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[deleted] t1_ja1l6b9 wrote

I don’t know that this would be bittersweet. That would just straight up suck.


allangee t1_ja1nwmz wrote

The fact that they IMMEDIATELY won a championship after booting you makes it sound like the correct decision.


Important-Key7413 t1_ja1pqbm wrote

Bittersweet would be the new team he is on, wins a championship. Bitter being cut, sweet wins championship.


Dumguy1214 t1_ja1pwa4 wrote

there was Icelandic football player that had the choice to play with Icelandic team or American one. he choose America thinking they would get to the FIFA finals

turns out America didnt make it and Iceland did, Iceland beat England in the 16 finals I think

2-1 if I remember correctly


IrisTheTranny t1_ja2fq78 wrote

I'm sure for some people who are very passionate about their team this could be bittersweet, but I know if I was in that position it'd be about as sweet as rattlesnake bile and twice as bitter.


jonnythefoxx t1_ja2k4m2 wrote

You do remember correctly, this was the only time I ever gambled on sports. I live in Scotland and had two English colleagues pontificating about how it was good that they were going to play Iceland in the next round and that it should be an easy game, I piped up and told them I wouldn't be so sure as Iceland were on blazing form. After a full day of ridicule I went home, opened a betting account and stuck a tenner on Iceland at 10-1. I have never let them forget it.


MyFace_UrAss_LetsGo t1_ja2lw8x wrote

Or if a college athlete chooses to transfer to another school and it happens. That happened to John Rhys Plumlee last year after transferring from Ole Miss to UCF. Ole Miss won the College World Series last year.


Downtown_Skill t1_ja2qrd4 wrote

Exactly that's why it's bittersweet. It's in the same vein as being eliminated from a tournament by losing to the future champion.

Edit: Haha just genuinely confused as to why I'm being downvoted. When you lose to a team that turns out to be the best it's slightly less hurtful because it at least feels slightly valid. If you lose to a team that gets blown out in their next game the loss might hurt a little more.

Like would you feel worse about being cut from a bad team or worse if you were cut from a team that turned out to be very good and didn't need you after all.


Kjata2 t1_ja2r4xv wrote

Bittersweet my ass. You think Jared Goff is anything but pissed that the rams won the super bowl?


Tink_Tinkler t1_ja2wk9i wrote

You do not understand what bittersweet means. Stop thinking so hard in the shower or you might fall and hit your head.


ryancementhead t1_ja310za wrote

How about the city who loses a team and it wins the next year? Quebec Nordiques we’re sold in 95 and relocated to Colorado as the Avalanche and won the Stanley cup in 96.


transfire t1_ja39hnm wrote

Actually happened to me once. I always figured part of the reason they won was because I was cut. I’m a really bad basketball player. They gave me a trophy anyhow though. LOL! Thanks Coach!


thethePete t1_ja3cx0o wrote

You keep using that word; I don't think it means what you think it means.


Perfect-Season6116 t1_ja3eds2 wrote

In the United States, an American football player named Tyreek Hill voluntarily left the Kansas City Chiefs for the Miami Dolphins for more money this season. The Chiefs went on to win the Superbowl this year.

Similar story.


Rapture1119 t1_ja3fild wrote

Nah, see, the example you gave us gives ya the feeling of “well hey, if I lost, at least I know it was to the best of the best. Maybe I was second best. That’s still pretty good.”

The example here gives the feeling of “damn, I’m why they didn’t get the championship sooner.”


Downtown_Skill t1_ja3g8gd wrote

Ahhhhh I see, makes more sense to me now. Not exactly bittersweet then. I assumed cut meant you were never on the team to begin with not removed from the team so now I understand haha.

Edit: I was thinking cut the way you're cut from the team if you didn't make it after tryouts.


Rapture1119 t1_ja3gm0w wrote

Yeah, to get cut means you got booted from a team you were already on. I see your confusion though, because if the wording was “you didn’t make the cut” rather than “you were cut” then yeah, that’d probably mean you didn’t get picked in try outs.


Downtown_Skill t1_ja3h5d6 wrote

We used it interchangeably when I was growing up. If you didn't make the team you were cut, but yeah this obviously isn't referring to amateur kids sports so I should've at least made that connection haha.


Strawberrycocoa t1_ja3hwly wrote

I've sort of been in this position (except lower stakes because just video game bullshit, nothing competitive) and can confirm it does suck. XD

TLDR is I removed myself from a raid group because it was glaringly obvious that I was the weak link and they were too nice to say it, and they progressed to the next boss in the series the very next week afterwards. So, like... yeah. When it's obvious, it's obvious.


DolphKearneyJimbo t1_ja3jure wrote

As a former Massachusetts resident I remember how great Nomar Garciaparra was to to the Red Sox and how beloved he was to fans. Due to contract issues and injuries he was traded to the Cubs on the 2004 trade deadline. The Red Sox would go on to win their first World Series in 86 years that year.


