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ARoundForEveryone t1_j9usm61 wrote

How so? We all have "politically incorrect" thoughts. Most of us keep them under wraps and learn to function within acceptable societal norms. Some don't, but most do.

This guy is just asking for a place to crack a joke with likeminded individuals while having a tasty cold beverage at a reasonable price.

These places exist - townie bars, holes in the wall, social clubs, whatever. If you don't like them, you don't have to go to them. I generally don't, but don't begrudge those who do.

Now, does the original post read as a joke? To me, yeah, kinda. Could be a slight troll (if so, try harder OP). But if not, it's not like the dude asked for "a place that don't allow no trannies or negros, and has a solid mix of Johnny Cash and alt-emo-thrash-core on the jukebox. I draw the line at swastikas though, none of that bullshit cuz kikes are ok in my book". That, I suppose, would be cringe. But I'm not the official arbiter of good taste here.

Seems it's just a guy who wants to be around other guys, who want to be around other guys. Sharing a pint or two, gossiping about the other clientele. What's embarrassing about that? And I'm assuming, bonus points for a repurposed 1995 SI Swimsuit calendar on the wall. Where some drunk guy drew a thought bubble over Cindy Crawford's head saying something like "Call me, Jimmy, we'll have a fun night <wink>! XOXO, Cindy". But Jimmy don't work there no more - he moved to CT and sells insurance for The Hartford and has 2 kids. Eric is 12 and Cindy (it's a coincidence, I swear) is 16. He's on his second marriage, but this one is fresh and they're still in their honeymoon phase. Jimmy's on speaking terms with his ex - in fact they get along better now than they did when they were married. Anyway, they share custody and it all seems to be working out for them.

But anyway, OP just wants to hang out with people that like the taste of beer and the look of a pretty woman.


Oyadonchano t1_j9uu6sd wrote

Hard disagree. OP is responding to the trans post from earlier. It's a disingenuous coded message expressing their sense of victimhood. OP knows they can crack whatever jokes they want almost anywhere in town and receive nothing worse than an eye roll. They're trolling and do not deserve "understanding."


ARoundForEveryone t1_j9uxgqt wrote

I don't know if I laid the sarcasm on waaayyy too thick or if the sarcasm-glaze wasn't tasty enough?


Metroskater t1_j9v3yu7 wrote

If that was meant to be /s, then yeah I’d say it wasn’t clear enough


ARoundForEveryone t1_j9vwkv8 wrote

I assumed creating a fake backstory for a former bartender or customer would be enough, but maybe the story was to on-the-nose for some people?


SonuvaGunderson t1_j9uww3s wrote

Hi. No. We don’t ALL have politically incorrect thoughts.


iBarber111 t1_j9v0zbq wrote

You've.... never had a politically incorrect thought? OP is a tool but that sounds like an incredibly lame brain to live in.


SonuvaGunderson t1_j9v9mi7 wrote

Nope. Not what I’m saying.

What I’m saying is, not EVERYONE goes out of their way to consciously think politically incorrect things, think this is fine and normal, and seek out venues to share these ideas with like-minded people.


utopianbears t1_j9uzayf wrote

umm OP is just trolling lol - the fact that you take this seriously and want him to find a safe space for his “politically incorrect” thoughts is so cringe i’m sorry lol. gestures to the entire world for a white cis straight man to feel safe. I grew up in townie bars btw and being “politically incorrect” is not the definition of its culture anyways. what does politically incorrect even mean these days - usually just code for people wanting to punch down on marginalized communities without getting called out for their out of touch shit. but go off.


MrBarryThor12 t1_j9vozq2 wrote

No lol, he’s trying to satirize recent posts on this sub asking about lgbtq friendly places.


Mc_Up_Intheair t1_j9v1al8 wrote

You put way too much time and effort into justifying this moron. Get a job
