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IamSauerKraut t1_izjiv1y wrote

It's okay for garage station birch. Those who like a stronger flavor are advised to go light on the ice.


justuravgjoe762 t1_izjtoeu wrote

I refuse to pledge my allegiance until you tell me what color it comes out.


TremorChristPJ t1_izjxhwa wrote

I actually purchased a 2 liter of this at a country store in the Laurel Highlands outside of the Greensburg area. Was very curious what is tastes like...I'm guessing Root Beer?


SprungBreak99 t1_izk22l4 wrote

Serious question- if I like Sheetz AND Wawa, will I also like Rutters? Would love to get a trifecta of taste going here.


MuckRaker83 t1_izk67v2 wrote

What is rutters?

Love birch beer. It's so hard to find in western PA.


NPC3 OP t1_izk6zt9 wrote

I like that their bags are wax lined. They own up to the fact it's going to be greasy if you get a bag full of fried chicken. I've had sheetz bags rip through, I've used rutters bags as camp fire starter.


MannedFive8 t1_izk90fo wrote

They’ve got the best chocolate milk around too!


dreck_disp t1_izk9zrv wrote

How's it compare to Pennsylvania Dutch birch beer? That stuff is the gold standard for birch beer.


carrotheadginger t1_izkan54 wrote

Do you mind me asking where this Rutters is located? My guess is going to be the one on route 15 north of Gettysburg on the heidlersburg exit


cpr4life8 t1_izkbgpc wrote

If you're near Pittsburgh I would suggest you check out Grandpa Joe's candy shop. There's one in the strip district and there's also one in Mount Lebanon, but I know they have other locations as well. That's where I go for my craft soda, mainly root beer in my case. They carry a large variety and they have several different brands of Birch Beer on the shelves as well.


STRANGEANALYST t1_izkq2pr wrote

Rutters isn’t qualified to hold Wawa’s beer as it kicks Sheetz’s butt in the King of the Convenience Store wars.


irondethimpreza t1_izks3nj wrote

What is that "pure" stuff? I tried one of those flavors last week, and it tasted like barely flavored soda water.


mostlikelytrash t1_izl7wqy wrote

Ughhhh birch beer is why I can never leave PA. It’s what’s keeping me trapped. And I’m happy here in the aggressive pothole filled dungeon.


donutlad t1_izlcfkj wrote

Rutter's food (especially their fried food) is better than Sheetz imo. The big con working against them is their lack of an app to order online.

I never eat at Wawa's but from what I understand, their sandwiches probably beat out Rutters'


Razar_Bragham t1_izlhmcx wrote

I’ll do you one better, Hennings Market in Harleysville PA has a soda machine exclusively of Reading Draft sodas. Includes Root Beer, multiple Birch Beer types, Black Cherry Vanilla Cream and Orange Cream.


the_dorf t1_izllb92 wrote

You should, especially if you like milk. I like the $2.39 Cheesy Hash brown wrap and add all the veggies to make it look like a burrito. I used to love Sheetz' 6" Pepperoni hoagie for $2 many years ago. Most food workers are chill at Rutters, than the hectic-ness at Wawa or Sheetz.


gregarious119 t1_izlr1hg wrote

Dang I’m gonna have to try that Cherry limeade.


Langshire515 t1_izlsawk wrote

Rutter’s is the superior gas station, and that’s the hill I die on.


GraffitiTavern t1_izlukb0 wrote

Rutter's is like a regional South-Central PA entrant, especially in York County, can't speak to their food but they always had good in-house drinks because they also are a drink company. 78 locations in PA


dreck_disp t1_izm3v1f wrote

Nice. There's a hot dog place named Jimmy John's near me. It's been around since the '40s. They have it on tap too. Sometimes I stop by just for cup of the stuff.


babyfats t1_izm5dfk wrote

Here’s the thing. I never knew what rutters was. I grew up with sheetz in western PA. When I went to the military and got stationed in Virginia, I found out what wawa was. Not a huge fan, but I get it. Then I transferred to northern Maryland and ended up living in south central PA.

Let me tell you. Rutters is the most amazing thing. When I built my own wrap, with chicken strips, local pork belly, bacon, and anything else I could imagine. I was sold. It’s like, home cooking. Honestly that’s how I feel about it. It’s not home cooking, I get it, but it’s just different than sheetz or wawa. My favorite forever.


souldancinggypsy t1_izm6cwb wrote

Rutters is incredible.

The only gas station i will get freaking EGG ROLLS from.


BigAl-43 t1_izm8oxp wrote

Skip the birch beer and go straight for the chocolate milk


Benimus_Maximus t1_izm9orn wrote

No Frozen Run, no care. Unfortunately, it's been discontinued. 😪😪


twohoundtown t1_izmao2f wrote

Cherry fukin limeade!!! I hope they all have this cause one is opening 30 min from my house soon!


runway31 t1_izn1kgf wrote

Meh, I went to school with one of the rutters, they didn’t do their fair share of group projects- now I avoid Rutters.


DonBoy30 t1_izna8u8 wrote

Rutter's eggnog is the superior eggnog

Of the B-list PA gas stations, I put Rutters over Turkey Hill


Second-Icy t1_iznoori wrote

That’s FTW for sure. 👍


Cardboard_Waffle t1_iznqg4i wrote

Lived in York for four years, and man do I miss Rutters. The renovated ones are really nice and they usually had a decent selection of food.


just_an_ordinary_guy t1_iznx4mt wrote

Rutter's has really stepped their game up over the past 6 years while sheetz has been kinda slipping.

Also I could be biased because when I lived in York county, I'd go to Rutters a lot because we didn't have a nearby Sheetz, and longed for a closer one. Now I'm in western PA and all sheetzed out, and long for Rutters. Try the corn fritters, they're pretty good. Also, Rutters breakfast burritos are way better than sheetz. Honestly, most things at rutters are better than sheetz.


just_an_ordinary_guy t1_iznxd5u wrote

You and me both. The ice cream selection at Giant Eagle is just staple flavors, and the tea when you can find it is also just like normal and diet. I can't get orange tea unless I visit family back in york or make a trip to altoona. There's a Martin's right off of 22 where you can get turkey hill and martin's potato chips.


LadyPaige t1_izo08h7 wrote

Birch beer is good but Rutter's iced tea is so good. I prefer it to most others.


tinymonesters t1_izsjcmy wrote

I recently found that not only is big bens still around but Weis carries it. I used to get the returnable glass from a beer distributor. When that whole concept died I thought they went with it.