HivAidsSTD t1_ja3k7zp wrote

Why would it be bittersweet. That would just be terrible, unless you're a saint


Samih420 t1_ja3na1v wrote

He means that you know it's for the best that you were cut, so it's like, at least I'm helping the team by leaving. But at the same time, you are still a little bit salty that they won right after you left.


Up_words t1_ja3og0a wrote

I don't think you understand what the word "bittersweet" means.


eggtada t1_ja3q4mb wrote

reminds me of Pete Best, the original drummer for the Beatles….man i would’ve been so sick of them if i was him


Pandaemonae0n t1_ja3rih2 wrote

Larry Brown lampshaded this in 2004 by namedropping the players the Pistons traded that season.


Emperors-Peace t1_ja3ryqd wrote

200+ upvotes for someone who doesn't know the difference between bitter and bittersweet.


Xerostodes t1_ja3tqrv wrote

This scenario basically happened to Tyson Jost in the NHL last year, the difference being he was traded rather than cut. He’s on record confirming exactly this, he was happy for his old teammates but he bounced off of social for a while because it was actually making him sick.

Honestly feel bad for him, he was popular among fans and I know some of us wanted to see the team add his name on the Cup too.

ETA the quote - from an article by The Athletic so avoiding the paywall:

“Mentally, I was already dealing with some stuff and then you see that,” Jost, 24, said, staring at the wall in front of him. “I mean, I guess you could kind of imagine how it is. You dream of winning the Cup and then you see your best friends doing that. It was just … a lot of tears. Just sucked. I’m sure in the long run it’s going to make me a better person and player, and you just got to deal with that stuff. It’s part of the business. I know I’m not the only one this has happened to (in NHL history), but it definitely did suck.”


ghostwhowalksdogs t1_ja40t91 wrote

Just imagine if the team cuts a player and then they go on win a championship against you in the finals. The whole team, coaches, and the entire organization would spend a very long season thinking about that.


Schmancer t1_ja43328 wrote

This is not “bittersweet”, this is “a double whammy”. You lost your job and the people who fired you then achieve instant greatness? That’s hi-lighting you as the problem that was solved. You have no job and no championship and you’re likely looking for a new career.

Replace “bittersweet” in your title with “holistically disheartening” and you nailed it.


MofugginFish t1_ja45uqn wrote

I guess it would depend on your relation to your (ex-)teammates and how happy it would make you to see (one or more of) them win a championship in general. Definitely more on the bitter side still though


per54 t1_ja45usm wrote

What’s bittersweet is if you’re cut, and the new team that takes you wins


dewayneestes t1_ja49ivc wrote

I think a similar feeling is when you’re laid off or fired from a job at a company that then goes on to be more successful without you.

I’ve actually worked for small companies that thought they’d be better off without me and then they go into a death spiral when I’m gone.

But I’ve also had the opposite happen . :-/


Everythingsamap t1_ja4lw0g wrote

It would depend on the athlete for sure. A team player who values their teammates would definitely feel this as bittersweet, since they want the win for the team and not just themselves.

Looking at a lot of other comments it seems this concept is foreign to a lot of redditors (cheering for the success of others, even at your own expense)


Reefer-eyed_Beans t1_ja4mw4m wrote

Neither one of those is "bittersweet" tbh. The second one seems to have a silver lining because you could rationalize that you were potentially second best (though bracket-style elimination doesn't really determine who's best in the first place; the whole thing's very flawed).

"Bittersweet" involves an actual upside that wouldn't be realized otherwise. I.e. The loser being able to go home to his sister's wedding. "Whelp, maybe we're 2nd?" is not bittersweet it's just an optimistic take.


briggles23 t1_ja4oyyl wrote

Bittersweet would more be your team wins the championship, And THEN you get cut.

You'd just be bitter if you got cut and then your team won the championship. No sweetness at all


justreddis t1_ja4ozns wrote

Right? Where in the world is the “sweet” in there? Like, “omg my former team immediately won a championship after kicking me out. I’m so happy for them I’m gonna cry!”


Yung_Corneliois t1_ja4plhu wrote

Bittersweet is more like watching your favorite player on your favorite team leave because the team isn’t championship caliber and immediately seeing them win on their new team.

Ie. Mathew Stafford


dan420 t1_ja4v9sd wrote

Idk about bittersweet, but that’s better than being cut from the worst team in the league.


dan420 t1_ja4vajr wrote

Idk about bittersweet, but that’s better than being cut from the worst team in the league.


masterK00 t1_ja4z83k wrote

You don’t seem to quite understand the definition of bittersweet.


jablair51 t1_ja50npe wrote

Hall of Famer Elgin Baylor retired from the Lakers in 1971 because his knees were completely shot. The Lakers went on a 33 game winning streak as soon as he retired and won the championship that year. I don't know if they gave him a ring but they should have.


