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Proof-Variation7005 t1_iwcc465 wrote

>“That is not grounds for termination. It’s of concern, of course,” Manni said.

This is a terrible explanation for why a cop who's been known to be not truthful is still on the job.
I'm not sure I believe the word of one shitty fired cop with an axe to grind but that just strikes me as nuts.


RedditSkippy t1_iwcig2c wrote

I saw the ProJo alert this morning. On one hand, what else is new? On the other, is this guy legit? He’s getting fired and suddenly alleges a cover-up? I don’t know what to think.


kyden t1_iwcircu wrote

Cops lie? Tell us something we didn’t know.


FoleyisGood t1_iwcisdv wrote

No surprise here. Nothing will come of it


420foreverandalways t1_iwcl5m6 wrote

>In a separate audio clip, Manni acknowledged that Philbin had been Giglio’d – a term used to describe a law enforcement officer who has been found to be less than truthful in a sworn document, such as an affidavit to secure a warrant.

Obviously perjury isn't as bad as murder, but this stuck out to me. When cops do perjury, they call it something else and the only real consequence is the prosecution needs to mention it if they use the cop's testimony.


WikiSummarizerBot t1_iwcl7g1 wrote

Giglio v. United States

>Giglio v. United States, 405 U.S. 150 (1972), is a United States Supreme Court case in which the Court held that the prosecution's failure to inform the jury that a witness had been promised not to be prosecuted in exchange for his testimony was a failure to fulfill the duty to present all material evidence to the jury, and constituted a violation of due process, requiring a new trial. This is the case even if the failure to disclose was a matter of negligence and not intent. The case extended the Court's holding in Brady v.

^([ )^(F.A.Q)^( | )^(Opt Out)^( | )^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)^( | )^(GitHub)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


GoxBoxSocks t1_iwcnpb5 wrote

This is what the modern usage of ACAB is trying to point a finger at. This union has a history of cover up and firing/demoting of whistleblowers to serve it's own self interests. And thus there's no such thing as a "good cop" because they rid them from duty when they stand up to bad cop behavior. It's a racket.

Is this guy legit? It remains to be seen but this is a familiar cycle.

Oakland chief wrongly fire for whistle blowing

State police whistleblower fired for speaking out about Ronald Greene beating

Fired Texas Cop Gets New Try at Whistleblower, Retaliation Suit

Behind the Blue Wall of Silence

*edit for format


Proof-Variation7005 t1_iwcpgif wrote

It's possible that investigation was on the level. An alibi of "dude was working and nowhere near that bar all night" should be enough.

But it's really hard to have confidence that's the case because law enforcement have abused the public trust for way too fucking long.


sporkemon t1_iwctwja wrote

> The tavern was closed when an East Greenwich officer went to inquire whether it had a video camera, the police report said, without further elaboration.

I guess the investigation went like this

trooper: hello, may I have one security camera footage please

tavern: we're closed

trooper: understandable, have a good day


Proof-Variation7005 t1_iwcxrya wrote

That part doesn't really strike me as odd. A suburban dumpy old dive bar not having security cameras in 2012 would have been pretty normal and unsurprising, as would a local suburban cop doing a piss-poor job of clearly writing that on a report. Hell, I know of a LOT of places in Providence that didn't even have cameras 10 years ago.

Plus, at the time, there's no real reason to suspect anyone specific, much less a state trooper.


jdutra t1_iwd2279 wrote

What?? In the RI state police??? /s


timmyc02 t1_iwd84if wrote

Corruption? In Rhode Island? Not possible


aly-moon t1_iwd9zlx wrote

Corruption? Here? In another government agency?? I'm shocked i tell you!


Easywind42 t1_iwdi4lr wrote

It’s always the people you most expect.


NichS144 t1_iwe0ir9 wrote

"What you're firing me for punching a suspect in custody? Philbin straight up punched a guy and killed him and no one cared." - Donnelly-Taylor probably


jbeauc20 t1_iwe2777 wrote

No way? I’m completely surprised, this has never happened before anywhere ever.. oh wait..


sarah_t420 t1_iwe5087 wrote

Honestly as much as i hate to say it as a rhode islander i completely can believe this we are like the number one state for organized crime


Mrsericmatthews t1_iwen3sd wrote

Cops should be regulated like nurses. Take required courses. Take a licensing exam. Required CEUs. A code of ethics. Then you can lose your license. I don't get why people w/so much power require so little to be in their positions. Then get SO MUCH protection.


Darisixnine t1_iwgph0i wrote

Corruption? In the most hardcore state police agency? No way