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beerspeaks t1_je6uk6t wrote

It needs to be quite a bit cheaper to warrant flying out of Boston.

Airport parking in Boston is essentially twice as expensive as TF Green, plus the added time and frustration of going to an airport that is over an hour away versus one that is 10 minutes away.


degggendorf t1_je7adi9 wrote

>Airport parking in Boston is essentially twice as expensive as TF Green

Not to mention that Greene could be $0 in parking and $2 in bus fare or $20 in uber


NoellaChel t1_je854vp wrote

My last Cali flight was 1/3 od the cost from boston than was out of Green


karnim t1_je9uy0u wrote

If you park at the Logan Express it's $7/day, plus the $9 bus ticket each way.


beerspeaks t1_je9zda3 wrote

Parking off site and taking a bus ride that could be in excess of 30 minutes to the airport is not the endorsement that you think it is.


karnim t1_jea21jb wrote

When the actual plane ticket is half the price and doesn't have connections, it is.