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Emotional_Parsnip_69 t1_j7u1azj wrote

There’s a line in our military contracts somewhere that says anything the recruiters say to get you to sign up isn’t necessarily truth. They can promise you the world and it can disappear immediately.


Synec113 t1_j7ueaxf wrote

And that folks is why you get everything in writing.


Mallee78 t1_j7ug2ev wrote

I mean irl yes, but if you show the military something a recruiter signed ad say they promised this they will laugh your ass back to your bunk


Synec113 t1_j7vjh3t wrote

Yeah, that's why you don't do legal stuff yourself (like writing or signing a contract without a lawyer). Contract in writing and isn't being fulfilled? That lawyer is going to cost the military a hell of a lot more than it would if they just gave you what you were promised.


Mallee78 t1_j7vpwto wrote

Also no way in gods green earth would a recruiter entertain a lawyer when talking to a recruit, they would just tell your ass to get out of their office.


Synec113 t1_j7zya3k wrote

As is their right. I don't know shit about the military, just how the law works.


Mallee78 t1_j7vnkbz wrote

The military will just say the recruiter made a decision without permission and get away Scott free


Synec113 t1_j7zy0sa wrote

I don't know how the boilerplate recruiting contacts work, but if the military isn't honoring a contract then a lawsuit can be filed and a federal court can take effective actions. In the end, it's all about the money. Your lawyers job is to make it cheaper for them to capitulate rather than fight - and given that it's always about the bottom line, they will.


Mallee78 t1_j800g1k wrote

You severely underestimate the military legal counsel lol


[deleted] t1_j7ul1hw wrote

In writing doesn't mean shit to the federal government just look at how bad VA benefits are. It's cheaper to grind the meat and leave it to spoil than take care of the service members who get injured.


Synec113 t1_j7vklio wrote

In writing means a hell of a lot, assuming it was done correctly (by a lawyer). Your lawyer is there to make it grossly more expensive and difficult to not fulfill the contract, such that their best/easiest/cheapest option is to capitulate and do what they agreed to.


FluffyCatGood t1_j7xvanf wrote

Lol you’re funny. You think the whole military gives a fuck what one lawyer thinks? Just google all the myriad lawsuits against the US military and you’ll get your answer.

Also, in the US the military has more money than god, they will spend your lawyer into the ground.


Synec113 t1_j7zz4l8 wrote

You're not wrong, there are a lot of shitty lawyers and superfluous lawsuits. However, any lawyer worth their salt knows they will take the cheapest option, as they always do - in everything. Accountants don't give a fuck about ego, just the bottom line. More money than God doesn't matter when outspending you gains them nothing where as a settlement and gag order makes you go away forever.


Jazeboy69 t1_j7ugytg wrote

Lol that’s just paper and ink what makes you think it means anything legally?


Synec113 t1_j7vjtn3 wrote

That's why I didn't say 'get an IOU.' Get a lawyer to write and read contracts beforehand, otherwise you're going to get fucked.


Emotional_Parsnip_69 t1_j7vt47i wrote

Get a lawyer and go to the recruiting station, see if you get anywhere.


Synec113 t1_j7zygo6 wrote

Didn't say that, I said have a lawyer review things before you sign them - not take them as emotional support lol


Emotional_Parsnip_69 t1_j801f98 wrote

Either way it doesn’t matter is the point. It’s predatory, and sketchy and they can fully afford to turn people with resources away because ten people without means to hire someone to help them will be in desperate need of something a recruiter can promise them


rtb001 t1_j7un0j8 wrote

We can keep these benefits and then quit anytime we want?

Yes. Unless of course, war were declared.

--sirens blaring--

What's that?

War were declared.