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Restser t1_jc589nl wrote

Rules? What Rules?

It was a Thursday evening in March. I was driving west across the Courtney Campbell Causeway and the sun had just dipped into the Gulf of Mexico. Sweat was in my eyes and I wanted to get back to my hotel, down a Bud and change. That's when I got the call.

"Ted, it's Gail. Where are you just now?" Oh dear, my editor. Gail had been a seasoned reporter in her day, with a Pulitzer nose and no sense of humour. A real stickler for responsible journalism. Hah!

"Nearly back at the Marriott. Why?" Straight away I thought something was up. That cold beer was calling me. How I wanted the first gulp, numbing my throat and stinging my sinuses. I wiped my lips with the back of my hand and thought of just hanging up. Not worth the aggro.

"Are you serious about this Clearwater thing? Your copy reads well, but you've taken a ... let's call it a controversial angle. Are your sources reliable."

"Can I call you back in twenty? I'm parched and drenched with sweat."

"No. We go to print in half an hour and I'm not running something that'll invite a lawsuit unless I know it's legit."

I pulled into the car park and left the engine running. The aircon was fighting a losing battle but better than standing out there. Even through the window I could hear the cacophony; bugs waiting in ambush. I called her back.

"Yes, all off-the-record, two from local council members, three from the Chamber of Commerce and a doozy from the mayor's office in Tampa. That's about as good as it gets."

"Did you ask who might speak up, Ted."

"Of course I did. It was a list of the usual suspects. That's why no one would give their name."

"I don't know, Ted. I always like to have someone who doesn't mind the heat, you know, standing out front of the camera."

Heat was right, though that's not what she meant. Two days of these stifling temperatures and I'm almost on my knees. And who wants to be on the record backing the Playboy brigade?

"Good luck with that, Gail."

"We've got a substantial readership that might agree with the Council. You're making it a political issue, not a moral one. City Hall Wages War on the Free Market."

"I think attractive girls selling watermelon by the roadside is a worthy cause, even if their bikinis are smaller than my face mask."

"Think that might be personal bias, Ted? I'm not sure it's a story for the business pages."

"Are you kidding. All those red-blooded commercial lechers and that picture I sent. She's almost naked and look at those watermelons she's holding."

"Alright Ted. Your head if it backfires."

That beer was so good. Oh! And my story went viral as protesters took to the streets. My readership went crazy and Gail let me take a more liberal stance. I still recall that sunset.



FyeNite t1_jc6z7i9 wrote

Hey Rest!

I really like the air of confidence you had going here. At first, we don't actually know what the article/story is about. And I quite liked that. I liked that Ted was more interested in getting a beer and relaxing over something as important as the article that was set to publish.

Because once we do learn what the article is about, that air of confidence only sticks around and it allows us to see Ted in a new light.

I also really liked how you described Ted's surroundings here. The heat, the insects and of course, how Ted is feeling during all of this. Really builds up his character.

I do have a few bits and bobs for you though,

> The aircon was fighting a losing battle but better than standing out there.

I think this bit could be reworded a bit. "...fighting a losing battle but it was better than nothing." maybe?

> Even through the window I could hear the cacophony; bugs waiting in ambush. I called her back.

Here, does he disconnect the call? was under the impression that the call was still going the entire time. Or was this a transfer from the car's calling feature to his phone? If so, maybe specifying that could help.

> I think attractive girls selling watermelon by the roadside is a worthy cause,

A small thing here. "watermelons" (plural) may be what you're looking for.

One final thing: The ending. It just felt a bit vague to me. I liked the mention of the beer again, reinforcing that confidence and disinterest one final time. But the bit about the report gets me. What does "Gail let me take a more liberal stance" mean here? What did she let him do? Was he promoted? Did she let him do as he saw best without much questioning? Just bits like that.

I hope this helps.

Good Words!


Restser t1_jc9b06f wrote

Hey, Fye. Thanks for the crit. Where do you get the energy and time for so much feedback? You are spot on as usual, with one exception: They sell slices of watermelon, not whole melons. I now see that the ending is a dud. More work needed. Cheers.