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akiva95 t1_j0v2uej wrote

Imagine caring so little about white supremacists targeting an ethnic minority that you type a paragraph ranting about Jews and how you'll never support them despite what white supremacists do to Jews.


Beebeeleen t1_j0vcito wrote

Impact4 is withholding support for ALL religions for very valid reasons.

You are blatantly misrepresenting the post since the poster is condemning Nazis.


akiva95 t1_j0wsadu wrote

Sorry, but saying you'll never show solidarity with Jews no matter what kind of persecution we receive is just a shitty thing to say. They said that, plain and simple, and we're being targeted. It isn't "valid" to go screech about Israel when American Jews are being discussed. If I started screeching about a Muslim country and saying I'll never support Muslims when American Muslims ask for support, that'd be just wrong of me.

>You are blatantly misrepresenting the post since the poster is condemning Nazis.

They condemned them for their white supremacy, and I doubt this person is educated enough to understand that white supremacists target and murder Jews. In context of what they said, "I'll never show support for Jews", I have no reason to believe that they were condemning Nazis for their antisemitism. Context matters.


Beebeeleen t1_j0x3zh1 wrote

The moderator removed the other poster’s comment, which complicates much of our exchange. I’ll try to address your points below.

I agree that context matters. The poster did state they will not support ANY religion. They described some of the negative consequences of a few well-known religions, which were global examples that included Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. The big three so to speak. Your reply amounts to limiting the discussion to the US. There is no good reason to only consider this country while listing why someone does not support religion.

Now, what complicates any discussion about this topic is ambiguity. I will assume you understand the term Jew can apply to a member of the Jewish faith and/or an ethnic Jew (who might be secular and/or atheist or of another faith such as Buddhism).

I can only speak for myself here. I condemn all acts of discrimination. I condemn the recent propaganda against Jews (religious and secular).

Your second paragraph comes off as a personal attack more than anything. Do you know that person? I don’t. I didn’t find the post evidence of an uneducated person. But, I admit I only read one or two posts. Did you read more? I wonder on what grounds you make your claim.