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sunshinepills t1_iwc3om7 wrote

I agree, but Worcester is culturally not a park and walk city.


your_city_councilor t1_iwcawi0 wrote

It has to become that, though, if it wants to have more than just a few restaurants. In the meanwhile, the restaurants could provide valet service, as the Shrewsbury Street places do.


moisheah t1_iwccq3l wrote

Valet Service 👍didn’t even think of that. (I don’t drive so not on my radar)


bartnd t1_iwdginl wrote

I mean, if one of the reason's they can't stay open because they can't get people to work I'm not sure how you not only staff but pay for valets. And where are you going to park the cars that come for valet service?


sunshinepills t1_iwd03y2 wrote

I definitely agree with you, and FWIW I disagree with the notion of "if I am going somewhere I must be able to park RIGHT out front or I will no longer go", especially in a city like Worcester where there are SO many low-cost parking options less than a quarter mile from....anywhere really.


moisheah t1_iwccfke wrote

Worcester needs to adapt. Not having any parking available at all is one thing. Not having parking right outside the establishment door because people don’t want to walk for three-five-ten minutes is something else.

A shuttle would be nice, but not necessary imo. Afaik the wrta can’t keep up with the regular routes due to driver shortages so I can’t see them adding any additional rn.

Eta- there are at maybe 2-3? Free busses that run the complete length of green street now. I’m guessing at least 1-2 of those also run down the other street on the opposite side of the peanut. No idea how late though.


SmartSherbet t1_iwcbkhj wrote

That's gonna have to change if we want businesses to succeed in areas where rent is high and space is tight. It is neither practical nor in any way desirable for every business to provide free parking immediately adjacent to its front door for all of its customers.

Just think about restaurants - they have tons of patrons on Friday and Saturday at 7pm, fewer at other times, and zero much of the time. Meaning that for all of their weekend customers to be able to park right there, really valuable land has to be set aside for parking and go completely unused the rest of the time. That drives the cost of owning a restaurant way up - because you have to own the parking lot, too, which brings you no revenue and spends most of its time sitting empty.

Here's a video illustrating the problem.


sunshinepills t1_iwd0df2 wrote

I said this in another thread reply, but FWIW I disagree with the notion of "if I am going somewhere I must be able to park RIGHT out front or I will no longer go", especially in a city like Worcester where there are SO many low-cost parking options less than a quarter mile from....anywhere really. Even for folks who don't drive or choose not to, I know the WRTA sucks but Uber/Lyft are also insanely reasonable in Worcester.


ctsketch t1_iwdeabw wrote

And i've never seen that garage at capacity