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Beanbag_Ninja OP t1_ja0laxq wrote

A year ago, I saw this post:

...and decided to set a reminder for a year’s time to check up on how this young couple, Yaryna Arieva and Sviatoslav Fursin, are doing.

I am pleased to see that they are still kicking. They’ve now left the volunteer defence force, Yaryna is learning to code, Sviatoslav graduated university, and they have a cat!


Traveledfarwestward t1_ja0myz6 wrote

Haha same here!

So happy they're still alive and together!


DogWallop t1_ja3gl2d wrote

I'm thrilled to hear their story, and successes. Their success is Ukraine's success, and they will be the youth who rebuild their country, ten times stronger than it was before the war.


MacbookOnFire t1_ja2t8e1 wrote

Men can leave the defense force in the middle of a war?


Lo10bee t1_ja2vtr0 wrote

Actually reading the article was a great way to get all the information. After Russia withdrew from Kyiv the military decided they needed to become more professional, so volunteers were let go unless they had previous military experience.


Edarneor t1_ja3gn0j wrote

It's just the opposite of Russia, who declared mobilization in autumn and drafted 300k mostly untrained people. And, according to Putin's order, once you're in you CAN'T legally be let go, until wounded or dead. There's just no way out. Ridiculous


InaMellophoneMood t1_ja2v6kj wrote

If you're in a militia, not the military, it makes sense. I assume they could still get drafted into the military proper, but local defence of Kyiv or other cities far from the front is not as pressing of a need as last year.