Curlaub t1_ja538jm wrote

I have a friend who used to play in the nfl. He got knocked of the team by a really catastrophic leg injury and the next year that team won the Super Bowl, and the guy who made the game winning catch was playing his position for him. He couldn’t handle it. Didn’t do anything remotely football related for years. Didn’t talk about it, didn’t play, didn’t watch. It wasn’t until his kids wanted to play that he got back in, but that tore him up bad


TiAge123 t1_ja53wto wrote

Dries Mertens and Lorenzo Insigne must feel this way with Napoli this Season..


Rv1der t1_ja55s8z wrote

Idk quitting a team that goes on to win a championship is probably worse… Tiki Barber…


wernerherzogsshoe t1_ja5c55q wrote

I think people are missing that a team is usually a close knit group of people that come to care about each other so it's bitter to be cut and not be part of the winning but sweet to see all your bros win and be happy for them because they're your boys and we love when good things happen to our friends. It's not like your teammates are the ones who cut you from the team.

Definitely would still be more bitter than anything lol


hldsnfrgr t1_ja5epgf wrote

That's not bittersweet. Bittersweet is misusing that word and still getting upvoted one thousand and one times.


Quasargyle t1_ja5icpz wrote

Is this one of those posts where OP gets it wrong for the karma? I think it is.


dandantheshippingman t1_ja5pde1 wrote

Flip side being, how sweet it would be to get cut, then go win a championship with your new team.


NeroFMX t1_ja5urbk wrote

Michael Floyd was cut from the Cardinals after falling asleep drunk at an intersection. He was picked up by the Patriots and ended the season with a Super Bowl ring.

It's one of my favorite stories.


LeaveAny t1_ja65k1m wrote

Alanis Morrisette incorrectly taught me the term for that is ironic.


agrumpybear t1_ja6es14 wrote

Nah, I think an athlete choosing to leave a team would be worse


Samih420 t1_ja6micv wrote

Okay, and that's you, but your philosophy doesn't apply to everyone else's, and if you don't agree with the post then scroll on, but don't act like everyone has the same opinions as you. Plus, I doubt you're not on any professional sports teams, but when your city's team makes it to the finals, then you'd be rooting for them, and not some other random team, which directly contradicts your point that if you're not on it, then you don't care about them.


Samih420 t1_ja6mvi9 wrote

Ya and the sweet part is that you know you helped your team in some way. It sucks, but at the same time it was necessary for the team's success, and you can take solace in knowing that at least your departure is what helped them.


ShaemusOdonnelly t1_ja6y8rx wrote

I like Mathias Steiner's Story. He was kicked from the Austriam weightlifting team for poor performance and went on to win gold at the olympics for Germany in the same year he got his German citizenship.


heyimhereok t1_ja75228 wrote

Or a partner says they are ready to commit then marries within 12 months.

So yours is a false thought.


eastafrican261 t1_ja7863j wrote

This feels like the autobiography of Harry Maguire. for those who don't know he is a football player in the English's team Manchester united. He plays as a central defender and was a captain of the team for a long time. he was very good on his first season but after that he started making mistakes which angered the fan base they started booing him which started a negative cycle of bad performances which was not helped by the fact that the team was changing managers every few seasons. until they get their latest manager Erik Ten Hag who greatly increased the team performance but benched him for most matches and the team improved. and they won their first trophy in 6 years later where he was substituted in at the last minute after they have effectively secured the victory


N3verGonnaG1veYouUp t1_ja7knrr wrote

I feel bittersweet in 🏸 when I lose but I know I was better than the other guy.


tejanaqkilica t1_ja7z21n wrote

Actually, I think it feels even worse when you choose to leave that team for another across the city because you want to win the championship, only for your original team to win it immediately after you left.

Hakan, this one's for you.


kellym13 t1_ja8gpty wrote

Bitter? Yes. There is no “sweet” part of getting cut and your old team wins a championship without you.


T_Cliff t1_ja924iu wrote

An American league would be like the nfl, where only American teams play in it. The nhl, has American and Canadian teams, its a north American league.

Really, its a Canadian - American league, since mexico isnt in it.


beamierhydra t1_ja92lns wrote

Yes, Canada is in America as well, so a league containing US and Canadian teams is an American league. Besides, a US league could have Canadian teams as well. Unless you're trying to imply the Segunda Division is not a Spanish league either, because of FC Andorra?


Type31971 t1_jab12ft wrote

Even worse… getting injured partway into the regular season and not only does your backup pick up the slack, he leads the team to the playoffs, the Super Bowl, then not only victory against the winningest QB in league history, but also wins MVP.


Type31971 t1_jab1fm2 wrote

Yes and no. It’s man, moment, machine. Your team made changes, so did everyone else. No guarantee those team’s present rosters would have defeated you last year. That’s where the what-if of sports lives