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jennafoo33 OP t1_iqxvic2 wrote

Reply to comment by wyldweasil in Brewery Tin Tackers? by jennafoo33

that's a great suggestion I'll follow up with the brewery for info!


masshole_mom t1_iqy1vp2 wrote

If they don't have it at the brewery, I know for a fact that Frog and Toad sells one.


jennafoo33 OP t1_iqy8jaw wrote

What’s frog and toad? I can look there


masshole_mom t1_iqy8qlc wrote

It's a store in Providence that has all sorts of fun stuff. I've definitely seen a Narragansett beer sign at their Hope St. location before. They have an online store too!


jennafoo33 OP t1_iqy92l9 wrote

Fun, I will have to stop there while I’m in town! I’ll be in providence.


Guyincognito4269 t1_iqyjogq wrote

They're off of Hope St. Welcome to Providence! Make sure you hit Federal Hill if you like Italian food.