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ladybug1259 t1_jcw83lb wrote

Definitely an issue. The mod banned a ton of people from that sub for a post where an Indian person was asking for input from other Indian people about western Mass communities and whether people had had racist or welcoming experiences. He claimed that asking about people's experiences was racist and as bad as the KKK. Then someone made another post calling out his behavior, someone else posted the first post with all the responses and I got banned for saying that his "asking whether people have had racist experiences is racist and discriminatory" take was shitty.


TheCozierDaemon OP t1_jcw9q1j wrote

Found it.

Yeah that's not normal.


Girafferage t1_jcwkl3k wrote

Wow that person seems out of touch with reality. Chronically online the youngsters call it. Their post history is some delusions of grandeur levels of weird.


jp_jellyroll t1_jcxtio2 wrote

That mod started their own subreddit where they basically post threads with titles directly addressing the people that were banned.

He says shit like, “I’m on the right side of history.” Completely delusional, man.

I got banned for commenting (as an Asian person) in the thread asking where other Asians live, eat, hang out, etc.


Girafferage t1_jcxu5y5 wrote

Absolutely wild. I made a new subreddit that I'm just cross posting from for people who got banned. It ideally will be a temporary thing until that mod situation is handled.


OrsoMalleus t1_jd3y612 wrote

>I got banned for commenting (as an Asian person) in the thread asking where other Asians live, eat, hang out, etc.

You racist POS...



lenswipe t1_jcyfofp wrote

Hot take: Facebook/META employees seem to have massive delusions of grandeur


xVAL9x t1_jczi8fk wrote

Yeah, he’s actively posted about how he has access to every comment, DM, and like across any META platform, including deleted stuff.


lenswipe t1_jczk0wm wrote

Yeah, I'm not surprised. META employees I've met have had MAJOR God complexes.


xVAL9x t1_jczkarq wrote

Imagine being the type of person to take a job with them.


lenswipe t1_jczkel6 wrote

I don't have to imagine. Look at their CEO.


awful_source t1_jcwu2jb wrote

They seem psychotic. Yikes.


Flat_Owl2401 t1_jczeau0 wrote

Like Zuckerberg.

But a ginger who starts a platform to rate a woman's appearance would be like that.


matt_cb t1_jcwkkof wrote

Thanks for sharing the thread. That’s lunacy.


CarDowntown6730 t1_jcz6pg7 wrote

I fucking can't. The idiot literally has a post about hoe is strategy is to dehumanize and be racist to racists. Literally his words. Jfc.

And people wonder why Facebook is such a fucking mess. Wish there was some way we could report this u hinged dude to them, hopefully he isn't in charge of anything important over there.


matt_cb t1_jcwk80u wrote

That mod’s reaction is unhinged. I would argue that NOT allowing people to talk about racist experiences they have been a victim of is racist or at the very least oppressive.


SileAnimus t1_jcx2783 wrote

That mod also is trying to use Ukraine to karma farm points. When people asked why he was posting about that on the Massachusetts subreddit he responded by banning multiple people. See the deleted comments here (set the drop down to show all comments).

When I sent a modmail question asking why so many comments were being deleted, he responded by banning me. Here is the chatlog.

Power tripping facebook content moderator getting off from not having anything meaningful to do at his janitorial job by banning people on a subreddit he managed to get mod status in. Either that or he's still reeling from his divorce from 8 years ago that he rants about all the time on his subreddit (I am not going to link to those posts out of privacy, but they are public on his profile).

Dude's fucked up, should not be a moderator.

Update: He has locked OP's thread.


[deleted] t1_jcylfpy wrote



jp_jellyroll t1_jczkaq0 wrote

0% effective because there's nothing in Reddit's TOS that says mods have to behave in a fair & transparent manner. That's why there are so many shitty Reddit mods, lol. They can be total unhinged loonies like that mod.

Any mod can ban anyone from their subreddit for any reason they see fit including "disagreeing with your comment" as unfair as it may seem. They can ban their entire community if they want. It would be up to the subreddit's other mods to stop that from happening by revoking mod privileges, reversing bans, etc.

Reddit as the corporate parent isn't going to do anything to intervene in a subreddit unless it's a violation of TOS -- harassment / doxxing, voting manipulation, illegal activity, etc.