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Showerthoughts_Mod t1_jed1ws3 wrote

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7heblackwolf t1_jed3hby wrote

People do care more about their own potential safety than others surviving a shitty life.


DanFuckingSchneider t1_jed4v9m wrote

Wait until you hear about prison debt. Not only is the state shackled with the cost of the prison, but many prisons also double dip and charge the prisoner themselves. When one is released they’re expected to pay for a daily rate they more than likely were not told about, and even if they were, they have no choice. This sticks a person who can basically never get a job or place to live again with hundreds of thousands to “pay back.”

Rest assured that the cruelty is the point. A reminder that if you don’t submit to producing profits, you could end up like them.


Guide_Worth t1_jed587v wrote

Homeless people commit crimes all the time to get shelter and food and maybe healthcare. Amazing how innocent they can be found when there's nothing to squeeze for fines. It's a crazy idea, but maybe we should invest more into up front care and less on locking people up later. For profit prisons are an embarrassment to our nation. So is our healthcare system.


KermitMadMan t1_jed5p3s wrote

same with vets. we only care about them after they die. it’s really sad


Downtown_Skill t1_jedlu0f wrote

It's honestly sickening and it's so sickening that people either don't want to believe that it's actually how it works or they don't want to think about it because it's so horrible that any actual critical thought put into this problem would make someone extremely depressed.

It needs to change. It's literally slavery. If you can't afford a home or you don't "submit to producing profits" as you put it, The state can literally make you a slave. Remember that prison labor is a thing too.


one28 t1_jedndi2 wrote

It’s getting harder and harder to be proud of anything, when most first world countries do everything better than the US.

I hate that our ego is so large that we refuse to look outwards. Seeing that our issues aren’t unique to us, and that we can learn from other countries.


StarChild413 t1_jedo22e wrote

If enough commit crimes for that purpose, subsidizing their food and housing anyway becomes a way to look tough on crime


Tulip-roots t1_jedo7ep wrote

I really wish that there was a way to house everyone, even those without money. Homelessness shouldn't even be an issue but it heavily is. I was homeless for a month then couch surfed for 2 years. I got on a housing list that took a couple of years to get into. I met my boyfriend 3 months before I had my own room to rent, he was homeless too. He didn't risk me losing my housing but instead went through a similar program that helps the homeless. He got his own room 2.5 years later. We did well in the program, followed all the insane rules and eventually built a reputation up with the programs that we were able to finally rent our own place together 5.5 years into our relationship. It's been a long road but we are grateful. We have been dreaming of our own apartment for what seemed like forever. We went from owning the clothes on our backs to now having an apartment full of stuff, but I can honestly say that none of the stuff matters as much as having my boyfriend in my life. I know he was homeless before but he's the love of my life. He deserves the world


ImSoBoring890 t1_jeeic2v wrote

Yup. Our housing system is dysfunctional as can be. We are like a gigantic, dysfunctional family and the worst among us, the convicted criminals, get Mommy and Daddy Congress, and Mommy/ Daddy State Legislatures, to spend up to $80,000 a year on housing, food, and medical.

In the meantime, the good kids, the ones working 2 to 3 jobs and not stealing or causing mayhem, if even ONE THING goes wrong in their lives, they have to live in their cars - if they manage to hold onto the car after a financial disaster or serious medical problem.

Our housing system REWARDS convicted criminals and punishes the good people whose only "crime" is being too poor for the rental system.


pichael289 t1_jeeoagy wrote

Our jails are basically for profit. They get a certain amount for each bed filled. Your not going to find a jail that isn't at capacity, they like to pack them full. State run rehab centers are also like this. There's one in SW Ohio and I saw a judge send 3 people there. The first was a heroin addict, the second didn't pay child support, and the third was a sex offender (whatever level 3 means, he was really bad). Our criminal justice system is a business


Extension_Pay_1572 t1_jefgufv wrote

Well, we are kinda busy, we generally don't care about anyone we've never met until they harm you