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retsuko_h4x t1_jc3dtyc wrote

Nah, they're not ridiculous. When I lived in Portland, OR the stores would run out of kale before a storm, no joke. That's ridiculous. Then, when the storm would happen people would just abandon their vehicles in the middle of roads, highways, etc. You'd drive around and it was just a graveyard of abandoned vehicles. That's also ridiculous. And we're not even talking snow like we get over here.

Funny, just went to look it up and see if I could find any pictures, seems they recently abandoned a bunch more vehicles again:


RedditSkippy t1_jc3kdlk wrote

Same thing happened in Brooklyn a few years ago. Whole Foods was wiped out of kale. KALE! Nobody had an explanation.


GlotzbachsToast t1_jc42d3i wrote

Just a hypothesis, but maybe because stormy weather makes people want to cook soup? Seriously! Lots of soups have kale in them!

That’s like when the weather started getting cooler this fall I went to try and get large shells for stuffed shells and they were sold out EVERYWHERE