arkofjoy t1_ja38y4i wrote
Reply to LPT request: Can anyone give me a couple ideas or things to try, that might alleviate some of the guilt and shame I (28F) feel? by magdeedz
A lot of people get a lot out of 12 step programs like NA or AA. part of that is the forth step, making amends. This is a process of making a list of the people who you have harmed, and, where possible, and safe, doing what you can to make amends. That might be apologising, that might be returning money that you stole if you did. It might be helping others to make up for the harm you did.
You can't undo the harm you did. But you can make amends. And grieve the shame.
Also I believe that it is important to look at the source of that shame before you were using. A study of iv drug users in Holland many years ago found that 80 percent had been abused as children. So there is a reasonable probability that something happened to you that you were using drugs to mask the shame.
That doesn't excuse any harm that you caused, but that betrayal of trust, if it happened, can also be grieved, in a healthy and supportive way, and healed.
Good luck with your journey. It isn't easy. But I promise that if you keep working, it will get better.
arkofjoy t1_j986g8u wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Am I throwing away my money by getting Sennheisers if I break everything so far? by [deleted]
That is a tough one. Good luck with it.
arkofjoy t1_j953qst wrote
Reply to Am I throwing away my money by getting Sennheisers if I break everything so far? by [deleted]
Depends a lot on what you are listening to. I mostly listen to podcasts, so audio quality is not important. So I by cheap headphones that I know will break, because the treatment I give them would break expensive ones too.
arkofjoy t1_j7ww00r wrote
Reply to comment by addysol in Application for a coal mine near the Great Barrier Reef has been rejected due to environmental concerns by monovial
Unfortunately, too many people don't do their homework, and so they have been in the past stirred up by the "greenies just want to take our jobs"
arkofjoy t1_j7s7jub wrote
Reply to Application for a coal mine near the Great Barrier Reef has been rejected due to environmental concerns by monovial
As usual the Libs go for the old saw "dem jerbs"
More and more mines are automated these days. How many actual jobs would this mine have created, as opposed to how many people are employed by tourism for the great barrier reef?
Many years ago there was a plan to log the Daintree Forrest, which, at the time was going to bring in 30 million dollars A year. Except that it would create run off that would again destroy the reef and local tourism operators created 120 million dollars of business every year.
arkofjoy t1_j6e1ktx wrote
Reply to comment by Ok_Duck_9338 in BiFL Large cooking pot? by Daxime
Ah, OK. I'm in Australia, they still exist here.
arkofjoy t1_j6bx9og wrote
Reply to BiFL Large cooking pot? by Daxime
Restaurant supplies, or, even better, find a business that sells second hand restaurant equipment.
arkofjoy t1_j416cqq wrote
Reply to comment by Creative_Cry7532 in Amid recruiting crisis, Army makes new companies for recruits who don't meet academic, fitness standards by GaryOaksAlcoholism
But it, unfortunately, ignores the narrative of American exceptionalism. With many American's that amounts to heresy.
arkofjoy t1_j40hdkm wrote
Reply to Amid recruiting crisis, Army makes new companies for recruits who don't meet academic, fitness standards by GaryOaksAlcoholism
Seems like they might be solving the wrong problem. I'm pretty sure that the reason a lot of people are staying away from the military is that they have seen how empty the whole "thank you for your service" bullshit is. If they want to up recruiting, start looking after vets like that phrase had meaning.
When "veteran suicide" And "homeless veterans" are common phrases in society, it doesn't exactly encourage people to sign up.
arkofjoy t1_j2rumtr wrote
Reply to comment by billypilgrim87 in The nun and the monk who fell in love and married by Stanny491
That is true, but I thought part of the purpose of the break with the Catholic church was to remove the power of the church over the government. So if they were still large landholders, they would still have a lot of power.
But it seems that I remember my of my English history wrongly.
arkofjoy t1_j2nr0mw wrote
Reply to comment by Thedarknight1611 in The nun and the monk who fell in love and married by Stanny491
Ah, OK, then I mis- remembered. I thought he took all the Catholic church lands for the crown and did not give them to the Anglican Church.
arkofjoy t1_j2nn05u wrote
Reply to comment by Thedarknight1611 in The nun and the monk who fell in love and married by Stanny491
True, but most of those came after the church had all those lands.
Didn't Henry the 8 take a bunch of the Catholic churches lands in England and make it his own?
arkofjoy t1_j2mncjc wrote
Reply to comment by Ma3vis in The nun and the monk who fell in love and married by Stanny491
Don't forget that the whole chastity came in to prevent senior priests from claiming church lands for children.
The whole "teachings of Jesus being used to amass power and wealth" has some problems that they certainly didn't learn from the Carpenters son.
arkofjoy t1_ixyz426 wrote
Beethoven's ninth symphony.
If you ever get a chance to here it with a full chorus, live, do.
arkofjoy t1_iwyjtqj wrote
Reply to comment by NoesHowe2Spel in Chris Jericho: "I literally want to go in front of the IOC, the International Olympic Community, and pitch pro wrestling as an Olympic sport. Gymnastics, pairs gymnastics, figure skating, pairs figure skating, what is that? It's two people working together to put on the best performance possible." by SgtThund3r
A friend who used to do tech for the shows described them as "opera for the common man"
arkofjoy t1_iuton5x wrote
Reply to comment by epicmoe in Can anyone tell me why this model of Aga has taps on the front? by epicmoe
You could perhaps change the taps to "vandal proof taps" they have a separate handle that comes off. Hopefully they are a standard thread. But plumbing fittings tend to be.
arkofjoy t1_it00u1b wrote
Reply to comment by Faeglantina in Couches with pets but built to last by stbunny
That does sound good, I stand corrected.
arkofjoy t1_isx83ry wrote
Reply to comment by Faeglantina in Couches with pets but built to last by stbunny
Maybe your dog doesn't have as oily skin as dogs I've had in the past.
arkofjoy t1_isw8xnj wrote
Reply to Couches with pets but built to last by stbunny
3 dogs are going to destroy any couch. Your only hope is to find the companies that build couches for places like college dorms
Or, you can do what we did when we had teenagers at home. In my city, a couple of times a year we have the "verge side chuck out" my wife would spot a decent looking couch on someone's verge, I would hook up the trailer and go pick it up, then put the old, now clapped out couch on the verge, and bring the "new" one in
arkofjoy t1_jb3roa2 wrote
Reply to Wife elopes with another man, husband marries her lover's wife as revenge by wewhomustnotbenamed
This story should be a Netflix series.