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saintsandopossums t1_j9fl2t8 wrote

It makes sense honestly, especially looking at all the market-rate housing popping up in the Canal District. Main St. definitely has issues though. It's really sad that they did this big fancy street renovation, and it's still so unfriendly for anything but cars


davidcronenbergscats t1_j9g80ds wrote

Not very friendly for cars, either.


SmartSherbet t1_j9gbidh wrote

What do you mean? Almost all of the public space in the area is devoted to the movement or storage of cars, and hardly any of it to anything else.


davidcronenbergscats t1_j9ghdps wrote

>What do you mean?

That it's a fucking nightmare to drive down.


SmartSherbet t1_j9godim wrote

Why do you think it is a nightmare to drive down? I'm genuinely curious.


davidcronenbergscats t1_j9h3a3p wrote

My dude it's just a shitty street. It's poorly maintained, large sections of it get backed up by traffic constantly, there's a ton of places where it's incredibly narrow because the road isn't wide enough to accommodate on-street parking but it's the only parking option around...and that's just the like..the road itself.

When you factor in the street preachers yelling into their PA's, the constant construction, the people who just walk into the middle of the road and do the Worcester Shuffle (cross the road as slowly as possible, taking the longest route possible, ensuring you block the road for the longest amount of time), and let's not forget the worst part...all the other drivers. It's a shit street to drive on.


SmartSherbet t1_j9hlb0c wrote

I agree with all of that, but it sounds like you're talking about the stretch through Main South, not the recently renovated downtown, which is what the original discussion was about, stemming from the Maker to Main proprietor's comments.


bartnd t1_j9gfbje wrote

Does the street view look any different now than it does on Google maps (from Nov 2019)? That's what I remember Main St looking like and it's definitely not friendly for cars.


guybehindawall t1_j9hawi3 wrote

I just took a look at what Google maps has and yeah, that was when all the major construction was happening. That's all finished now, it's completely different.

Personally I think Main St is a breeze to drive on. I honestly don't even know how they could make an urban street any easier to drive on. The lanes and lights are all updated and there's a ton of well marked parking, I dunno what anyone's complaining about.


bartnd t1_j9hruss wrote

good to know thanks!

It's just an odd section of the street that for some reason I rarely travel. That area between Pleasant and Walnut seems to have been a travel dead zone for me over the past ~35 years (outside of Foster to Maple).


FIFAFanboy2023 t1_j9fnztl wrote

Main St. is dead in America in general. This was a smart move by them.


doublesecretprobatio t1_j9k3hpa wrote

> and it's still so unfriendly for anything but cars

every time i attempt to use the bike lane there are cars parked in it. if the city had any actual interest in bicycle infrastructure it would enforce and maintain said infrastructure. instead it just meets the bare minimum to receive federal money, paints the lines and forgets.


guybehindawall t1_j9g5tr1 wrote

At this point the Canal District is more of Worcester's downtown than downtown.


SmartSherbet t1_j9g5p9v wrote

Maybe now they'll stop charging $6 for a single carrot.


alpacabowlkehd t1_j9halkc wrote

I’d suggest going to a farm in the area, cutting out the middle man that has to pay rent and make profit saves a ton of money. If u dm I can point you in the right direction


SmartSherbet t1_j9hlnyw wrote

Oh yeah, I do that regularly. And I'd like to patronize Maker to Main more, too. But their prices are just really tough to pay. The food co-ops in Western Mass (and Brattleboro, VT) sell the same items from many of the same farms for a whole lot less.


alpacabowlkehd t1_j9hlw1l wrote

I’d agree 6 dollars for a single carrot is too much. Rather pay the farmer 6 for the carrot, some random greens and some barley or something. they would prob make more that way as well.


CoolAbdul t1_j9lo65b wrote

I really like the product selection, but the prices are not in line with Worcester's Spag's mentality.