wanttobuyreallife t1_iy6ksry wrote
My brain wouldn't allow me to read those words in succession correctly.
DogLady1722 t1_iy6meh8 wrote
DogLady1722 t1_iy6mg2d wrote
The owner is great but dead?!
nellie_1017 t1_iy6oyyi wrote
Shower curtains don't belong in the 'bedroom' section...!
Aetherglow t1_iy6p3fd wrote
imaginaryblues t1_iy6pjd9 wrote
Pretty sure those are normal curtains.
Fieldofglassantiques t1_iy6rkip wrote
Beds for the dead. Is the cat dead?
agretsukko79 t1_iy6ti92 wrote
Smooth, shiny, unattractive but practical attachment method - definitely shower curtains. Unless it's for bedrooms with a lot of, err... spraying
bluetheslinky t1_iy6um23 wrote
Having also been a user of broken English in the past, i shall attempt to translate.
There was a kitten sleeping on a bed, in a closed bed shop. OP walked in front of the shop and saw the owner (this is what they refere to passed) who was aware of the kitten but did not kick it out. Therefore OP says they're a good owner.
imaginaryblues t1_iy6vsgq wrote
The picture is taken through a window…the curtains aren’t shiny. Don’t appear to be standard shower curtain width either.
I don’t know, this is obviously outside of the US so curtain styles may be different. Doesn’t really matter to me either way.
Halogen12 t1_iy6vyb8 wrote
Thank you, that makes sense!
Kinenai t1_iy6xqe1 wrote
The Grateful Dead.
Raviel1289 t1_iy6y3xu wrote
DogLady1722 t1_iy6y4jg wrote
MoogleyWoogley t1_iy6ykes wrote
So...the cat owns the store now? I don't know what's happening from the title.
Surfguitar t1_iy6ywlf wrote
nellie_1017 t1_iy6zm4t wrote
I ID'ed them as shower curtains b/c they're too GODD*MN UGLY to hang anywhere but the bathroom- & the one in the basement at that! LOL!
imaginaryblues t1_iy7016w wrote
Oh no one’s denying that they’re ugly.
leftyontheleft t1_iy701lt wrote
I like that you can tell what the decor would look like in a realistic bedroom arrangement, with a cat sleeping on the bed.
ForksandSpoonsinNY t1_iy71531 wrote
Syntax error.
Abort, Retry, Fail?
Deaconofallblues t1_iy71a2g wrote
Is this owner alive or not
ForksandSpoonsinNY t1_iy71o4d wrote
It could have but it was heavily invested in FTX.
theUttermostSnark t1_iy720yo wrote
Thank you for sharing this! Rodents are a big problem in a large showroom, and a cat or two can easily keep a large rodent population at bay, which is why farmers often have many barnyard cats that they feed that are more rodent-eating employee than pet.
turnoffthe8track t1_iy74e39 wrote
I think those are just regular curtains being used to separate the display window from the rest of the store.
TheGhost020 t1_iy74zw4 wrote
I agree. That was a rough one.
currymonsterCA t1_iy763fc wrote
Sleep well, beautiful kitten
K-Bear8758 t1_iy76jmc wrote
Several stores in my area get "Barn Cats" from the local shelter to keep rats/ mice off of their inventory. The local shelter gets strays all the time. Instead of killing the strays when they have too many, they neuter them and put them back where they were caught or they give them to local businesses that are willing to house them. The cats usually aren't raised to be social but will hang around certain areas where they have comfortable accommodations and food and will make sure those areas are free of pests. They are usually taken by farmers wanting cats to keep rats out of their barns, hence the name "barn Cats", but recently they have been sending several to Home Depot garden centers and other nurseries.
BigBossHoss t1_iy775ck wrote
you should get a job as a linguist at the UN
malinasorta t1_iy778h8 wrote
For the cutest kitty, the biggest bed
Ok_Alarm_1979 t1_iy77rf3 wrote
Well,,, that's just adorable!!
shannenpwithane t1_iy78y22 wrote
😂😂😂 I read “passed” as in: OP walked past the owner of the storefront, and was told the kitten was a “stray”. Great owner indeed! 😻
Regnes t1_iy79e6y wrote
I also interpret the quotations around "stray" implies this kitty is not truly homeless anymore and lives in the store lol.
No_Banana_581 t1_iy7a4lr wrote
Cats love shower curtains and this princess deserves the bedroom of her/his dreams
Beneficial_Being_721 t1_iy7bxdu wrote
Put a sign inside the window
HarleyyR OP t1_iy7eowj wrote
looking back, what the fuck was i typing.
HarleyyR OP t1_iy7er8g wrote
I was not sober. apologies :(
HarleyyR OP t1_iy7evt0 wrote
It was literally just meant to say “stray” kitten in a closed bed store i passed. i had been drinking and have absolutely no idea how the title ended up this way.
HarleyyR OP t1_iy7ezsd wrote
Cat in store
Stray cat
Owner of the store lets cat stay overnight when closed
GOOD owner.
That is all. Typing was very difficult last night
HarleyyR OP t1_iy7fgxj wrote
Thank you. I am actually British, but I merely adopted the beauty of broken english through a touch of alcohol. You have done well.
Regardless, still one of my best titles.
TestingMurphysLaw t1_iy7gys6 wrote
Jeezus... I read titles as "titt-els" because it's so damn early and I need caffeine and now I'm not going to be able to see or hear the word title without giggling.
quemvidistis t1_iy7h47j wrote
Because the owner -- the monarch? -- is impossibly cute!
Fluffy-Flow-6818 t1_iy7i2r7 wrote
You all need some serious help
RandomPersonOfTheDay t1_iy7ipsb wrote
Does the bed come with the kitten? Who could resist?
