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Evipicc t1_jcxqrbn wrote

You're right-wrong.

There are fewer pressures for survival which caused great stress, that is correct. In that regard we have made life easier PHYSICALLY. There are also massive societal and moral pressures now, which didn't used to exist, and our lizard "Fight-Fly-Freeze" brains can't handle the complexity of that, so anxiety results because we feel like there's a threat, but it's only someone societal or moral and we can't simply fight or run. This made life much HARDER mentally. We shifted the burden from what we weren't good at to what we were, from our bodies to our brains. As a species it's the right course of evolution, a creature can continue to procreate regardless of how ridden with mental illness it is...


Downtown_Skill t1_jcy0w21 wrote

This is spot on! I bring this up with any friends who have severe anxiety at any given moment. It seems to help. To think about anxiety as a trick your brain is playing to make you feel like you're in imminent physical danger seems to help me remember that whatever issue I'm worried about isn't that big of a deal and I'll likely survive it.

It puts things into perspective.


chair-borne1 t1_jcybuqw wrote

Harder mentally? Everything has been over simplified to include higher education. Moral and societal expectations so long as they are not in your state and local legal statues are not a mandate but a guideline. Life is not harder it's just what kids say to feel free by making themselves victims so they can't be bothered with expectations...


Evipicc t1_jcz3zql wrote

Okay I'll be very specific.

The increase in mental load due to socio-economic and emotional dynamics that didn't exist when we were fucking cavepeople.



chair-borne1 t1_jcz6e1i wrote

They were too busy to be bothered with things they didn't have time for... emotional dynamics was created to give life substance now that we have the luxury of free time to notice. You may think you're bright, but wisdom seems to still b-right.


Evipicc t1_jcz72aq wrote

You just remade the exact point I just made but okay...


chair-borne1 t1_jcz8gbk wrote

Negative, you said that life is harder. My point is that you are volunteering for aspects that are making your life harder but are not mandatory. If you never simulated suffering you won't get it but be assured you have a very easy life.


ToxicFactory t1_jcxqx9s wrote

I mean, we don't have to hunt to survive. We have medical advancements that cure us from many diseases. We extended our lifespan by many years since the past 100 years.

We have access to food from across the world. We can travel from a point to another in a decent amount of time.

The life expentency in 1900 was 47 and is now 79.

People don't realize how hard life was just 100 years ago. Heck, just 100 years ago, women didn't have the right to vote.

All in all, it is way easier to live nowadays. The problem is that the human race is a social mammal. I feel that we are very divided these days and because of that, it makes it harder to feel appreciated, loved, and welcome amongst each other.

Some days I stay inside too long and fell like crap. As soon as go out get some fresh air I already feel a little better. I guess we can start there. Just go out.


CharlieFibonacci t1_jcxwk30 wrote

The book 'Factfulness' by Hans Rosling goes into this in detail if anyone's interested. There's also a TED talk if you haven't got time for a book. Edit: TED added.


ToxicFactory t1_jcxxb3n wrote

Thanks, yeah. I'll definitely have a look at it.

Edit : Audio book is free with Audible too!


Adventurous-6981 OP t1_jcy08tp wrote

I hear you. Life has always had its difficulties. Truth. It is easier to “live” but I just wonder if it’s easier to live, happily. Thanks.


Greenpeppers23 t1_jcyify6 wrote

What if we aren’t meant to be living to age 79? Let’s face it most elderly people don’t even wanna living that old.


Denaton_ t1_jcxp92w wrote

I think it's the opposite, it's so easy compared to a few hundred years ago that the brain gets under stimulated.


mister_XYZ42 t1_jcxpmh6 wrote

Back then people had to work hard, physical jobs in order to survive and were less depressed.


Pimp_Daddy_Patty t1_jcxpvhz wrote

No, they just got violently drunk and went home to beat their wives and kids


robbage24 t1_jcxq1su wrote

I’ve read a little about how much people used to drink….and it seems maybe a tad excessive, like a bottle of whiskey a day? Like was everyone just an alcoholic for like several hundred years?


Pimp_Daddy_Patty t1_jcxq5u3 wrote

Not that I agree with prohibition, but part of the reason it happened in the States is due to domestic violence.


Tanagrabelle t1_jcxr89c wrote

And their wives went to doctors who prescribed various things such as trepanning, leeches, laudanum...


BeenThere_DidNothing t1_jcxq4ic wrote

Were they? Or did they not have an understanding like we do of mental health? Lots of alcoholism, spousal abuse, people leaving to "go west". The main reason we know we have more depression is that we have learned so much more about it. Our awareness level exists where as 100 years ago it didn't


mister_XYZ42 t1_jcxrx17 wrote

Spousal abuse is present nowadays as well as back hundreds of years ago. Good people existed back then as they do now. Harsher law punishment might prevent some violence now but morality exists within us and people actually knew to differ right from wrong without anyone telling them so.

