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t1_j1wrlqq wrote

I appreciate plenty of the things my wife does on a daily basis.


t1_j1xpc0h wrote

And plenty of kids are forever ungrateful to their parents


t1_j1y395e wrote

And plenty of parents don't deserve to be appreciated.


t1_j20kept wrote

Lol I meant to post that on the original post didn't mean to post it as a response to this comment 😅🤦🏻‍♀️ my b dude. Some parents really don't deserve appreciation.


t1_j1zuqg7 wrote

This is a horrible take based on your own personal experience

Edit: this was meant to be a comment on the original post, not a response to that bad.


t1_j1zxp51 wrote

How can you possibly disagree with that statement? I feel like that's one of the coldest most agreeable takes I’v heard on this website. Regardless of what their personal experience might be.


t1_j20fqkp wrote

So you think abusive parents should be appreciated then??? Because that’s the only thing that I can read from this.


t1_j20epg4 wrote

some parents literally sell their children into sex trafficking tell me again that all parents must be appreciated


t1_j1yallx wrote

You got it backwards. Parents owe everything to the new life they willingfully bring into this world, children don't have to be thankful for receiving what is rightfully theirs.


t1_j1zkrhe wrote

I can be thankful when my parents gave me WAAAAAAY more than what is rightfully mine. Especially when every single penny they earned was spent on my sister and I.

Yeah parents do owe us when they bring us into the world, but good parents who do more than what they should deserve to be praised, and being grateful doesn't mean I'm thankful because they gave me a roof and food, which of course I'm owed.


t1_j207rt1 wrote

I think for the most part, parents get the kids they deserve. If you were a good parent, your kid will probably learn to be grateful and show it. If you were a shitty parent your kid probably won't be. And usually the parents I see bitching about their ungrateful kids are the ones that think they did a good job because they "provided a roof and food for them growing up".


t1_j1ymlbc wrote

You don't have children, I suppose. Do you think parents who deserve praises do the bare minimum? Some walk the extra mile all the times. To be a decent parent all you have to do is feed and educate your children and care for them. That's all nature demands. There is a lot more that gets done beyond that and no sense of entitlement could be rightfully diminish the value of what's being done


t1_j1zm7mz wrote

I understand where your coming from in regards to the demands on parenting. It's no easy task to be a good parent and it's common to see parents who do a shit job by doing the bare minimum. Where I disagree is with the need to show gratitude. My parents never asked for gratitude from me and I will never ask it from my two kids. Being a good parent is first and foremost a duty, going above and beyond as a parent is a part of that duty. You don't get a thank you for doing your job. That being said I always give gratitude where I can because I am truly grateful for people who do things for me. I regularly remind my parents that I'm grateful for what I am and that their love, hard work, and lessons made me the person I am today. I credit them for all of my successes.

Secondly it's evolutionarily beneficial for me to do my best for my kids so they can be the best people they can be. I don't expect gratitude for something that benefits me.


t1_j1xsobz wrote

Especially when she’s out of town for a work trip.

Even if they’re only gone a few days, you can gain a new appreciation


t1_j1y0tmy wrote

When she lets me know her and my daughter are spending the night at her parent's house, I am always initially happy I get the place to myself, but by the end of the night I'm bummed out because nobody is here. The presence can be just as important as the things they do.


t1_j1yhfef wrote

Wow. This couldn’t be more true. I enjoy when they are out running errands for an hour or two, so I can unwind or get some stuff done, but a whole night with an empty house makes me feel empty inside.


t1_j20jh5f wrote

I took a flight to San Antonio last year for work, I was only there for three days and I couldn't sleep, or relax, and I barely had an appetite.


t1_j21dkv9 wrote

Yeah this is ridiculous. My wife is amazing and I know it. She appreciates all the things I do, as well, and tells me.