
Dalbergia12 t1_jdayz3g wrote

I worked 12 hour shifts for years. The trick was to do almost no chores on workdays. Sure you need to make meals and a bagged lunch, you might have to wash a sink full of dishes. But no yard work no house work. You get bigger jobs done that you need to, on your days off.

Then because you work longer hours you have more days off, and you use them productively. In short I learned to like long work days, and seized control of my procrastinating habits to my advantage.

You can do 10s if a guy like my me, can enjoy 12s.


Dalbergia12 t1_j7sdpzo wrote

Dam good idea. I'm going to try that next time I'm in this situation. I occasionally use 3M transfer adhesive, basically it is like two sided tape without the tape. It is an adhesive that you peel one side off install where and how you want, rub int in good, and then peel the other side. It is very very thin, and fragile, and very sticky


Dalbergia12 t1_j5auk9n wrote

It absolutely happens in the wild. Since complications usually kill in the wild, the genetic predisposition to have any dangerous complications are culled out of the gene pool, so it happens less.

Many cattle and horses have very poor ability to give birth without help now. This is because they have had help for numerous generations. On cattle operations where because of geography and climate this doesn't work, ranchers are using bloodlines that have a strong ability to give birth unaided. An acquaintance developed a line of bulls whose offspring have smaller shoulders, the cows need no help almost ever. Breeding. Evolution. Darwin.


Dalbergia12 t1_j2fggem wrote

My mother taught me to not pee on my hands. So there is that. Also all those slobs that half wash their filthy paws and then get germs all over the sink, taps, towel dispenser etc.. it is enough to just not wash my hands in public. (Had to edit, typos)


Dalbergia12 t1_iz0q70p wrote

The big problem for most folks is twofold.

First they wait till they are as deaf as a stump before they try to get help. If you can't remember what year you last heard a mosquito ?? And you never wake up to the sound of birds or even the neighbour's snow blowers anymore you already really need hearing aides. And if you wait till you are very old and a bit confused you will never learn how to use them.

And second of course is paying 3 times what is reasonable, is very hard to do on a fixed income. (this is of course the main reason folks put off getting them when they start to need them)

My MIL is 96, confused and is technically not quite stone deaf, but she can barely use them and got soaked for $7000 -more than 3 times what I paid!


Dalbergia12 t1_iz0k8mk wrote

Mine perch on and behind the outside of my ears and my glasses complicate issues. But I cope, as they are still better than not being able to hear speech well enough to socialize. I doubt they will give you any kind of head ache. Totally get the glasses and mask problems. But still rather do my best to cope and try to avoid getting sick which, touch wood is still working! Edited a word.


Dalbergia12 t1_iyycmtw wrote

You are right that that would be bad!

Except where Costco sells hearing aides they employ trained Audiologists. This not a pick your own or one product sales thing.

The Gal that I was served by worked there for years on the floor , worked up into a lower management position, then asked for the training, and tells me she loves her job! It is a small but fully staffed department. The testing was thorough, free, and completely un-rushed. No pushy commission sales staff. Though it took a few weeks to get an appointment.


Dalbergia12 t1_iyxxh3a wrote

I'm familiar with that point of view. I found the Costco did carry other brands as well as the brand's that they had a contract with at the time. And because the others were more expressive for what I got, I voted with my wallet.

I've been to audiologists other than Costco staff. With my parents when they were aging and my in-laws when they were aging, and the last decade for myself and my spouse. They were IMHO worse than the worst of used car salesmen anywhere. If Costco puts a few of those scammers out of the ripping off grandma business, I'm okay with that!