote
Or millennials.
EmoGothPunk t1_iyk3pm4 wrote
This sounds like the entire Lebanon/Berks County line. One house two blocks from me has a sign that says "TRUMP 2021" on it.
EmoGothPunk t1_iyk4bdx wrote
The few times I've driven through that county, I've seen some new batshit thing up there, same with Perry County.
EmoGothPunk t1_iyk4sts wrote
It broke my heart when I saw that flag outside the diner in my town. I don't think I had breakfast there after seeing that. The guy has shut down the diner since he can make more money at the Expo Center.
MrRiski t1_iyk5frd wrote
Yeah that would just turn into the opposing party stealing all signs the day of the election and then putting them up and reporting them the next day
JJGeneral1 t1_iyk5uaq wrote
I thought there was a law that all signs had to be removed within 3 days after the election?
Galactus54 t1_iyk6440 wrote
I absolutely agree - but since those greedy media grifters would see losses in the billions, they'd fight like hell against it. considering they have the loudest bull horns - and the candidates don't get the keep the money and would have to do so much begging we would hope they would also say yes to restricting campaign time. Make Labor Day the kickoff. Maybe July 4 for President because all states and territories are involved. But senate, house, govs and local races do not need more than 8 weeks to get their message out, do they? Put it on a ballot initiative. Extended media madness and the sloshing of corporate and billionaire bribes does nothing for progress. End this BS.
TheLateWalderFrey t1_iyk6doc wrote
> and Christian.
only if one belongs to the correct Christian sect..
Catholics, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Methodists, Congregationalists, Anabaptists, Quakers, and other mainstream Protestant denominations need not apply, as they are all the "wrong" form of Christianity to those Trumpist kooks.
and we all know what the "correct" Christian is - it's whatever the Trumpist kook of the day/week/month says it is, and it's a guarantee it's not any mainstream version of Christianity, or any sane one at that.
TheLateWalderFrey t1_iyk8ceb wrote
> Strangely he had nothing to say…
no, it's not strange, it's normal for them.. everyone in my family, except me of course, are MAGA Republicans, and unfortunately a few life-long friends fell under the MAGA spell.
whenever I would confront one of them with unassailable proof that whatever they were just spouting was a total lie fabricated out of whole cloth, to a person their reaction is the same - they freeze and don't say a word..
it's like their body jumps as if scared or shocked and their brain just shuts off.. I guess to prevent the truth from sinking in and fixing some of their brain damage or something.
IFitsWhenISits t1_iykaizo wrote
If there is it clearly is not enforced.
WafflesTheMoose t1_iykf9iq wrote
"Walk as free people*"
*Except you, ya fuckin' Jew/Black/Asian/Woman/anyone who's not a rich white conservative Christian man.
Seriously, can this shit-breathed CHUD just fuck off already?
Gayboifresh t1_iykfg4f wrote
Yeah that never happened either.
[deleted] t1_iykfrme wrote
eMPereb t1_iykhbl7 wrote
sx70forlifexx t1_iyki6wu wrote
Lmao hope he sells a million to morons
Shift-Subject t1_iykl0hi wrote
Seems like a weird thing to fixate on. The dudes out of the picture, why are you on his dick?
Randy_Butternubs666 t1_iykmkb2 wrote
Isn't that a clothing store for teen girls?
itsme_toddkraines t1_iykn91w wrote
A few days after the Uvalde shooting I walked into my eye doctor's to pick up some contacts and saw a "Proud Member of the NRA" sticker on the door that I had never noticed before. And this is in MontCo! It really made me mad, not only because of the timing but also because I went there specifically to support small businesses, not to fund anything having to do with the NRA. What does that sticker have to do with eye care? Why do you need it on your door? Honestly I won't be going back.
VeeTheBee86 t1_iyknn35 wrote
I have no idea why people think that stuff's appropriate in places like the office. There should just be places that are political neutral spaces for everybody's peace of mind.
VeeTheBee86 t1_iyknwsy wrote
Let them be preyed on. In all honesty, people who are easily taken in by grifters are not generally worth saving. If it isn't one scam, it'll be another. Some just have no self-preservation instincts.
FairyFlossPanda t1_iyko0pw wrote
Unions support whoever they feel is the best for them. The Seafarers International Union for instance backed George W Bush but then backed Obama over McCain because of McCain's stance on the Jones Act.
And I dont buy anything from a union directly so it kind of misses the point.
By the way this anti-union bend in the right is fucking bullshit and should upset people. Unions are the reason anyone gets paid overtime, unions fought hard to get workers a seat at the table and it is no coincidence that as union busting increased we've seen the wages for workers stagnate.
But if you dont care about that did you know that members of the Seafarers International Union have been helping America not only get the shit you buy on your shelves but fought to make American shipping one of the safest and cleanest shipping industries in the world? Part of what the Jones Act does is mandate that goods moving from American port to American port must be done by American flag vessels that follow our safety standards.
lank81 t1_iyktxgm wrote
I’ve seen quite a few billboards in SWPA for Trump over the last 8 years.
thegreatdimov t1_iykuaju wrote
what exactly are we not free to do unless doug is the governor? inf act what exactly is any citizen not free to do unless a republican is leading the nation?
these pathetic virtue signaling platitudes give me a headache just reading them
thegreatdimov t1_iykuix1 wrote
or ......wait for it...... MEXICANS!!!
