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Sariel007 t1_ir3dfs9 wrote

๐ŸŒˆ Governments recognizing basic human rights is always uplifting, as is a wanted child being placed in a loving family/home. ๐ŸŒˆ


WildKatt4698 t1_ir3juea wrote

Why is it the rest of the world gets to progress while America is still stuck in 1953?


garlicroastedpotato t1_ir3o4g5 wrote

Slovenia is an incredibly right wing country which happened to elect a Green Party in their last election... almost entirely by accident. It really does appear they're just going to try and make all of their most "extremist" policies happen all at once.


citytiger OP t1_ir3qzsf wrote

Itโ€™s not that right wing. They nearly won an outright majority in parliament which has never happened since independence and if current polling is any indiction they could achieve it in the next one several years from now.


Cholo1891 t1_ir3vi1n wrote

Good for them! ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ


PixelGMS t1_ir3wvty wrote

They didn't allow people to adopt people of the same sex as them? Weird rule, but okay. /j


dgvelling t1_ir48bk2 wrote

People get what they vote for. No one is being forced to the knee of radical leftists. Realistically it doesnโ€™t do anything to attack heterosexual marriages. I know a Reddit comment isnโ€™t going to change your mind so Iโ€™ll leave it as this. Peace


NoGoodName_ t1_ir48qfv wrote

... my dude... what??

How are we right-wing, exactly? Is it our pro-EU stance or our comprehensive social support system that are confusing you? We are the country women come to to get abortions when they are denied the medically necessary procedure in their own EU countries.

And do please explain how getting 35,8% of the votes (the next party grtting 22.5%) is "winning by accident"?


Skeptical_Vegan t1_ir4bwod wrote

This isn't 1950 or the dark ages. The reality is that people were sometimes gay. Science has made this irrefutable. How is their ability to love any different? And what do you mean by "sanctity of marriage"?


goatofglee t1_ir4di43 wrote

I can't decide if you're serious or a troll.

I have seen people say this, but not in a while. It's hilarious that people think a consenting adult marrying another consenting adult is somehow comparable to a person marrying an animal or inanimate object.


Berubara t1_ir4ep17 wrote

Glad to hear this. I was in Slovenia for a week a few years ago and everyone I met was quite conservative and I kept thinking if it was the norm or if I just happened to meet certain types of people. I even had a young tour guide go off on a big anti EU rant at me.


Jonajager91 t1_ir4i1dk wrote

Thats big! Same sex relationships have been taboo when i was there. I'm glad.


DeterminedThrowaway t1_ir4ipod wrote

That argument honestly pisses me off when I see it. Okay, so 55 hour Vegas sham weddings aren't hurting the "sanctity" of your marriage, but two people who are genuinely in love and will stay married are hurting it if they happen to be the same sex? I don't buy it


FromSwedenWithHate t1_ir4iwld wrote

That's amazing. But Slovenia isn't Eastern Europe last time I checked, I was there for 3 months and most people I came across said they consider themselves as Central Europeans, most of them speak very good English unlike most of Eastern Europe, and geographically they are not in Eastern Europe. Culturally a Slavic people/ Eastern European people though.


mothsyrup t1_ir4j4k2 wrote

See, in my little head, same-sex marriage is a right in much more countries than it actually is. It's not legal in all of Europe, from what I learned today, though should I be surprised? 2022 Baby still getting there.


squngy t1_ir4kdg3 wrote

This is actually not a very big change.

There are still a lot of homophobes and a law will not change that, but also, same sex couples already had almost all the rights of CIS couples, except that it was called a "union" instead of a "marriage" (edit: in legal documents, in casual conversation both are called marriage).

Aside from the symbolic change of using the word "marriage", the only real change is that they can now adopt freely (before they could only adopt children they were related to)


Jonajager91 t1_ir4kwo7 wrote

There may be plenty homophobes, but acceptation of this is messy. There could be a lot of homophobes. It might get less or less heavy over the years. But it's a sign that lgbtq people can have a normal relationship lawfully.


DeterminedThrowaway t1_ir4kz7m wrote

I know the person I was replying to was being sarcastic, sorry if that wasn't clear. I just don't like it when people actually make that argument, because they do. I tried to indicate that by saying it pisses me off "when I see it", but I guess it didn't come across.


squngy t1_ir4lkj0 wrote

> But it's a sign that lgbtq people can have a normal relationship lawfully.

They already could.
But now, they can have a more equal standing then before.


Quian32 t1_ir4p07z wrote

Hell yeah, getting sick of countries regressing.


AGVann t1_ir4qm25 wrote

You know what else was 'tradition'? The mass murder of Jews in pogroms. Intense xenophobia and racism. Religious wars and genocide. Child abuse and slavery. Women being treated as property. Rape being a normal part of life.

