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cpr4life8 t1_j128eka wrote

I got tipped to this website about 6 months ago and found that Google owed me $29.xx. Had a check in a few weeks.


pace7 t1_j12e96q wrote

You should try all the states you have lived in. I found $50 dollars from California from an old security deposit. Thanks for sharing.


MILK_DUD_NIPPLES t1_j161p0q wrote

Good call. Just found some unclaimed money in Kentucky.

Edit: found 2 claims in West Virginia too 😂


blacklisted_again t1_j12ies9 wrote

Discovered my father had a small life insurance policy that my mother never claimed.


akennelley t1_j13idq4 wrote

They sent me a letter and I did the paperwork. It was a very substantial medical bill rebate that honestly was kinda life changing. People need to do this.


M2hBDf1Nhw1VB7 t1_j12e0tt wrote

What would result in me having something on this site?


BurntOrange101 t1_j12fpv5 wrote

There could be several reasons.

I had money on here a few years ago from a bank account I had when I was in college in Philadelphia. I closed the account, and I guess they attempted to mail me my remaining balance, but I had moved.

My daughter’s dad has some on there right now that are credits from Game Stop and also some refund money from a community college and a leftover paycheck from one of his old jobs.

One of my coworkers found out after I told him about the site that he had a couple thousand dollars from a relative that passed away.


im_at_work_now t1_j12gbzc wrote

Pro-rated refunds from insurance or utilities, or final interest payments on bank accounts, stuff like that. Usually caused by changing providers of various things when moving.


M2hBDf1Nhw1VB7 t1_j12guv7 wrote

Oh that’s neat. I wonder why this stuff just isn’t sent as a check in the mail.


BurntOrange101 t1_j12jx3r wrote

It is…. But not everybody leaves their forwarding address when they move, and some types of mail cannot be forwarded, so it get returned to sender.


andrewcubbie t1_j12ki2y wrote

I used to get paid from Google Adsense, I guess I had a straggler check that never made it to me, probably because I moved


drimmie t1_j12foqw wrote

I'm owed $100 from a health insurance company from over 20 years ago. Cool shit, thanks!


orangesfwr t1_j126ctl wrote

Just helped me get $34. Thank you!!


X_PRSN t1_j12zqf1 wrote

So I just found out that both of my deceased parents have unclaimed property here. Is there some way I can make a claim as an heir?


lildobe t1_j13ald7 wrote

If you are the executor of their estate, you can make the claim as such. You will need to provide proof of Executorship as well as the death certificates and a few extra forms.

My Dad has had to do this several times for my Grandmother's estate.


Itsnotvd t1_j142fzb wrote

Rules of probate will apply.

You will need death certificates and or will/trust. Usually the executor handles this. Once you submit the claim you should be given specific instructions on what to provide.


SquishySand t1_j12hb2q wrote

Thank you so much, over $100 for a dental claim!


insofarincogneato t1_j12j0wk wrote

I got 9 dollars from an uncashed check for jury duty that I threw out years ago because I didn't bother taking it to the bank 😆


Zeeinsoundfromwayout t1_j128880 wrote

How does this payment work?


BurntOrange101 t1_j12fk4g wrote

You fill out the application, they look it over, and they mail you a check…

Unless it’s a really high amount, then you have to do a lot more forms.


lildobe t1_j13atyt wrote

You should also search for your Parents' and Grandparents', by both married and maiden names.

Unclaimed money for deceased persons can be claimed by the executor of the estate, with proof of executorship and a death certificate.

And if you, yourself, are married or have changed your name for other reasons, don't forget to search by your previous name. When you file a claim in that case, you will need proof of name change documentation from the courts.


xenothaulus t1_j13cim8 wrote

Thank you for the heads-up! $40 out there I knew nothing about.


CarbonGod t1_j13nj7i wrote

Do you have to search past addresses too? Or does it search automatically even in a new address?

edit: nevermind, I just put my name in. Buncha people with my name!


starcom_magnate t1_j14iprc wrote

Does anyone know how far down "heir" goes? My Mom's Grandmother is on the list, and she is long deceased. My Mom is not the executor of the Estate, though, and the original executor is also deceased. My Mom is an only child so no one else would be a claimant at this point.

Seems like a decent sum, so what would we have to provide?


aeolus88 t1_j15r53i wrote

Thank you so much. I moved to North Carolina 6 years ago. On a whim I put in my information, $517 from a very old bank account I forgot I had with a bank that got bought out (Community Bank). Merry christmas!


AlbionReturns t1_j142cnp wrote

OP, thank you so much! Just snagged over 100 bones. You're a legend


littlebling88 t1_j1499xi wrote

Thanks for the reminder There are unclaimed accounts for my grandmother that I never saw before


deadcat6 t1_j149qjy wrote

Well goddamn, I had 8 unclaimed properties lmao.


cyvaquero t1_j14mgkt wrote

I've gotten around $1K from there over the years - warranty refunds, class action settlements, even an ancient balance from my college meal plan back in 1991.

Make sure you routinely check the unclaimed funds site for every state you've maintained a mailing address in along with the federal sites


amandakay828 t1_j151tyq wrote

Really stupid question, but if your name comes up,why does it show weird addresses? Or do people share my name? How do we figure out for sure its us and not another person of the same name?


orangevega t1_j16c8us wrote

holy fuck

comcast owes me money from over 15 years ago no joke


Lurky_Murky_Rainbow t1_j16t940 wrote

Thanks. None for me in PA, but I did find family & sent it to them. And thank you to whomever posted about checking previous states you lived, I found 3 from my SoCal days.


snoopdrucky t1_j13rw9l wrote

Any possibility that I’d owe money instead of receive?


ronreadingpa t1_j143q40 wrote

The search isn't for that. However, if you do (or did) business in PA and have unclaimed property intended for others, such as checks that employees or vendors didn't cash, then yes. However, the state generally won't know unless someone tells them, or it's revealed during an audit.


monongahellyea t1_j15e2uy wrote

I don't have a very common name... it comes up on here as being owed money, except the address isn't mine? It's halfway across the state?


JAK3CAL t1_j15pksl wrote

I’ve checked this in the past and nothing. Checked again for shits n giggles and I have a claim; but I don’t recognize the address or what it could be. How do I know there isn’t another “JAK3CAL” out there?