
realhighstonerguy t1_j6p8278 wrote

These folk are completely incapable of accepting the fact that LGBT kids exist. They believe it's a choice, that kids are "turned" into it. Despite the fact that even straight people do not choose their attraction, they refuse to accept this for people who aren't straight.

These folk are dangerous right wing extremist who live in a completed twisted, delusional reality from our own. We need to start pushing back on these folk at every opportunity.


realhighstonerguy t1_ivbfp13 wrote

How is anything being imposed on you? Gay and trans people exist and deserve to exist. Deal with it. That isnt imposing shit on you that is reality. You can think and South whatever hate filled nonsense you want, people are free to be intolerant to your intolerance. Meanwhile the right wants to impose Nationalist Christian bullshit.


realhighstonerguy t1_it4z12n wrote

I hate traitors who pushed fake electors in an attempt to not only disregard the vote of Pennsylvanians, but those from 6 other states. Mastriano is literally on video, in his attempt to push "alternate electors" listed the very states that fake electors had be set up who sent fake electoral votes that were not legal and in no way, shape or form legitimate, just like the electors themselves.Denying this changes nothing. Mastriano is a traitor. Denying this changes nothing. Your feelings do not dictate reality. If you actually give a fuck about our great state, country and constitution you will not ignore this.


realhighstonerguy t1_iqyg34u wrote

I mean you're not speaking the truth. Mastriano is a traitor who pushed to disregard the vote of the people in favor of the fake electors set up in 7 states Trump lost. Doug is literally on video pushing for the "alternate electors" and even lists the very states that the Trump team set up the fake electors in.