The barbaric, illogical, and uncivilised hatreds of the past aren't suddenly sacred and inviolable just because you wrapped a pretty name around it.

Marriage as a tradition is not under threat by LGBT rights. It's strengthened by being an act of love, not by being an act of persecution. What is threatened by LGBT rights are the pointless hatreds that have destroyed millions of lives over the centuries, and that 'tradition' of fear and hate is not something we need to carry around.


bipo t1_ir4yl53 wrote

Green party got 3,41% of votes in our last elections and didn't even pass the threshold to be in the parliament.

Our government is definitely left leaning.

Did you mistake Slovenia for some other country?


SpaceNigiri t1_ir4zac5 wrote

Well, it's been 17 years since my country legalize it and yes, the country has changed, nowadays people is waaay more accepting of gay people.

Even our conservative party doesn't care about homosexuals anymore and have openly gay members on high positions on the party (the same party was obviously against it back in 2005).

As a whole the perception of all society has changed, and legalizing same-sex marriage was one of the first steps.


LightninHooker t1_ir4zryo wrote

I find so weird that countries in Europe are still legalizing this. Spain did it 20 years ago and people in here still love self loathing about how "oppressive" this country is.

Btw 20 years ago already look retarded to me to not legalize this.

PP (right wing party) rallied heavily against this btw but after the law was passed one of the members married his boyfriend and the president of the party was at the wedding. It was something


DigitalZeth t1_ir51ahy wrote

It depends what parts of Slovenia you're in, but it's also worth considering that the Slovenian far-left is comically similar to American far right. A lot of them are anti-vaccine and anti-lockdowns, they are pro-russian and anti EU/NATO.

We call them tankies because their fascination with communism is more revolved around stalinism.

Regardless, I do think you were unlucky though because it's not really the norm. Unless you go out in the countryside, you're more likely to find progressive youth than far left or far right anomalies.


elpajaroquemamais t1_ir51d9w wrote

Meanwhile someone who was born there is married to a man who installed three people who could end it in the US.


sanne2 t1_ir52gdk wrote

2balkan4u moment


Rowyn97 t1_ir52vb0 wrote

Social change takes time, and unless you're LGBTQ you probably won't notice the difference since this doesn't impact you personally. I'd imagine communities that benefit from this do experience worthwhile change


ExjwReborn t1_ir53edh wrote

Meanwhile, in America, weโ€™re headed backwards.


LeNigh t1_ir53iij wrote

Why was same-sex adoption banned in the first place?

Why shouldnt a woman adopt a girl or a man adopt a boy?



kdrumz t1_ir5857z wrote

Makes me love Slovenia even more! Such a beautiful country.


drneeley t1_ir5a6cw wrote

Stunningly beautiful country as well. Had a great time visiting a couple years ago.


PM_ME_SOME_LUV t1_ir5gklv wrote

And on the day Josip Ilicic comes back. What a great time for Slovenia ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฎ


Ultionisrex t1_ir5jk7i wrote

Ladies will be chasing Janja's D like Wile E Coyote.


Animeking1108 t1_ir5nckn wrote

Adam and Eve were twins (she was made from a sample of his DNA, making her a twin or a clone), and their children had to fuck to populate the world. Maybe we shouldn't follow everything the Bible says.


FromSwedenWithHate t1_ir5ol6w wrote

Balkans isn't what is culturally called Eastern Europe either, Balkans is in Southeastern Europe, there is a big difference.

Eastern Europe when related to in certain terms today is what is culturally considered as the former Soviet Bloc. Slovenia & some Balkan countries was part of Yugoslavia, not the USSR. The only similarity between Balkans and Eastern Europe is the fact most of them are of Slavic descent.


Themlethem t1_ir5q1c9 wrote

First Cuba, and now Slovenia. We're on a roll.


truedoom t1_ir5qny3 wrote

Good job Slovenia.


YakuzaMachine t1_ir5rba7 wrote

After all that Melania Trump lesbian porn they figured "why not".


_iCrAzYG4M3R_ t1_ir5s5km wrote

The law has changed, the people wonโ€™t. There is still homophobia, a parents isnโ€™t going to just accept their child just because โ€œitโ€™s the lawโ€. This changes almost nothing, just stops a few cases of open homosexuality in public


SpasticGoldenToys t1_ir5s9qg wrote

No, Balkans is a subdivision of Eastern Europe. If you wanna refer to Visegrad countries as Eastern Europe only, then you still cannot put Slovenia in that group. Anywhere in European continent that is East of Germany, Austria, Italy is Eastern Europe. You can divide the region into smaller groups and find differences for sure but you can't deny Balkans is Eastern Europe.


malikhacielo63 t1_ir5t17r wrote

Soโ€ฆyou mean to tell me that if I wanted to adopt a child in Slovenia, I could only adopt a little girl? Bizarre. Same sex pregnancy must be extremely awkward.


milanorlovszki t1_ir5u8ry wrote

The balkans knew slovenes were gay all along ๐Ÿ˜Ž


kontor97 t1_ir5wij5 wrote

Just because itโ€™s legalized doesnโ€™t mean people accept it. Have you not seen how many gay men have been killed this year in Spain and how the cops barely take action?


