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FaithlessnessFront54 t1_itiplf8 wrote

Why do we never think of anything like this? Oh wait, because that would require Congress to do something >:[


daddyfatknuckles t1_itl2gtp wrote

have you driven through the midwest lately? i went to school in iowa 8 years ago and there were wind turbines all over either side of I-80.


earthlingkevin t1_itlbig3 wrote

The challenges our politicans has to think election cycles. So projects that take 4 years are a lot harder to implement (as the next guy coming in can just scrap it)


OutOfStamina t1_itm7zac wrote

Think of what?

Think of a project and say, "this is enough power for a different country, but not our country"?


gemulikeit t1_itj3tpw wrote

So do away with Congress and go all in on Emperor? lol


Heliolord t1_itjoi0z wrote

In order to ensure the security and environmental stability, the Republic will be reorganized into the first galactic empire!


feeltheslipstream t1_itk4jc3 wrote

We did away with emperor to solve previous problems.

If this change created new problems that the previous status quo can fix, we need to compare and see which set of problems we prefer to live with, not wave it away as a joke and just hope a miracle happens.