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guybehindawall t1_iuys4gt wrote

Well I for one thought this place was pretty good and will miss the onion strings.

Doesn't seem like a great sign for the Canal District that this place and the Hangover have closed back-to-back like this.


doublesecretprobatio t1_iv0hxz7 wrote

>Doesn't seem like a great sign for the Canal District that this place and the Hangover have closed back-to-back like this.

well, the Hangover sucked and that's not just my opinion but also the overwhelming sentiment on this sub. i've never even heard anyone talk about Buck's. sounds like the canal isn't going to miss them.


guybehindawall t1_iv5vvq5 wrote

Yeah I noted at the time how weird it was that the Hangover was regularly recommended on here and Worcester Eats, and then everyone said it sucked when they closed. People saying they never heard of Buck's when it seemed popular up until now is similarly weird.


JohnnyGoldwink t1_ivbl0qn wrote

Yup. Hangover sucks as does broth IMO. Haven’t been to this place but poorly run restaurants deserve to be replaced.


Unlucky-Boot-6567 t1_ivonezb wrote

They were both bad restaurants


guybehindawall t1_ivr8yxi wrote

This wasn't the consensus before they closed but certainly is now after the fact.

Smokestack just announced they're closing, too. Gotta assume the commenters are about to piss on their grave too instead of interrogating why that one street is seeing so much turnover suddenly.