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JackpotJooser t1_iznxswd wrote

I very seriously doubt that there is an over-population issue in Idaho lol


Jmac3366 t1_iznyyb4 wrote

They have the same issue as Montana where rich ppl from California etc moved there for second homes during Covid


debasing_the_coinage t1_izobxco wrote

Population density:

Rhode Island: 1006/mi^2

Idaho: 21/mi^2


Jmac3366 t1_izsd364 wrote

Issue is the economy there is much more dependent on agriculture and other things that require large areas of land


harris023 t1_izogmo8 wrote

Moved from idaho to RI about a year ago now… there is definitely a huge influx of people moving in state, mainly from California and Washington


HotConcrete t1_izo9gmt wrote

Also, unless they’re a native their family emigrated there in the past 150 years and probably more recently than that.


BrandonC41 t1_iznxwgv wrote

I’ve been west of 295 and it doesn’t look full yet


uwuwotsdps42069 t1_izoo771 wrote

You hush your goddamn mouth. We got a good thing going over here.


412gage t1_izo863i wrote

Everybody has the same sentiment in near every state with some tourist attractions.


NatKingColeman t1_izpy6vn wrote

Next you're going to tell me that every state thinks they have the worst drivers ever and it's not unique to rhode island.


Demitrius t1_iznxs1m wrote

Pretty sure Idaho is the least populated state in the union

EDIT: I was off by alot. Idaho isn't even in the top 10 of least populated but RI is.


cheymerm t1_izo2x7c wrote

It’s actually Wyoming. But Idaho is close lol.


Demitrius t1_izo3kg4 wrote

I was actually off by quite a bit. Idaho isn't even in the top 10 least populated states.

Even we have less of a population than Idaho.


BadNurseJoy t1_izo4jzb wrote

Of course we do but total population isn’t the stat to look at here. It’s population density. Idaho is the 7th least densely populated. Rhode Island is second most only to New Jersey


cheymerm t1_izo455t wrote

I’m from Idaho. Idaho is getting more populated with its “transplants” but most of those transplants are extremists. Idaho has a high volume of those in the northern region. Hell ammon Bundy ran for governor and got quite of bit of votes even though he’s a felon. 😅


nonosejoe t1_izo4jyl wrote

The statistic relevant to this conversation is population density. Which RI is 2nd only to New Jersey. And Idaho at 44th.


MiIkTank t1_izoz98k wrote

Total population isn’t relevant at all


somegridplayer t1_izo3slz wrote

There's a whole fucking lot of nothing in Idaho.


cheymerm t1_izo4l5h wrote

Whoa. There’s a lot of extremists in Idaho. And potatoes. And a massive fentanyl crisis. (From Idaho)


HoldenMadic t1_izoe8gm wrote

You don’t wanna be like Idaho. I promise you. That place is basically the Texas of the Northwest


barsoapguy t1_izpl2uq wrote

Everything I’ve read says it was great BEFORE the population boom, now it’s just traffic traffic traffic.


HoldenMadic t1_izpne14 wrote

Ehhh, highly depends on whether you consider what is essentially a state-ran theocracy to be great. It’s a beautiful state, probably the most beautiful in the lower 48. But it’s also a regressive backwater hellhole


barsoapguy t1_izpo11j wrote

I mean in the before times it was sparsely populated , there probably weren’t enough people for folks to get on each other nerves or get into each other’s business.


[deleted] t1_izo5m9o wrote

Nothing light hearted about racists.


Unique-Public-8594 t1_iznxm6r wrote

Not for expletives on car stickers/magnets. We got young kids out on the roads too. So, just no. Cringe.


PurinaHall0fFame t1_izoibmq wrote

Expletives only have the power which we give them. Wouldn't it be better that the children are exposed to them, and taught that they're not really words for polite company? Then you can teach them that they shouldn't be using them (as they're children) and that there are better ways to express themselves. Hiding things from children really isn't the way to go.