Alcoholism is a big problem nowadays too with people knowing that they are depressed. I agree that awareness is higher and medication makes a big difference today but still a lot of people choose drugs and alcohol (not always because they are depressed though).

My point in the first comment was that out of physical exhaustion people easily fell asleep at night and didn't have time to overthink things. They kinda had to live in the moment. Science today does say that physical exercise reduce anxiety levels and depression. I agree that back then depression definetely existed....I just think it was less present.


Danelix_ t1_jcxqgft wrote

Nah, anxious and depressed people always existed. We just didn't care


Arkhangelzk t1_jcxsga5 wrote

This is what I think too. It’s like when someone says that there are more gay or trans people now. There aren’t more. They always existed. They were just massively oppressed or killed. Now they can barely put their heads above water, and everyone is like where did they all come from?


[deleted] t1_jcymr48 wrote

Yes and no in my opinion. I think to a degree it’s become a trend. People will become gay or trans at 13 and then not feel that way when they become adults. It’s also become a safe space for people who have been treated unfairly so people are willing to change their lives to find some sense of comfort. Obviously this doesn’t apply to all or even majority of LGBT+ but there are definitely more than there used to be.


Strifeson7 t1_jcxuym9 wrote

The brain is a problem solving machine. In the absence of "real" problems it has a tendency to create some to have something to do.

Another factor is that in our ancient past social isolation meant certain death. So new societal rules stress us almost as much as a looming predator because if we don't follow them properly we could/ would be ostracised.

We also spend much less time in groups which gives us a negative impression of our social security which causes intense stress as above.

As an ex weed smoker of 20 plus years I assure you we're better off without it. I was also on anti depressants for around 5 years and I'm so much better now without either of those crutches. I view them as pain killers when your leg is broken, they help the symptoms but they don't do anything to cure the ailment. Only effort and a genuine desire to change bad habits helps in my experience.


Adventurous-6981 OP t1_jcy1uue wrote

Way to go! Agree with you. I appreciate your comment pal You sound like a good person. I wish you all the best.


Strifeson7 t1_jcy5yth wrote

Thanks mate, probably the nicest comment I've ever had on reddit :)


Void-Cooking_Berserk t1_jcxsso6 wrote

You are around 90% correct.

Correct: we have created an anxiety/depression-inducing society. The fact that we had such societies before does not change that. We also had better ones.

Correct: many/most people live in a (near) constant state of stress, anxiety, apathy or depression

Correct: marijuana and anti-depressants can be used to alleviate the state temporarily

Incorrect: those 2 are not the only methods of coping with modern society. I don't even mean other addictives, alcohol, sex, gambling, video games. There exist real ways of healthy unwinding, coping, building a sort of "resistance". Physical and mental exercises, sports, joga, meditation, spending time with family and friends, self-reflection, journaling, talking about it (even to yourself), screaming (just not at people), physical exertion (produces endorphines!), etc.


khamelean t1_jcxrqfq wrote

You do realise that there are billions of people that don’t need marijjuana or anti-depressants, right? This might just be a you thing, are you seeing a therapist??


crazyboy611285 t1_jcykayz wrote

And of those people who arent using weed or anti-depressants, how many of them have another coping addiction (drink, drug, gambling)?

The modern society we have created isnt a good fit for our still very primitive brains. Social pressures, ever changing moral pressures, economic pressures, environmental pressures.

Those who arent coping by use of substances are coping in other ways but are still having their sanity chipped away at by the ever changing world we live in. The world we have created is only good for a small fraction of humans. The rest are left to work, consume, suffer, die. (bleak yes, realistic also yes)


khamelean t1_jcz025v wrote

That’s called “projection”. Please spend less time on social media and go learn about the actual world.


crazyboy611285 t1_jczhj3t wrote

Ah yes "projection" the best phrase used by those who have no arguments.

Instead of actually taking any point i made into account you dismiss it and say im "projecting". Good job!


khamelean t1_jd0s3xi wrote

All your points are based on anecdotal evidence and therefor compromised by your internal bias. There is nothing to argue against, other than pointing out that your conclusions are subjective.

You should probably see a therapist.


MyMudEye t1_jcy3o8z wrote

Marijuana has been used for centuries.

We created a society that is more connected and technological than any other civilization. It's new for everyone. Growing pains should definitely be expected.


formerNPC t1_jcyqr25 wrote

We are told that we should be happy all the time and if we’re not then we need to find something to change our mood. We won’t allow ourselves to have a bad day or a bout of sadness without stressing out and feeling like there’s something wrong with us. Being numb and spaced out means that you’re missing out on living in the moment and the times that I tried various substances I found that they kept me from feeling anything good or bad. Make your own happy moments and if you’re facing a stressful situation then think about how good you’ll feel when it’s over as opposed to medicating yourself to get through it!