Extra-Process-9394 t1_ir5zvjd wrote

History has shown that making something like gay marriage legal leads to a large increase in acceptance. Perhaps they are not causal, just correlated, but if you look at gay marriage acceptance in the USA you can see it increased a lot right after being legalized.


JonKentOfficial t1_ir60f5z wrote

Congrats Slovenes, a giant step in the right direction. Protect this, too, and never allow anyone to take it from you.


LightninHooker t1_ir632eu wrote

Unfortunately crimes are always going to happen but spanish sociaity condemn those without a doubt included 100% of the politicians in Congress(even those that are extreme right)

Spain is one of the safest places in the world,lgtb people included.

Spain have had trans people on tv and cinema (Almodovar being the big name there) for more than 40 years and the most popular show(Salvame) on tv for more than a decade conducted by a totally open gay guy (Jorge Javier Vรกzquez)

Just to name some examples


Querch t1_ir68njl wrote

How's the backlash?


squngy t1_ir6h4hv wrote

I feel like a nuance has been missed here, which is probably my fault.

Legally, there was a distinction between a "union" and "marriage" and that was not right and it is good that they can "marry" now, but even before, most people in casual conversation would consider the people in a union to be married.

If you met 2 people in a union they would almost certainly introduce them selves as husbands or wives.

There was effectively already same sex marriage, except in legalise and some articles didn't make a distinction, for example

You can read more here:


Vic_O22 t1_ir6hap9 wrote

So proud and happy, well done, Slovenia!

Hopefully more and more countries will follow suit.


rhodopensis t1_ir6hpys wrote

(Psst, itโ€™s awesome that youโ€™re well meaning, and well informed on Slovenia, but cis means not transgender, equivalent to straight meaning not gay or bi. ;) )


Ilyak1986 t1_ir6lf18 wrote

Better late than never.


psihonix t1_ir6sadk wrote

For starters, Slovenia is not east of Austria. Besides being part of the balkans is not automaticaly Eastern Europe. Slovenia is by all definitions part of Central Europe and the south-western part being part of the balkan peninsula doesn't change that.


[deleted] t1_ir6tkj6 wrote

(Some) American redditors cannot grasp "Europe" is dozens of countries as different from each other as you can get, not one single nation with the same rules and the same traditions and views. Yeah, some parts of Europe are more progressive than America. That doesn't mean that's the case for all of Europe.


ForwardExchange t1_ir7rjle wrote



Miltrivd t1_ir88vf8 wrote

People do get it, but having restrictions and a different legal name makes it not the same, these things are known to everyone and creates segmentation, even if by a little. Equalizing name and rights officializes acceptance and nullifies legal differences, this helps further normalization making the homophobic reactions more fringe given they are against something that's official, normal, established.

It's not like people think gay couples were actively shunned and this will magically change things overnight, but as it had happened everywhere else where marriages rights get normalized, it also helps normalizing acceptance even further.


Hrevak t1_ir9s8uu wrote


Wikipedia cited above is an infinitely better source. This article alone contains several interpretations of the term, hundreds of references and presents a truth agreed upon by academia and broader public as well.


SpasticGoldenToys t1_ir9t8ph wrote

Besides in the very link you provide you can also see many maps excluding Slovenia while defining Central Europe. It all narrows down to whatever you want to base your facts on. You do you I don't care.


Skeptical_Vegan t1_irfcvgd wrote

I don't understand what you mean by God? The Romans had marriage. The Norwegians have marriage The Muslims, the Hindus. The Asians all have marriage and none of them are under the sanctity of some deity. I don't believe in your deity. It's stupid that you're going to pass a law that makes me follow your religion. You don't have any evidence to support the existence of said deity and yet you're still choosing it over living breathing individuals that are born gay. How ridiculous is this? You not see the issue?

Just because you say it's god-given doesn't mean that it is. Until you can give me direct evidence of your God and then after approving that your God exists, you must then also prove to me that a. He doesn't make a gay people born that way and b you must then also prove that he gives a f*** about who we marry. But none of this can be proven. So it's f****** stupid to start passing laws on this stuff when we have no reason to believe any of it. Especially when it horribly f**** over a fairly numerous minority.