Knurlurzhad t1_iykun4k wrote
there are fucking Bognet signs in Wayne County still up from 2018.
thegreatdimov t1_iykundz wrote
That person is a Bulk-Ordered human. Yes that is my phrase
MetaphysicalMayhem t1_iykvjmj wrote
Yep. The fact is, MAGAs are totally dependent upon us “libtards” for their living. I’ve been spending tens of thousands on home renovations, and any contractor or tradesperson who’s loudly MAGA doesn’t get my business. They can do whatever they want whenever they’re not on my job site. I look like I could be a MAGA (a middle-aged white guy with a shaved head who has a garage full of tools and flies a modestly-sized American-made US flag out front), but I get great pleasure in quietly not giving work to MAGAs who annoy me.
Hobscobblez t1_iykyi3u wrote
My hometown continues to induce deep sighs. Used to love visiting the old WAF shop as kid.
badgerbarthowlemeiux t1_iykyoip wrote
They make personalized things. You can request a ornament for anything. That should not reflect badly on the business.
friskimykitty t1_iykzk9n wrote
If you read the FB post, it sounds like they were mass produced.
MetaphysicalMayhem t1_iykzo9g wrote
As I mentioned above, I’m having renovations done on my house. The amazing thing is that every single MAGA contractor has a crew of Hispanic (they’re all “Mexican” to them) workers. They would be out of business without the “Mexicans.” Fucking hypocrites.
badgerbarthowlemeiux t1_iykzzzi wrote
Not worth canceling Wendall August over
badgerbarthowlemeiux t1_iyl0sy4 wrote
Doug is involved with the boy scouts too so you better not buy any popcorn during the fundraisers.
Lipglossandletdown t1_iylbbwg wrote
They hosted Mastriano at their business for one of his bus rallies. That definitely reflects badly on them.
bigworldsmallfeet t1_iylbjyh wrote
It's funny because he lost
Silent-Cost-7075 t1_iylcsyl wrote
All I see is an ornament some guy is selling for profit to people who might want to buy it. What's the problem?
abro79 t1_iylp034 wrote
Same here. I should have done it much sooner.
JacoDaDon t1_iylyobq wrote
This sub is actually a perfect example. Try to find a pro Mastriano or Oz post. Conversely, try to find any posts critical of Fetterman, Shapiro, or even Wolf for that matter.
Hop on over to r/news, r/politics, r/worldnews, or any sub that should have posts and comments reflective of how this country actually votes — try to find even one post critical of the left or in support of the right.
You’re not gonna find it.
JacoDaDon t1_iylysp6 wrote
I envy your ignorance because ignorance truly is bliss.
Dry_Presence7112 t1_iylzo0j wrote
OK, so union steward flossy, all you saw was the union part of my statement. Read the rest, don't assume I'm right wing or full of shit, and understand that you have no say in who gets elected. It's already decided for you. Read the card you sign when you join the teamsters and tell me again they don't throw money at Democrats. We should be pissed that they spend billions on elections, they being everyone behind the scenes, and yet we still have hungry, homeless, overly taxed citizens. That's the bullshit. It just bothers me that you are arguing unions when you should take a look at the political machine that is about to crush you.
spiderghouls t1_iym3swa wrote
Vote socialist party.
spiderghouls t1_iym45zj wrote
But if he didn't, you'd still be supporting that guy. I'm not into the liberal solution of silencing. Let them be loud and proud so we know who they are.
badgerbarthowlemeiux t1_iymec0t wrote
Would you say the same thing about a restaurant that served them lunch?
WAF is a business. It’s silly to blame them for making a product that there is some demand for.
I believe it is better to support a business in our state that allows people to make a living creating art.
dominantspecies t1_iymmuwv wrote
I wish I were just a little bit less ethical than I am. I am sure I could fleece the fuck out of the right wing morons in the commonwealth.
FairyFlossPanda t1_iymsm00 wrote
If you dont want to come across as a rightwinger, dont parrot their talking points.
itsme_toddkraines t1_iyn6q0c wrote
Exactly, we're on the same page. I'm glad he let me know who he is. I'm definitely not the kind of person who is like "Cancel him, no one should go there until he takes it down!" I mean, I think it's dumb to put your personal feelings and beliefs on your place of business....but hey, he can do whatever he wants and I'll just go somewhere else, no big deal.
spiderghouls t1_iyn7cgz wrote
Yeah why the hell would an eye doctor feel the need to throw his political beliefs out there? People are getting crazier for sure
Dry_Presence7112 t1_iynjig0 wrote
And if you don't want to come off as a dick quit spitting whenever someone rubs you the wrong way.
FairyFlossPanda t1_iynkxxn wrote
I thought they only did that when you rubbed them the right way? Have a blessed day you ignorant fuck stick
Dry_Presence7112 t1_iynl0fq wrote
bcarter3 t1_iypvz2i wrote
Think of the sticker as part of the eye exam.
"If you can read the words on this sticker, your eyesight is fine, but you'd probably be happier with a different doctor."
muricaball76 t1_iys49dl wrote
Union workers aren’t all rugged white construction working male stereotypes we see in the media. While they make a good portion of labor, you’re forgetting how many are teachers, librarians, postal workers, nurses, etc.
SmasherOfAjumma t1_iysbtym wrote
Good point.
aust_b t1_iyhm2di wrote
I see they targeted their demographic very well with the merchandise choice.