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[deleted] t1_j7p6ocd wrote


We should have moved away from natural resources to renewable energy a long time ago.


StuffinYrMuffinR t1_j7poj1g wrote

The real question, why are people even trying to open coal mines? The entire industry needs to die


Gijinkakun t1_j7pr6p4 wrote

Rejected? The people who proposed this should be locked up and examined for sone kind of mental defect, there’s no way a rational sane person would propose this.


tohara1995 t1_j7q9au8 wrote

Lmao. They should be punished for even asking.


MrWrock t1_j7qd9jy wrote

Seems like a distraction attempt to me. Start off trying to build a coal mine on the reef (how does that even work, is it underwater?), then "compromise" by building it in some other ecologically sensitive area instead (which is where they wanted to build all along). The coal company gets its coal, the government gets to brag about how it stood up to Big Coal, and the earth gets fucked


admachbar t1_j7qdpb6 wrote

Wow… politics is still able to produce intelligent results.


oboshoe t1_j7qebvi wrote

in response, they have decided to approve a clean up operation to get all that nasty coal out of there.

to ease the cleanup cost, the waste coal will be sold on the open market.

in the event the coal cleanup project turns a profit, excess funds will be returned to the investors who made the cleanup possible.


Brianna-Imagination t1_j7qg0ea wrote

And not just any old coal mine, but a coal mine next to the Great Barrier Reef.

Imagine being apart of the company who thought of that application, let alone applied it, and somehow not realising how much you sound like a parody of a Captain Planet villain.


ohgirlfitup t1_j7qqjbz wrote

I hope this sets an important precedent.


Aporkalypse_Sow t1_j7r1kgh wrote

It wasn't going to be in the ocean. It was close to the ocean and would have dumped crap into the freshwater that ran into the ocean. Essentially destroying the ecosystem on the coast and leading into the reef.


WigglingWoof t1_j7rfpv8 wrote

I appreciate people who make the correct decisions.


DoubleCTech t1_j7rzpc5 wrote

At this point in history all coal mines should be rejected.


secretdrug t1_j7s0nwh wrote

Not to say i support coal mines and especially not next to something as important as the great barrier reef, but yall need to remember that 3rd world countries exist. Its easy for someone from a developed nation to say the coal industry should just die, but for many countries its all they have. They are developing and given 50-100 years coal will hopefully be entirely phased out but as it stands now many countries NEED coal because its all they can realistically use to generate power.


arkofjoy t1_j7s7jub wrote

As usual the Libs go for the old saw "dem jerbs"

More and more mines are automated these days. How many actual jobs would this mine have created, as opposed to how many people are employed by tourism for the great barrier reef?

Many years ago there was a plan to log the Daintree Forrest, which, at the time was going to bring in 30 million dollars A year. Except that it would create run off that would again destroy the reef and local tourism operators created 120 million dollars of business every year.


mainguy t1_j7sbjqs wrote

as a physicist/science teacher, I gotta say it was entirely science that got us into this mess lol. The carnot cycle was the beginning of the end for a stable climate.

I love science but lets not point the finger at imaginary culprits when the real one is right here


[deleted] t1_j7t6tbt wrote

Thank fucking Christ. I mean who is opening coal mines in this day and age ffs? Do they not get enough sunshine in a country with desert everywhere to maybe open a solar farm instead?


addysol t1_j7tdhuf wrote

Iirc it was only going to be ~300 jobs for the couple of years of construction then bugger all operations jobs but people still wanted this stupid shit to go ahead


Phalex t1_j7ti7mt wrote

A coal mine in 2023? Should be rejected, barrier reef or no.


newbie1390 t1_j7tmdiv wrote

Such good news. Hope that fat cunt Palmer fucks right off


petershrimp t1_j7uoonx wrote

The fact that this was ever even a suggestion is a travesty.