armageddon_20xx t1_j8vbibm wrote
Eren was nothing more than a stableboy from Humzali, and until the day he went off a cliff by accident, destined for a lifetime of shoveling manure. If his writings are to be believed, he was known amongst the villagers for his shaggy black hair, a mane so thick it often concealed his face. We could imagine that nobody could read his face the day it happened. Perhaps, if they had seen the incredulity etched into his smooth cheeks, they might have taken him seriously. Instead, his father whipped him for telling lies.
We know that right after he was whipped he went to AurAlta, and we know little about what he did after returning. At this point, he would have had some exposure to psychic and fire essence. It's possible that he put the village to the torch; maybe he recruited some of them for his operation on the Cliffs of Kedren. All we know is that interplanar teleportation started around 1517. Horses were run off the cliffs with passengers destined for a few of the planes he had encountered, most for AurAlta. Bones discovered in the valley beneath the cliffs revealed that many of the passengers didn't make it. The horse had to be traveling at a land speed of over twenty-five miles an hour, which was a lot.
Interplanar travel was also confirmed in AurAlta's historical record, which has the sudden introduction of horses in that time period. The beasts turned the tide of the Source wars in favor of the blue Seekers, who held power for two and a half centuries afterward. Unfortunately, we were unable to find any records of Eren himself; we suspect that he would have been too unimportant to record, or that he left the plane as soon as he found a suitable cliff.
The operation at Kedren only lasted four and a half months, and we wouldn't know anything about it without the recovery of Eren's writings at Blacktide. It's the only recorded instance of interplanar travel occurring to and from your planet. Those of your species who've studied the site have concluded that drought was the cause of death of both men and beasts. As expected. You'd have no reason to suspect that interplanar travel would have been possible.
We're not sure of Eren's motivations for telling his find to the locals. A sense of insecurity would best explain it - he wanted to prove his worth to those who had made fun of him, although this is not for certain. It could have been possible that he quested them with tasks to do on other planes, offering rewards that would not have been possible in their otherwise primitive lives.
If the latter point is the case, he wasn't successful. When we tracked down those that made it through the portal, we found that they often assimilated poorly into their new environments. 98% of the known teleporters were dead within the first 600,000 ticks of the multiversal clock. Only a few were able to cope with environments often far more technologically advanced than their own. None of those went on to any kind of notoriety, which makes Eren more special in the sense that somehow he rose above his station.
"I have no idea what you just said," the President told scholar Architus as they sat in the West Wing.
"I'm trying to tell you that a man from the place you call Turkey 500 years ago opened up an interplanar portal and now threatens to become the grand ruler of the multiverse. If he accomplishes that, your planet is surely finished."
"Are you saying we need to go to war with Turkey?"
Architus facepalmed. "You're surely doomed anyways."
HolyOtherness OP t1_j8vjnow wrote
Ha! I love this. Is this implying we haven't discovered reality hopping because no one has ran a horse off a cliff at sufficient speeds yet or is that special to horses from Eren's reality?
_SapphicVixen_ t1_j8w1o9z wrote
"Your majesty, the rebellions are bad enough without killing the horses of your noblemen to achieve what has been done in Spain with those... 'aero carriages.'" Edward tried to explain. "Horses aren't necessary anyway. Not with what we've been able to put together."
Henry narrowed his eyes at what looked like a crossbow built for the hands of a giant. "Nothing is faster than horses..."
"Cannot arrows reach their mark before a horse?"
Henry was quiet and seemed a bit ruffled.
Edward gestured toward the men standing around the contraption. They started to whip and lead a pair of oxen on either side so that a thick rope was drawn tightly back. A groaning sound came from the arms of the contraption as it was drawn and then finally locked into place. There was a call from the Ox teams and then at the front another team guided an 'aero carriage' into the groove so that it was like a loaded crossbow, the carriage being the bolt.
There was another call and the driver climbed into the carriage. He gave a wave.
Edward turned to Henry. "At your call, your majesty." He gave the King a smile.
Henry nodded. Edward raised his fist, then pulled his arm down. The lock was released and with a low twang the winged carriage shot off into the sky. No cliff, no horses.
When it became clear that the aero carriage was going to stay in the air for awhile, Henry's mouth fell agape.
"It won't stay in the air much longer than the Spanish aero carriages as it currently exists--however, we think putting in a lathe or a pulley might allow the carriage to remain airborne by spinning a smaller wing at the nose."
"Huh... well.... well done Edward."
"As you wish, your majesty." Edward grinned from ear to ear.
As Henry looked on, marveling at everything, Edward reached into his bag. He produced a large leatherbound book with a space cut in the pages. A screen flesh dimly, words and pictures changing. "Looks like the rebellions are still going to happen. Everything according to plan..."
armageddon_20xx t1_j8y2ucb wrote
It only worked for a short period of time, but after Eren began hopping planes they couldn't stop him.
Nomyad777 t1_j92nifs wrote
“You managed multiversal travel.” The King Of Earth read off a piece of paper.
“Yes.” The Compendium Phenomic Inquiry researcher replied.
“Our histories are essentially the same until 500 years ago.”
“Because you were too stupid to use horses to run planes off cliffs.”
“Incorrect. We simply named it a ‘hang glider’ instead, and continued to innovate scientifically.”
“Your own aircraft propel themselves for hours at a time.”
“Or, if you fly high and fast enough, indefinitely.”
“In what-a-bant-ly?”
“Forever. Or until in hits another satellite.”
“What we call those high- altitude, high-velocity aircraft.”
“Nevermind. You explored every corner of your planet, discovered the very nature of reality, then what broke it, before proceeding to study the reality-breaking objects that let you harness the reality-breaking power to come here.”
“That’s all correct.”
“You have arrows that fly faster than the speed of sound.”
“You’ve visited the stars in the night sky.”
“You lie.”
“Erm… no? What do you mean, ‘we lie?’”
“I mean,” the King Of Earth drew himself up to his full height of 2.5 meters. A deficiency between their universes. “There is no way what you say is true. Horses and airplanes are the ultimate technological creation. Guards, imprison this man!”
“Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out!” The Inquiry researcher yelled, a hand pressing a device on his ear. He then began to glow, before vanishing.
Report - universe B82-jy5
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