Unique-Public-8594 t1_izona0n wrote

I discussed expletives with my kids. Explained the meaning of each one.

Would still prefer this kind of thing (and giant expletive flags) not publicly displayed.


yerfatma t1_izpbixi wrote

We’ve been over all these words with our nine year old. It’s not the words that bother us, it’s having to explain why some asshole has that fucking sticker on their shitbox.


SpiritualPapii t1_izpgsrr wrote

The fuck is in Idaho except potatoes


cheymerm t1_izqbzw8 wrote

Extremists, Mormons and fentanyl


andylion t1_izqopo3 wrote

This guy Idahos.


cheymerm t1_izqyrur wrote

100% been living here for most of my life. 😑


andylion t1_izqzyje wrote

Idaho, or RI?


cheymerm t1_izr04kn wrote



andylion t1_izr0s0h wrote

My condolences. What brings you to the Rhode Island sub?


cheymerm t1_izr0we4 wrote

I’ve had a couple interviews for jobs in the hospitality industry. And I’m starting my bachelors program at Johnson and wales university next year.


andylion t1_izr1atl wrote

Congrats! JWU is a good school. Providence has a great food scene thanks (in part) to their grads.


cheymerm t1_izr1twd wrote

Thank you. Appreciate it. I’d love to move to New England. Heard good things.


TadpoleMajor t1_izo47ii wrote

Full for New Yorkers to be honest with you. Full for assholes going for second and third homes.


administrativenothin t1_izpace0 wrote

This right here. All of those assholes from NY and NJ who decided moving here during COVID was a good idea. Made it so damn hard for those of us who have lived here all of our lives to buy houses.


_CaesarAugustus_ t1_izovfcc wrote

Nah, plenty of attics and basements to convert into $1700 per month apartments in Woonsocket/CF/Prov/Pawtucket.


andylion t1_izp6pi2 wrote

Having lived in Idaho I can honestly say that RI should go out of it's way to be as little like Idaho as possible. I've literally spent the last three years incredibly grateful to be living here and not there. Having said that, if Providence/Rhode Island could have parks like Boise I'd be ecstatic...but honestly it's not worth all the other stuff that comes with it.


TheSausageFattener t1_izpuzg7 wrote

RI has lots of nice parks and open spaces, its just very difficult to access them from downtown unless you own a car. The best options are all of the parks accessible by the off-street bike paths, but Roger Williams is really the pinnacle. The issue is that the larger open spaces (not like India Point or RW) like Snake Den and Lincoln Woods are mostly accessible by car.

I think its a matter of needing more thoughtful state planning. Boston was planned out over centuries to have the Emerald Necklace, which is more like Roger Williams Park, but then filled in with smaller neighborhood parks and the conversion of a planned highway into the Southwest Corridor. This is in some ways like Providence, but a major difference is that you can use transit to get to much larger open spaces like Arnold Arboreteum and Franklin Park. If you're patient you can even use the commuter train to get further out to somewhere like Wachusett. It's not perfect, because the Blue Hills basically needs a car and the river is more disconnected than Providence, but it's convenient.


andylion t1_izqywzj wrote

I appreciate your response, but it's difficult to really articulate just how impressive the parks in Boise really are. It's not just about the number of parks, but their size and quality as well. Similar to Boston's Emerald Necklace, Boise has a string of parks along the Boise River. The difference is that these parks are connected by a series of bike paths, called the Green Belt, which also follow the river. On the Green Belt it's possible to go from the eastern edge of the city all the way to the neighboring communities to the west (about 25 miles total). For comparison, the East Bay Bike Path (which is probably the closest thing the state has to the Green Belt) is about 14 miles. However, while the EBBP mostly travels through suburban communities, the Green Belt travels through the most densely populated parts of the city including Boise State campus and downtown. Imagine being able to bike from Pawtucket to Garden City on dedicated bike paths without having to cross a single street, and having the path take you through Brown campus and downtown Providence. It's an incredible piece of infrastructure.

