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BeefGriller t1_j3n7s23 wrote

Not only the location of the capital, but the shape of the state!


silvera4quattro t1_j3n9jhz wrote

TIL Jamestown, NY is same longitude as Mansfield and Williamsport. Also Erie is now so close to Michigan!


Allemaengel t1_j3na69b wrote

Delaware's gonna be mad about their arc getting ripped off.


luneTNS t1_j3nbbr7 wrote

New Jersey. The Seahorse of the United States


DanEricsson t1_j3nc7ib wrote

Imagine taking the time to get Maryland’s shape right, then just absolutely biffing it on PA and Jersey.


bluestaples t1_j3ni7f6 wrote

I mean.... that's pretty close for a cartoon


gggg500 t1_j3nji8q wrote

Looks more like where Reading is.


CharacterBrief9121 t1_j3nry76 wrote

There’s a bit more wrong about pa than Harrisburg, what happened to the whole northwest


No-Setting9690 t1_j3nwbzm wrote

Thats what you see? Not the big ass great lake beach??


Powah2018 t1_j3o43n6 wrote

They also seem to think Annapolis is in Kent County


Luvs2spooge89 t1_j3oggz6 wrote

They probably were thinking the capital of PA was Philadelphia, and not Harrisburg.


Steelplate7 t1_j3ogtu0 wrote

It is a cartoon with cartoon state borders….meh


A_Fartful_Dodger t1_j3omnsi wrote

They got the location of Harrisburg better than they got the shape of the whole state.


Treestyles t1_j3ozg02 wrote

Surprising, they nailed the shape of NJ


AtBat3 t1_j3p7web wrote

I used to frantically point this out to my parents every time this came on and they definitely didn’t care but dammit I was on it


Asmul921 t1_j3p80eo wrote

Harrisburg got off easy compared to Erie.


Radient-Astronaut779 t1_j3pd82l wrote

Most non-pennsylvanians think Philly is the capital anyways so 🤷‍♀️


Yarden_M3Z t1_j3pdqvy wrote

Dawg, they blew up everything in a 100 mile radius of Erie and Harrisburg is what your worried about?


TacoNomad t1_j3peuqd wrote

This is the second animaniacs reference I've seen on reddit today in completely unrelated subs.


Cuzzy158 t1_j3qhaaj wrote

Jesus man your life is a lie your lied to and poisoned daily by your government who is keeping you trapped in a system of slavery who the fuck cares cuz animaniacs got it wrong


Consistent-Car-285 t1_j3qox56 wrote

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Indianapolis, Indiana

And Columbus is the capital of Ohio

There's Montgomery, Alabama, south of Helena, Montana

Then there's Denver, Colorado, under Boise, Idaho

Texas has Austin, then we go north

To Massachusetts, Boston, and Albany, New York

Tallahassee, Florida, and Washington, D.C.

Santa Fe, New Mexico, and Nashville, Tennessee

Elvis used to hang out there a lot, ya know

Trenton's in New Jersey north of Jefferson, Missouri

You got Richmond in Virginia, South Dakota has Pierre

Harrisburg's in Pennsylvania and Augusta's up in Maine

And here is Providence, Rhode Island, next to Dover, Delaware

Concord, New Hampshire, just a quick jaunt

To Montpelier, which is up in Vermont

Hartford's in Connecticut, so pretty in the fall

And Kansas has Topeka, Minnesota has St. Paul

Juneau's in Alaska and there's Lincoln in Nebraska

And it's Raleigh out in North Carolina and then

There's Madison, Wisconsin and Olympia in Washington

Phoenix, Arizona, and Lansing, Michigan

Here's Honolulu, Hawaii's a joy

Jackson, Mississippi, and Springfield, Illinois

South Carolina with Columbia down the way

And Annapolis in Maryland on Chesapeake Bay

They have wonderful clam chowder

Cheyenne is in Wyomin' and perhaps you make your home in

Salt Lake City out in Utah, where the Buffalo roam

Atlanta's down in Georgia, and there's Bismarck, North Dakota

And you can live in Frankfort in your old Kentucky home

Salem in Oregon, from there we join

Little Rock in Arkansas, Iowa's got Des Moines

Sacramento, California, Oklahoma, and its city

Charleston, West Virginia, and Nevada, Carson City


Ghstfce t1_j3qresr wrote

I'm less worried about the location of the position they placed Harrisburg and more worried about the shape of Pennsylvania. No NW chimney? The east side is also two points. My county doesn't jut into NJ that much


TeeKrauty t1_j3r3vmj wrote

They got the shape of New Jersey wrong too 😂 its generally right…thats good enough


dc912 t1_j3r43ay wrote

The entire shape of Pennsylvania and other states is wrong, but you’re focusing on the fact that the star is in the wrong place?


smitty981 t1_j3rfss3 wrote

great, now the song is in my head.. must think of something else.. now Yakkos World is in my head