Adventurous-6981 OP t1_jcyt3ux wrote

This is a great comment. Thoughtful, intelligent, as well and very useful advice. Well done! Thank you very much for your input. I hope you have a wonderful day!


IndianRedditor88 t1_jcybi9q wrote


We aren't being tough enough. That is the probably the problem.


Chicharrones69 t1_jcyt5vf wrote

I think alcohol would have been a better replacement. It’s so heavily infiltrated in society and its presence is almost expected at most 21+ social events whereas weed is still controversial to many and illegal in many states.


Adventurous-6981 OP t1_jcyzk6b wrote

Good comment. I agree with your point. I think in my mind I was thinking about what helps people manage and I believe that alcohol really doesn’t help at all, where as weed and anti-depressants have been known to help. But I guess my own bias snuck in there because you are right. Many people believe alcohol helps and they use it to help. I myself would highly recommend weed over alcohol. No competition for me. Thank you for your comment.


Chicharrones69 t1_jczc7nv wrote

I prefer weed too. Alcohol is less of a commitment and easier to consume more frequently. It also has the tendency to suppress negative feelings as opposed to “helping” with them hence why it’s probably so popular.


ChiefBlubberNuggets t1_jcyzjq1 wrote

It's a very bleak world sometimes but it's important to never lose sight of what you want, who you are and how you're going to achieve your aspirations. We all face challenges whether they be physical, mental or spiritual and that's okay. No one is perfect and no one ever, or will ever be. You're allowed to make mistakes. You're allowed to grow and learn and change. Both my and your circumstances may very well be depressing and uncomfortable, but nothing lasts forever. I believe there's good in this world if you look for it. If you got weed, then you're one step closer to finding it.

Have a great day.


Adventurous-6981 OP t1_jcz00w0 wrote

Amazing comment! I feel a kindred spirit in you. I believe that the people in your life are probably lucky to have you. I wish you all the best!! And I agree that you gotta have a little bit o’weed for the fun of it! Lol


Showerthoughts_Mod t1_jcxod2q wrote

This is a friendly reminder to read our rules.

Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"

(For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, please read this page.)

Rule-breaking posts may result in bans.


Tanagrabelle t1_jcxr0t0 wrote

It's always been this way. We just didn't used to have anti-depressants and marijuana wasn't easy to get. Go do a search on asylums. Alexander Hamiton's daughter, after her brother died, apparently spent the rest of her life in a state of childlike mental capacity, for no reason they could figure.


bny-mobile t1_jcxrw99 wrote

Depends where in the world, I guess. But for the most part, things have gotten much better. Maybe you should revise your history.


SandpaperForThought t1_jcxu4rs wrote

Other than sleeping, peoples brains get no chance to be idle nowadays with their heads always full of tech. Idle time gives you the chance to think through things. So many people are just winging it and making ill thought out decisions.


ASH98_CZ t1_jcxx2pk wrote

Or you could just you know... Stop watching the news all the time.


Getmeasippycup t1_jcy2n1h wrote

I think anxiety has always been around, just called by different names- like hysteria, phantoms, manifestations. I’ll take a Zoloft or a joint over electro shock therapy.

I do think American society in particular has created a harder to live in world.


Attention_spanner t1_jcyga9s wrote

No anon we are doing it so right that you have no reason to do shit anymore, and thus begins the depression


vivalicious16 t1_jcy70k2 wrote

We don’t, but people don’t realize that and fall for them anyway


Grandma-Plays-FS22 t1_jcy8z84 wrote

So not true. If people didn't start using at an early age, they just might discover that they likely have the ability to cope with life. Most of us just don't want to "FEEL" it so much.

There are other ways to cope. There are 12 step groups and if that doesn't fit your moral aesthetic, there are other support groups working in somewhat the same way.

If you have a family member that is mentally ill, abusing alcohol, abusing drugs, or abusing YOU, there are groups to help you.

As a person learns to cope with bad situations, they get *better* at it, in part, as they realize all the crap in the world is not their responsibility!


storyteller1010 t1_jcy9hst wrote

No. Neither of those are needed at all. People worry too much about things they have no control over. They set expectations on things that they have no power over like sports teams or other people. If people would just focus on the things they can actually control in their life (exercise, sleep, diet, social activity, work ethic, goals) they would have much less anxiety. If you feel that you NEED marijuana or anti-depressants to function, you have serious work to do on your life. Cut out the negative in your life and replace it with something that builds you up, Not a temporary solution like drugs or medicine


yogert909 t1_jcy67li wrote

I’m sorry, but you create your world. There is nothing stopping you from living like people did in the 50s or whichever utopian era you like.


devilsperfume t1_jcxxjn7 wrote

not everyone needs drugs??? maybe it s just u??? just do a dopamine detox
