xlRadioActivelx t1_je1fe5h wrote
Reply to comment by Apprehensive_Fuel873 in The reason you were born is to be productive & exploited your whole life, as a reward you're sold freedom in years that you wouldn't be a productive worker anyway. by KHUSTOM
That was the thinly veiled implication yes.
Guess what, you get to choose if you want to exist or not.
But I’ll be sure to inform prospective parents to ask their unconceived child wether or not they’d like to exist beforehand.
pebblebrusher t1_je1l6lg wrote
Wow that’s a bleak outlook man. We’re all in it together. I think the point they were making is that we are coerced into making decisions because we have basic needs for survival that aren’t readily available to us without engaging in our capitalist system. When we have enough food and housing to feed the hungry and house the homeless, yet that doesn’t happen, we need to question the system we function under.
xlRadioActivelx t1_je1m2y0 wrote
The only point I was trying to make is the absurdity of complaining that you were born without your consent.
pebblebrusher t1_je1n9ui wrote
Yeah I totally agree there, bad framing from the other commenter
Apprehensive_Fuel873 t1_jeb6f9u wrote
Why is that absurd or bad framing?
pebblebrusher t1_jegawuz wrote
I mean, I agree with you, but it’s kinda meaningless to say we weren’t born with our consent. That’s true of every human ever, so like, what’s the point? I get where you were taking it and I agree with you on the topic, just kinda think there’s a better way to approach that argument
Apprehensive_Fuel873 t1_jeb6e69 wrote
Why is that absurd? I was. I would've preferred not to have been. Because now my options are struggle or suicide. And that's called coercion. When the choice is x or death, that's not a real choice.
xlRadioActivelx t1_jebckyc wrote
It’s not possible, and fundamentally never will be possible to ask for someone’s consent to being conceived, so it’s absurd to complain that nobody asked you. It’s like complaining that you have to breath oxygen in order to live.
Apprehensive_Fuel873 t1_jec3gk6 wrote
That assumes it's fine to exist. Why is it ok to force existence on a person?
xlRadioActivelx t1_jeccnrh wrote
Most people are happy existing. And most people can choose to not exist if they want.
But sure, get on your soapbox and tell the world it’s unfair to have children because you didn’t ask them if they wanted to exist. Good luck with that.
Apprehensive_Fuel873 t1_jeg3dsw wrote
>Most people are happy existing.
Why does that make it ok to force people into it with the alternative being suicide? Most people like bread, forcing someone to eat on pain of death is fucking evil.
Look, I get it, you're not able to think abstractly or beyond your immediate experiences, that's fine, it's ok to lack the brain power. But when you have that limitation, it's better to just shut the fuck up and not crop dust the world with your ignorance.
jack-of_most-trades t1_jeg4zuz wrote
Get help.
You’ve yet to offer even a hint of how you would have things work because you are complaining about things which are fundamental to the human condition and cannot be changed. You think you see things from a sage and complex perspective when really you’re whining about the facts of life that every well adjusted human has already accepted.
No one gives a singular fuck that you didn’t give consent to being born, no one wants to hear you complain about it either so stop wasting oxygen.
I sincerely hope you find a path to happiness but I’m not holding my breath, you are a miserable fuck who is content to wallow in self pity over that which cannot be changed.
Vic_Hedges t1_je1lupy wrote
The fact that other people have worked hard to produce abundance doesn't somehow entitle you to the benefits of it.
If they DO give you some, be thankful for it. It's a gift.
pebblebrusher t1_je1mn8s wrote
I’m with you there. I am very grateful. I live an insanely privileged life, and because of my starting point as a white upper middle class man, it has been easier for me to work hard and succeed in a traditional capitalist sense. I am certain that I would have had huge hurdles to overcome if I had been born to poverty.
Your point makes sense in a true meritocracy, which does not exist in the US.
Vic_Hedges t1_je1p7h2 wrote
I honestly think that a huge contributor to the political divide is purely driven by emotional jealousy and vindictiveness, not by anything logical.
I think upper income people would be far more willing to make economic sacrifices if they were framed as charitable acts towards those less fortunate, rather than impositions by the lazy and entitled.
Or at least, they'd have a tougher time justifying their unwillingness to do so. Demonizing the poor is how you justify mistreating them, and when the poor are screaming about how you are greedy, lazy and underserving of your wealth, it's not hard to understand why people are anxious to dismiss them.
pebblebrusher t1_je1qkz8 wrote
So just to make sure I’m hearing you right, it’s poor peoples fault for being angry at a system that leaves them in the dust? I agree with you that people would be more likely to make economic sacrifices to benefit others if things were framed that way. But who is framing things that way? It’s the mainstream media pushing narratives, the impoverished don’t have that power. And who owns the mainstream media? The wealthiest among us. We can blame them, not the poor who are often (justifiably) disenfranchised by a system that doesn’t serve them.
Most people just want to feed their families and have a roof over their head, and it really is that simple. These narratives of poor folks being lazy or entitled just aren’t accurate and don’t paint the whole picture.
Vic_Hedges t1_je1sgef wrote
My point is that of course they're not accurate, but neither are the "rich people are all lazy and greedy" narratives. People on both sides of the spectrum are demonizing the other side because it makes it easier to hate them.
Be angry all you like, but that's not going to fix anything, unless you're angry enough for a real revolution. And I don't think we're anywhere near that point yet.
pebblebrusher t1_je2addy wrote
Agreed that we’re not near a real revolution. But I don’t like the both sides narrative. One side is in a position of power to make change. It’s not an attitude of rich people being lazy or greedy or whatever. I have no issue with rich people in general. I just think it’s absolutely unjustifiable that the wealthiest 1% has more wealth than the bottom 50%, and we have people starving in the land of plenty. And one of those two sides has the power to make that change. And I’m not talking about like, well paid athletes, musicians, lawyers, whatever. I’m explicitly talking about capital owners and the top 1%
Apprehensive_Fuel873 t1_jeb66ge wrote
Cool so you're fine with coercing people into work under threat of death, good to get that out in the open. Hope you have a further think about the principles you hold.
xlRadioActivelx t1_jebc3d8 wrote
No animal in nature gets to survive without “working” why would humans be any different?
What would your fantasy world look like?
Apprehensive_Fuel873 t1_jec32gv wrote
Why are you basing your sense of morality on biology? Lots of animals involve violence in their reproductive process, are you saying violent reproduction is ok for humans just because it's "natural"/
Arsenic is also natural, does that make it good? Why do you make nature your metric for goodness?
xlRadioActivelx t1_jecc8rh wrote
Those are both such worthless points I’m not even going to justify them with a response. You don’t want to work. Fine. How does you vision of society function when people can simply choose to not work?
Apprehensive_Fuel873 t1_jeg3tg1 wrote
"I'm not going to justify them with a response... now here is my response." I suggest getting your own house in order before throwing out accusations.
And when did I say that society must function? If I don't think existing is inherently good, why do you assume I think society existing is inherently good? Frankly, you're just embarrassing yourself by showing just how profoundly myopic and ignorant you are. You cannot process these complex ideas. That's fine. I struggle with quantum physics. But that's why I don't talk about quantum physics. When you're an idiot, you should shut your idiot mouth, not get annoyed at others for pointing out your idiocy.
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