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notyouithink t1_ivmmfae wrote

Park Ave. is similar during rush hour, although not as bad.


NativeMasshole t1_ivmz0de wrote

I come through Goddard and across Stafford for work, so I see a lot more people straight up trying to race lights. At least once a week, someone tries to blast down the right lane at the double intersection at the end of Goddard, just so they cut off everyone waiting to take a left.


gm33 t1_ivmzed9 wrote

When I stop at green lights cause the intersection isn’t clear the people behind me go into nuclear meltdown mode. Screaming honking middle finger, all of it.

We need a “don’t block the box” enforcement like in NYC


NativeSon508 t1_ivnirkg wrote

This is something I notice happens in Worcester more than anywhere else in the state. In NY, it’s almost an arrest-able offense. It’s like the people going 5mph under the seeps limit in the passing lane. It’s never enforced so nobody cares. Once the cops start nailing these people, it’s not gonna stop. People are much too selfish to consider others.


aceinthehome t1_ivnwr17 wrote

Yeah it'd really be nice if they started enforcing traffic laws... All over the city.


Trinimaninmass t1_ivo32cw wrote

It’s arrest-able offense in New York ? Don’t get me wrong I would love it to be and even across the state of Massachusetts, but if it were true, my dad would be in jail every week.

I think it should be a heavily enforced and ticketed offense, and agree the more they crack down on this would make the roads flow smoother


Turbulent_Leg6503 t1_ivo9ey5 wrote

Worcester has Terrible drivers. This is one of Many problems. I swear I see a potentially fatal incident about once a week! My favorite are the drivers whose bodies/seats are positioned in the dead middle of the lane, as if they sit in the middle of their car.


Oyadonchano t1_ivofr99 wrote

The way people drive in Worcester, I'm reminded of that episode of Parks & Rec where we find out people in Pawnee put their whole mouth over the water fountain spout. Like, y'all realize no one else in the country drives like this, right?


SmartSherbet t1_ivoky4z wrote

Our cops don't bother enforcing any traffic laws. Utterly absurd that the best funded department of city government can simply not do its job with zero consequences whatsoever.

Incidentally, this is why we need cameras at intersections. Nab speeders, red light runners, and box blockers all at once.


DMoney1133 t1_ivov1jv wrote

Generally I see this happen and its in the morning and a school bus is involved. And I agree it is really bad in those intersections that you mentioned.


legalpretzel t1_ivovy43 wrote

The right to confront your accuser, as granted by the MA state constitution, is vitally important and is one of those things that might seem irrelevant until it’s you or your loved one being accused.

CA and UT both found that the traffic camera companies charge per violation and therefore are incentivized to increase profits (makes sense).

RI allows them. The car’s owner is fully on the hook for the cost of the ticket ($95) regardless of who was driving the car. Your friend/kid/husband/roommate/mom borrows your car and scores you 3 tickets on a short drive but you can’t afford to pay them? You’re sent to collections and there goes your credit. Wage garnishment is not fun.


SmartSherbet t1_ivp337s wrote

I mean this sincerely: what's the alternative? Your friend/kid/husband/roommate/mom borrows your car, injures a biker running a stoplight, and nobody is held responsible because no cop was on the scene?

I don't dispute there are technical issues that need to be ironed out with cameras. But it's worth looking at how those could be addressed rather than rejecting the concept. There are equity concerns at the heart of them, you're right. But there are other equity concerns about not doing anything that to me bear equal consideration - without real traffic enforcement, anybody who's not driving is a target for harm with no accountability to the drivers responsible. The status quo is not okay.

In general, I also think "if you own a car, you are responsible for what people do with it" isn't a terrible approach to making our streets safer. If we had cameras, there's no reason the laws couldn't be written to avoid the worst-case outcome you list there.Scaling the fines by income would be great starting place.


masshole4life t1_ivpylgm wrote

i don't regularly blow lights and such, but you bet your ass i do it in front of cops to make exactly that point. they are there for decoration and are useless. it's not even brave because they are useless.

prime example is morning traffic on belmont at the high school. a cop sits in a cruiser at the bus stop facing the "wrong way" toward the intersection and flashes lights at people who get aggressive. what the fuck is that fucker going to do if i run that red and flip him off? nothing. it's theater for stupid people and i don't want to fund it.

i do the same at construction projects. I'll even toot the horn and wave at them. they just go back to texting or whatever.

I'm tired of paying for services not delivered. we don't need cops to sit around having a "presence" when all they need to do to get paid is exist.


NativeSon508 t1_ivqnm4p wrote

It’s a figure of speech. They don’t F around when you “block the box” or care if your car gets wrecked parked too close to the intersection. I’ve seen a garbage truck run over the front of a parked car in Albany and the cop told the trucker to “keep going, that’s why he’s not supposed to park there”.


moisheah t1_ivszg17 wrote

Every intersection on grafton st. Gets even worse in the winter. The amount of idiots behind the wheel is frightening Not properly obeying traffic signals makes things even more dangerous for pedestrians as well


BigSteveSees t1_iwcd9fq wrote

The Main St. / Mill St. / Cambridge St / Webster St /Park Ave / Stafford St figure eight shit show is always being blocked at multiple different points in those two blocks. It's honestly impressive how fucking selfish drivers in worcester are.