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S1eepyZ t1_iy72ftv wrote

It’s not quite that, but Wizard for Hire has a good bit of luck/magic/fate, and is one of my favorite books. Not quite sure what about it, but your story reminded me a bit of Will Blank and the Imagination, so you might like that too.


UntakenNameFtw t1_iy72x7i wrote

Thanks! I'll look into these later. :)


S1eepyZ t1_iy7adgt wrote

A bit more information is that Will Blank is more superheroy, and Wizard for hire is more action/adventure, with a mystery through most of the book I won’t spoil. (They are both trilogies if I remember right, Wizard for hire by Obert Skye, don’t remember the author of Will Blank)