However, that's only the half of it. Starting with Julia Davis Park (Boise's version of Rodger Williams Park), Boise has had this tradition of wealthy local men building parks in honor of their wives and daughters...and in true rich white guy fashion each new park seeks to out do the ones that came before it. The newest park, Esther Simplot, has a swimming pond (which is actively filtered and treated) and two white water chutes. But even the older parks see lots of investment from the city new amenities are added regularly, and the grounds are generally in excellent condition. Imagine a Washington DC level of investment with a fraction of the population...that's maybe a bit hyperbolic, but they really are amazing parks.

Obviously Boise has some significant advantages. The city itself is a little over 150 years old, and as a result it doesn't have the density that Boston or Providence have. For much of its history the Boise River was a dumping ground, so there's lots of unused space for building big fancy parks. The city has also seen a tremendous amount of growth over the past 30+ years (which is a big reason why the "we're full" stickers are so popular). However, like it or not, all that growth has resulted in a lot of money for maintaining the parks and the Green Belt that connects them. At the same time, Boise is still a relatively small, young, and predominantly white city that doesn't have to deal with crumbling infrastructure, intergenerational poverty, crime, and institutional debt the way that Providence and Boston do. Simply put, Boise is an adolescent city with space and resources to spare. In time Boise will have to deal with the same "grown up" city issues as Providence and Boston and I suspect the parks will lose some of their luster (and in some ways this is already happening).

However, even with all of that I would still rather be here than there because at the end of the day Boise is in Idaho which means living in a state where Ammon Bundy received over 101k votes for Governor (just 20k less than the Dem candidate), and the sitting Governor had to stop telling anyone when he left the state because the Lieutenant Governor kept doing crazy shit like banning all mask requirements everywhere (including operating rooms).

That being said, I would love it if RI could have a "Blue Belt" where bike infrastructure (like the East Bay Bike Path) connects with public spaces in an intentional and well maintained way. With climate models showing an increased risk to coastal property and infrastructure there has been a movement among urban planners to see at-risk property turned into public space. It allows people to still enjoy the space while minimizing property damage due to storms and rising water. I'm doubtful that RI's leadership could ever be that forward thinking, but it's a nice dream anyway.


Room07 t1_izpnllz wrote

Vermont checking in


mydrivec t1_izqw2mq wrote

True story today...driving 95 North by Roger Williams.

My wife: "Wow, look at all the beautiful lights at the zoo"

Me: "we should go before Christmas"

My wife: "wait, look at the line of cars in the parking lot"

Me: "fuck that, people ruin all the good stuff"

My wife: "guess we aren't going"


gaulileo t1_izoqqyi wrote

RI isnt that full. Compared to the midwest sure, but the problem with RI is its roads are too small and winding roads to get anywhere other than Providence.


[deleted] t1_izqdbf6 wrote



andylion t1_izqztvp wrote

Except that's not what is happening. Look up the American Redoubt. Lots of wing-nut conservatives moving to Idaho to build bunkers for when the black UN helicopters arrive.

Idaho's population has grown so much over the past 30 years that most of the people with those stickers moved to Idaho themselves. It's a classic case of "fuck you I've got mine".


[deleted] t1_izr06bw wrote



andylion t1_izr0qnr wrote

That's just it though, so many of the people in Idaho who have the "fuck off we're full" stickers aren't locals. They moved there from California ten years ago and are bitching about how all the Californians are ruining Idaho. It's honestly really sad. My father-in-law's family moved to Boise in the 70s from Southern California, and the city ended up being turned into a little piece of southern California (with an In-And-Out and everything).


Yogurtsamples t1_iznyqvm wrote

Providence county is full.


Beezlegrunk t1_izsm3l9 wrote

Downvoted by all the people who reflexively use RI’s population density as their go-to excuse for anything and everything …