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UntakenNameFtw t1_ixc1fww wrote

I sat around the hearth and gazed into the fire, thinking of the past when I didn't know my mother was a goddess and not just any goddess, but the goddess Hestia.

I have power that demigods can't even dream of...I want to know why and how.

A women modestly cloaked in a headed veil sat on a white cushion in front of me while stoking the fire.

"Mother, am I really your son?"

The women in the veil paused to look at me. Her green eyes held an uncanny pressure. Like she was gazing into my soul.

"Of course you are, I raised you did I not? Doesn't that make me your mother? What kind of silly question is that." She said offhandedly.

"Well...I heard from the other demigods that you made an oath to Zues a long way back. An oath that you would never marry and remain a virgin forever. If that's the am I here?"

she looked up again this time with a stern look.

"Who told you that? Are you being picked on again? Why I outta—"

"No it's not that. I just want to know." I told a half truth.

She sighed before leaning back on her cushion and looked up at the night sky. A shooting star flew past.

"Yes, I did make that oath and I still haven't broken it."

"Then?" I tilted my head in confusion.

"I made that oath when I was young and reckless. I got older I started to yearn for a child of my own as I watched through the fire of all the mortal families that offered sacrifices to me. I started to wonder what it would be like to have a be a loving mother."

She paused as she looked into herself and a distance past I could never fathom.

"But because of the oath, I was fated to never have that...or so I thought. One day Hera came down to see me and I happen to let slip my desire of a child. Hera to my surprise said that it was still possible but I would have to ask Aphrodite, Athena and Demeter for help."

She glanced at me.

" I decided it wouldn't hurt to ask so I invited them all to my place to discuss how we could go about giving me a child of my own." She closed her eyes.

" It was a long and enduring endeavor but somehow, with Athena's intelligence and science, Aphrodite with her wits and her knowledge of the human body, and Demeter with her knowledge of nature and fertility. We came up with a way." She gazed at me this time with the warmth a mother has for a son.

"You are a miracle that came into this world with the help of 3 goddesses, 4 if you include myself...but I didn't really do much."

"When you came into this world I felt truly blessed. I realized that when there is a will there is a way." She looked at me fondly.

"But how, I still don't understand." I asked curiously.

"Do you really want to know the whole process on how you came into this world as my child?" She said with a raised eyebrow. She shook her head as if wanting to avoid the topic.

"No, the process of how you came into this world does not matter. All that matters is that you are my one and only son. My blood runs through your veins. You should have more faith in your mother and the goddesses that helped bring you into this world."

"Ugh, fine...don't tell me the process. I don't care...Thanks for telling me this Mother."

She nodded her head before standing up.

"It's time for me to tend to the hearth of Olympus. Are you coming with me?" She asked.

"Not this time...I think I'll stay here a bit longer." I said softly in contemplation as I looked at the red fire.

"Don't stay out too late." She gave me one last look before touching the fire and disappearing like smoke.

So this power of mine? Is it not from just my mother but others as well?

The fact that women swoon over me, is that Aphrodite's doing?

Is my gift of strength and godly senses from Athena? My mother always compliments me on my intelligence as well.

And the fact that I can control nature to a certain degree because of Demeter?

Maybe it's not just my mother's powers that I inherited...

I listened to the fire as images of a mortal family sat down and gave their thanks to Hestia. I look at the ground as grass grew by my feet and saw in crisp vision the hairs of an ant close up. I reached out towards the fire and like a snake it wrapped around my arm as if it was alive. I gathered the fire into my hand and before my eyes it turned into various shapes according to my whims. A bird, a flower, then a wolf.

The demigods have no idea how many gifts I hold and I'm only just beginning to understand my limitations...

Note: This one was a bit tricky. I actually had to do a bit of research for this but still felt like I didn't get it quite right but oh well. This was good practice. Hehe


Minaaven t1_ixdlswv wrote

Best I've read so far. Great job, loved it.


UntakenNameFtw t1_ixe9csh wrote

Wow Thanks! I honestly didn't expect a reward from this or this many up votes. Thanks for reading everyone. xD


Minaaven t1_ixea1b5 wrote

You definitely deserve it, you did great.