vineyardmike t1_j2aronl wrote
>Fifty years ago, Congress voted to override President Richard Nixon’s veto of the Clean Water Act. It has proved to be one of the most transformative environmental laws ever enacted.
SilverNicktail t1_j2b2tr6 wrote
Man, remember when Reagan and Nixon were the worst modern presidents?
cfsed_98 t1_j2bkid1 wrote
reagan still is lol. all evil can be linked back to reagan
SilverNicktail t1_j2dakoj wrote
Reagan is the beginning of basically all the worst things about the modern USA......but even he didn't try to literally overthrow the government.
Aughilai t1_j2e34d7 wrote
Didn’t try to overthrow our government *
TigBiddiesMacDaddy t1_j2f2o8x wrote
I say pushing the idea of trickle down economics counts as overthrowing our government.
But that’s just because I really really really hate Regan.
cfsed_98 t1_j2fnmfa wrote
trickle down economics WORKS!! it’s going to trickle down any second now!!! just wait!!!!
TigBiddiesMacDaddy t1_j2fpxbo wrote
Hey what’s that smelly gold looking liquid falling from the sky?
CommonConfusables t1_j2da04m wrote
It goes back further, but the flashy evil that he is the face of uses Reagan as a blueprint. Consider Reagan the face of a team of baddies. Responsible but nor the sole blame.
His wife’s anti-drug campaigns did some pretty heavy damage on society by way of stereotyping and instilling fear.
sky_blu t1_j2e1rqp wrote
He is also responsible for Fox news being able to exist how it does
Baconation4 t1_j2e4no8 wrote
Yeah Nancy took that campaign almost as deep as she took-
Sorry I guess it’s easier to compile the smaller list of who she hasn’t.
TigBiddiesMacDaddy t1_j2f2txe wrote
There be only one name on that list: Jesus.
Pktur3 t1_j2dkpsc wrote
Reagan’s term was transformative when there were assumed the leaders acted with the public in interest. Nixon’s term was the framework for subversive actions against political opponents. Trump’s term was exercising the loopholes created during Reagan and subversive actions learned during Nixon to establish political authoritarianism.
anally_ExpressUrself t1_j2bz2k8 wrote
I stubbed my toe earlier and it hurt like a bitch. Was that Reagan too?
Satherian t1_j2c2dta wrote
rlnrlnrln t1_j2cy0cp wrote
Unless you're British, then it's Thatchers fault.
Or Swedish, then everything is the fault of Christian II of Denmark.
aBoyandHisVacuum t1_j2e1bh6 wrote
Lol! Great examples. Time to learn about Christian 2. The revenge.
CommonConfusables t1_j2da17z wrote
Depends on the reason you stubbed your toe.
Dalbergia12 t1_j2f5bd6 wrote
Ya, those were the days!
bigboilerdawg t1_j2b2b8f wrote
Weird that Nixon chose to veto it, it was obviously going to be overridden based on the margins it passed by.
adzman t1_j2cfk39 wrote
He wanted to make sure future generations knew he was an evil cunt.
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