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alexanderpas t1_ja2akjl wrote

And any hardship they ever encounter, will get answered with a simple phrase:

> "We got trough the war together, we can get trough this too"


DevAstral t1_ja2pkfx wrote

Unless it’s Mario Kart.


Mahgenetics t1_ja2uet9 wrote

Or monopoly


ABob71 t1_ja33jtu wrote

or running from a bear


jepensedoucjsuis t1_ja3f16h wrote

I just need to briskly walk for 2-3 minutes. My wife will decide she'd rather get eaten by the bear and stop running.

That's why I never bought bear spray.


GuerrillaChicken t1_ja3yk5r wrote

Look at me in my eyes and believe me... If you blue shell me one more time I'm divorcing your ass


DevAstral t1_ja47l5a wrote

Once, my wife was playing 200cc trying to get all gold trophies.

She got blue shelled 10m from the finish line just like in the memes, and proceeded to jump up on the couch screaming “SUCK MY HAIRY DIIIIICK”.


Gallowboobs_smol_pp t1_ja2sgf9 wrote

Why is Reddit like this?


J_spec6 t1_ja3c5ac wrote

Would you rather it be like Facebook or Twitter? No thank you 🤢


Gallowboobs_smol_pp t1_ja3m8kj wrote

The fact that this is a common sentiment around here, tells me that Reddit is EXACTLY like Facebook and Twitter.