
tempmike t1_jcpvxng wrote

When we first moved here we were renting but had to title our car and get a state driver's license and definitely got a lot through one or both of those (I suspect its from titling the car because I seem to get the majority of the spam calls as opposed to my wife). Recently we purchased our house and I can't say I really noticed any change in the number of calls except what you'd expect with the election cycles.


tempmike t1_iyna9dr wrote


This all happened before inflation took off. They've been pulling in record profits by slashing their workforce so they don't have any redundancy to cover short notice sickdays. Its also a reason that a lot of the supply chain issues cropped up during 2020.


tempmike t1_iy20utt wrote

> My meter read is 40% higher than the second highest tenant's, and the basement meter read was pretty low.

The numbers shown on the meter aren't really a good way to tell the whole story, and even if you have the historical use its still not a clear case

But, you are right that there's no way you aren't being metered for the dryer (and whatever else is going through your breaker box)... though I wouldn't be surprised if the washer isn't going through another unit and your landlord (or a previous owner or some contractor) just figured this was an easy "solution" on how to split shared utilities. And it might actually be legal. From what I recall (IANAL, btw) things like heating and lighting of common areas has to be covered by the landlord, but I'm not sure that extends to how shared laundry facilities work.

First step is reread your lease and figure out what it says about the laundry and utility costs. You could be setting yourself up to have the laundry removed if the landlord figures thats now the easiest solution. Though maybe they're not an asshole and its an honest mistake they weren't aware of.

also: check out https://www.phillytenant.org/ they probably know the most for people giving out free advise


tempmike t1_ivz00ej wrote

I mean I get robocalls (regarding politics) from NH and I have never even lived in NH. I also get robocalls from other states I've previously lived in so I just accept it as the cost of doing business, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You could always try calling them directly and calmly informing them that you live in a different district and would appreciate it if they could update their calling list. Or, just do what I do and blanket block repeat numbers and set up filters to change how your phone rings for contacts you know and care about vs all the others.

To be clear I also get all kinds of other junk calls, i'm talking specifically about politics type calls here


tempmike t1_ivpad2j wrote

We have a gas stove, gas furnace, gas water heater, and gas dryer in our questionably insulated south philly row house and going back to 2018 we use about 8 CCF each month during the summer (last month was 9 CCF) is and a high of around 60-70 CCF during the coldest months of the year (granted we're accustomed to keeping our heat turned lower and havent turned it on yet for the winter and have our water heater set to the recommended "safe" temperature so our showers tend to be a bit tepid)

If it were me, I'd definitely be looking into this. But without knowing more about your apartment its hard to say what could be going on. I'd ask your neighbors to compare their monthly usage to see if its just normal for your building.


tempmike t1_is5ct1m wrote

According to that article they don't

> I am here to tell you: The emperor is naked! Don't make a fool of yourself, as I regularly do. After years of trying to see the luminescent gills I have reached the obvious conclusion: mushroom authors are out to make me feel like an idiot. And don't bother sending an e-mail to tell me you have seen the Jack O'Lantern's glowing gills, or to send a photo of the phenomenon, because I will know you are part of the conspiracy, and that the photo was produced by the same people who made the photos of the Loch Ness Monster.