
420foreverandalways t1_jacl6rn wrote

Did he hurt you? You seem to have a grudge. Or more likely, you just saw some people you didn't like the look of, and had fun building characters to hate in your head.

I never went, but I know some queers who liked it. As far as helping the cause, co-ops are a form of business ownership that mitigates the harms of capitalism, since it places ownership/control with the workers. Richard Wolf is probably the most vocal proponent of co-ops, so look him up if you want more info. (I'm not really here to debate economics, but you asked)


420foreverandalways t1_ixeca0f wrote

This is drivers ed stuff. If someone is in the breakdown lane, slow down. Light traffic in the passing lane? Yeah, you should still go like 5-15mph slower than what you were doing before. IMO 65-70mph would be ok in that situation. If you're going 90 in that situation, you're an asshole. It's just a common courtesy to another human in a dangerous position.


420foreverandalways t1_ixea5px wrote

Actually, they're slowing down because that's the law and they don't want to kill a poor soul changing a tire. If you're not slowing down a little for someone in the breakdown lane, you're a moron or a sociopath.


So for future reference: Slow down. If you're in the lane closest to the disabled vehicle, try to move to the next lane. If you can't because of traffic, that's fine. Just make sure you're going slow relative to the normal speed. If you're in lanes that aren't adjacent to the breakdown, you should still slow down to allow for lane changes or swerves.


420foreverandalways t1_iwcl5m6 wrote

>In a separate audio clip, Manni acknowledged that Philbin had been Giglio’d – a term used to describe a law enforcement officer who has been found to be less than truthful in a sworn document, such as an affidavit to secure a warrant.

Obviously perjury isn't as bad as murder, but this stuck out to me. When cops do perjury, they call it something else and the only real consequence is the prosecution needs to mention it if they use the cop's testimony. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giglio_v._United_States


420foreverandalways t1_ivqhyzi wrote

>some politician's brother in law needed work, and they passed a bill to add "landscaping" to the sides of 95.

Actually, 20 years ago, they decided to widen that part of I-95. But they couldn't take any more land in cranston, so they made the hill steeper/added retaining walls.

As usual, the problem is car infrastructure.


420foreverandalways t1_iuoygrk wrote

You can see a map from 1939 here: https://ridemgis.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=a2960d1a022e4dccaab14aa4a58f5d45


If a railroad isn't where a highway currently is, then you can be sure a disenfranchised neighborhood (usually Black) was demolished to make room for the highway. This pdf has some descriptions of a neighborhood destroyed during urban renewal. http://www.upparts.org/uploads/4/5/8/2/45820603/01-a_brief_history_of_urban_renewal_and_displacement_in_the_former_west_elmwood_neighborhood.pdf


So, you can clearly see 195 more or less follows an arterial that was already there, (plus some collatoral damage to what I think was Cape Verdean at the time). I-95 follows the rail at some points. Then you can be sure those neighborhoods it cuts through are Black or Chinese or Narragansett, etc.)