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Bagabundoman t1_izskdfn wrote

I suddenly feel a strong urge to get the bread and milk


_hanShan_ t1_izsw25f wrote

I got the flu right now so hopefully the snow melts before I’m better. If not I’ll be dealing with an ice sheet.


gremlinbreeder t1_izt0r8z wrote

So it's going to be nothing or a foot of snow is what your saying....


winter-14 t1_izt6spa wrote

Has Salty Brine called school in Foster-Glocester?


FriedCommuterRail t1_izt9ox9 wrote

0” gang.. pain☹️ im a winter enjoyer because bad sensory ick during the summer edit: 💀 bro im autistic and enjoy not sweating my ass off , thanks


bunnybates t1_iztso4i wrote

.......Do I have any rock salt left over from last year....???🤔🤔


Captain-Cannoli t1_izui6cv wrote

Just took the puppy out and he made it clear that he has missed this!


mirthilous t1_izujnot wrote

Went out to get a Christmas tree, it started snowing as soon as we got there.


JasonDJ t1_izusqvx wrote

I honestly think previous generations were just as lactose intolerant but just in denial. People would get gassy/bloated/runs from too much dairy for the longest time but it’s just been suck-it-up-buttercup instead of thinking that maybe they shouldn’t be eating so much cheese.


Mechac69 t1_izv757h wrote

Where can I find this for other states?


McGraw691 t1_izveeio wrote

I miss snow. When I was a kid we had snow every single Halloween now it doesn't even snow on Christmas anymore.