Submitted by Seekay2022 t3_10m2lvc in WorcesterMA

Just got my latest gas bill. $538.50. I keep my older, 1500 square foot house at 64 to 67 on the thermostat and also used the wood stove 8-10 times last month, which means the boiler hardly ever kicks on. The Eversource delivery charge was $286. More than the actual gas.

I know my house could use more insulation but this is pretty stunning. Thankfully I can afford it. I think more of the people who can't, it's just ridiculous.



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Curiositydelay1sec t1_j60v992 wrote

$877.48, double the sqf


Seekay2022 OP t1_j613h1m wrote

Unbelievable. WTF! You must have better insulation and windows than me for sure if you're paying net $200 less. That is still a huge bill.


Curiositydelay1sec t1_j613rnc wrote

Usually February will be a higher bill, but it’s already the highest I’ve had in six years. I do 68 F from 6 am to 10 pm, over night I leave it on 62 F


7-billion-and-1 t1_j61p6e2 wrote

And this winter has been pretty mild so far. Mine is oil heat but I have paid at least double compared to previous years to fill the oil tank.


GoblinBags t1_j619uui wrote

Any chance you would qualify for LIHEAP? They can help out a bit.

So any energy experts wanna chime in on how long these ridiculous rates and etc will keep going on? I know global shit like the war in Ukraine has to do with it and it's hella complicated but if anyone could talk about how we get rates lower - if there's anything people can do from here - that would be great.


Seekay2022 OP t1_j63ewr0 wrote

No, I can't qualify for LIHEAP and that's fine. I'm just shocked at the size of my bill.


_life_is_a_joke_ t1_j61hwgk wrote

Aside from investing in newer and diversified infrastructure (hydro, solar, etc) and making utilities public, there are only... less savory... options.


kidd___c t1_j61ob5j wrote

If you need insulation mass saves gives some pretty good discounts.


HRJafael t1_j636yyf wrote

me crying in Fitchburg with Until


ladywiththestarlight t1_j644tb5 wrote

Yep I’m with ya, I keep my house in the low 60s yet the bill is more expensive than ever. It’s very cool of them to make the delivery charge more than the actual usage amount. They should provide us an itemized breakdown of how it actually costs that much to deliver the gas.


Ovaltene17 t1_j65i3gq wrote

It would be nice if our leaders would address all the energy problems we have in this country instead of just telling us to go buy an electric car.


Cheesepit t1_j616j99 wrote

Mine doubled too; Who's your supplier?


operator_1337 t1_j66bqf4 wrote

I mean they had been warning people for months, now people are surprised they weren't bullshitting?


readingpenguin t1_j670gqa wrote

After getting my ~$500 bill this month, I'm keeping my temperature at 60 degree at all time. Let's see how much of a difference it makes


AceOfTheSwords t1_j6d2am3 wrote

Wouldn't get your hopes up. A month ago I got a ~$350 bill, so lowered my thermostat to 61. My most recent bill was ~$425.


Wbcn_1 t1_j627bcz wrote

It’s almost like we saw this coming


jfm2143 t1_j63zcuq wrote

Yeah my bill last month was 50% more than the same period last year, and it's been a mild winter.


jg429 t1_j6402xf wrote

My house is a bit smaller, also very old (but recently insulated), and my last bill was $350....60 at night and during the day when no one is here. 68 when someone is home. Knocked the at-home temp to 66 when home for this month to see how much of a difference it makes. It's tough! I signed up for the municipal electric rate, but I don't think something similar exists for gas.


New-Vegetable-1274 t1_j66ou7b wrote

When you say gas are you talking about piped in natural gas or bottled propane?


Itchy_Rock_726 t1_j6870ie wrote

Natural gas.


New-Vegetable-1274 t1_j68q1pf wrote

I don't understand the delivery charge, it sounds like they're charging you for the gas traveling through a pipe to your home. How is this an expense to them and an added cost to you? It sounds like BS to me. Propane is physically delivered and there's never a delivery fee. Years ago we lived in Worcester and Worcester had ComGas and no middle men. You got a monthly bill that was one price with no fees. We get all sorts of junk mail from Energy companies who claim to lower your bills. I haven't heard of one yet that actually has. I deal directly with National Grid for electricity and my propane supplier with no added fees. Everything else sounds like a scam.


Itchy_Rock_726 t1_j693iwv wrote

It's for the upkeep of all their infrastructure, they own and maintain and are responsible for the so to speak roads bridges and tunnels that move the gas to people's homes.

The last couple years they've been doing a lot of replacement work, you may have seen all the job sites and digging going on around town.

Now they are sticking ratepayers with the bill and most likely adding a nice fat tip for themselves on top.


New-Vegetable-1274 t1_j6a7zue wrote

Geez, I thought our tax dollars were supposed to pay for infrastructure. I was unaware that private enterprises were also tax collectors. Sounds like the same kind of scam as finally resurfacing a pothole cratered road only to dig it up again to replace pipes. A friend in Charlton lives on a quiet back road that's been torn up for a long time and little at a time the road work has been completed. It's going to be repaved from end to end when its done. My friend said he thought it was odd to see so many different companies involved besides the road people. There have been all sorts of energy and communication companies and surveyors up and down the road. He told me he saw a couple of guys doing something with a large drone. Someone he knows works for the town old him it's all at the behest of Amazon. Something tells me his road isn't going to be quiet for long. I just wonder who's going to pay for all of this.