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realhighstonerguy t1_j4qjwbn wrote

Dems: pushes healthcare for all citizens, infrastructure, environment protections, cannabis legalization, affordable education, funding public education.

Reps: Addresses the real issues: drag queens and trans people



Cinemaslap1 t1_j4qlkyu wrote

Don't forget that Republicans reversed Roe v Wade as well...

But BoTh sIdEs SuCk!


realhighstonerguy t1_j4qlvkd wrote

Also don't forget the recent Republican candidate for governor was a traitor to our State and Country...


Cinemaslap1 t1_j4qndgr wrote

Which one? You mean the one who hired hitmen to shoot democratic government officials?

Or the ones that held the House hostage for over 14 votes until they succumbed to blackmail/backroom bullshit?

You're going to have to be a bit more specific.


realhighstonerguy t1_j4qnpc7 wrote

I'm referring to good ol Doug Mastriano, who pushed to disregard the vote of Pennsylvanians in the 2020 election, pushed blatant election lies and was present January 6


Cinemaslap1 t1_j4qo9q4 wrote

Oh, yeah... I was going to mention that. But the more recent stories, like the New Mexican candidate who was just arrested for hiring a hitman to shoot democrats in New Mexico.

But you know... "Both sides"...

Give me a break. Fucking Republicans... How can you tolerate your own hypocrisy?! Seriously.