JokeySmurfSoW t1_iy7j13s wrote
When did Yoda get reddit? 🤔😄
TheGrinningSkull t1_iy7jfk0 wrote
I had completely misinterpreted the title as the bed was put up in this store as the owner of the cat has passed, hence cat becoming stray and reminiscing its owner which followed where the bed was going. What a good owner that was.
Complete backstory and everything. I knew it was too good to be true for a cat doing this instead of a dog.
Art_Anna t1_iy7jlb0 wrote
Family-man24 t1_iy7krzs wrote
That poor baby was exhausted
emmanuel-monarc t1_iy7nb72 wrote
Owner the First of this kitten passed away.
robtbo t1_iy7of5q wrote
Same… very confused
TheNonceMan t1_iy7qfwu wrote
What are giant beds for, if not for a tiny cat?
GardenCaviar t1_iy7rs80 wrote
You typed: "stray" kitten in a closed bed store. owner i passed. what a great owner
shakyfoot t1_iy7rw4e wrote
LMAO this is so funny to me
bluetheslinky t1_iy7sjav wrote
Glad to be of help!!
G1Yang2001 t1_iy7sxza wrote
I'd buy a bed if it had that sign there.
If its good enough for a smol kitten, it's good enough for me!
[deleted] t1_iy7tpg6 wrote
HarleyyR OP t1_iy7ucuo wrote
I am here to update everyone on the title, I was not in the right mindset to write cohesive english it seems.
This place is a bed/furnishing store, it was past opening hours and this kitten, which is stray (as are many around here) was taken in by the owner to live in the store or atleast sleep/be safe!
i love the comments though please do keep them coming.
PlebbySpaff t1_iy7vfdy wrote
I thought the mannequin on the left was the owner.
Verbenaplant t1_iy7x59h wrote
Needs two pop a litter tray inside the shop and have a shop cat. I like to see how a cat would look on the bedding as I have a cat at home. If the cat likes it then it must be comfy!
redhillducks t1_iy7x6q7 wrote
I had the exact same interpretation. I thought the stray cat had a sentimental attachment to the bed, which belonged to its late owner.
Sybil_et_al t1_iy7xe0r wrote
>i had been drinking and have absolutely no idea how the title ended up this way.
No idea at all, huh?
darrenwise883 t1_iy7xkn2 wrote
that_one_cat_person t1_iy7ynbj wrote
[deleted] t1_iy7yq5r wrote
HarleyyR OP t1_iy7yrsr wrote
Absolutely no idea c;
litalra t1_iy7z9ji wrote
I appreciate this!
Legit thought it meant the owner passed away, and the kitty was locked/trapped inside 😭
Sybil_et_al t1_iy7zz0e wrote
You should post this in r/Catswithjobs titled Display Window Model.
EasterBunnyArt t1_iy80nqf wrote
An honest and wise reply
infinitedoubts t1_iy81ycz wrote
Awww not many owners do this... Definitely a good owner for not shoo'ing the kitty.
ElizabethDangit t1_iy82nrs wrote
a touch Sorry, I’m American, how many liters in a touch?
HarleyyR OP t1_iy83bio wrote
ThetaCygni t1_iy84bvx wrote
CrisElSa t1_iy84cxa wrote
It sought out another bed for that. don’t worry it doesn’t have to sleep in it’s toilet.
monkey_brennan t1_iy85072 wrote
A cunning one?
Professional_Bad2168 t1_iy85b9r wrote
Did you have a stroke
layibelula t1_iy867mr wrote
I loved the story you told with your title. This is why I love Reddit.
Fresh-Currency-6286 t1_iy87cjn wrote
Retaining furthermore stood a user of damaged English in history, and I shall try to decipher.
A kitty was napping on a mattress, in a closed mattress store. The op walked into the masquerade of the store and saw the lessor ( this is what they direct to as expired) who was conscious of the kitty but did not boot it out. Accordingly, the original poster says they're adequate.
[deleted] t1_iy87j3k wrote
IslandLady1 t1_iy87l3b wrote
I didn’t, Please clue the rest of us in…
Fresh-Currency-6286 t1_iy87s4p wrote
I too interpret the citations around “stray” indicating the cat is not truly lost anymore and vitalities in the shop giggle out noisy.
Fresh-Currency-6286 t1_iy87v4b wrote
Thank you, that earns significance!
[deleted] t1_iy8acbe wrote
jeswesky t1_iy8bbfp wrote
cmdr_cathode t1_iy8bcy6 wrote
What was the meaning of "passed" in the title?
wtfbonzo t1_iy8dkvq wrote
Every bed should come with this kind of bed warmer as an option.
HarleyyR OP t1_iy8dqcg wrote
please reference an earlier comment/reply of mine. nothing to worry about 🤣
imNinjaXR t1_iy8e1b5 wrote
Your comments don’t explain who’s caring for the cat now that the owner’s passed away. Has the kitten been taken to a shelter and fostered into a home? Who’s looking after the kitten now?
HarleyyR OP t1_iy8foec wrote
the owner is still alive. i just butchered the title!
imNinjaXR t1_iy8fuyo wrote
Jebus, HarleyyR! It all makes so much more sense now! Hahah. Thanks for clearing that up for me. I was worried about the kitty.
Funky_Pickle t1_iy8fv7g wrote
American asking about litres?? Suspect.
Oh wait you used the American spelling and not the Canadian/European. Carry on friend.
HarleyyR OP t1_iy8g1hj wrote
i apologise. i was a mess last night but incredibly eager to share this wonderful image.
djsizematters t1_iy8g4qc wrote
The owner is dead. Long live the Owner.
imNinjaXR t1_iy8g838 wrote
I’m a mess right now 😝 I love my whiskey. I hope you’re feeling much bette now. ☺️
adcThresh t1_iy8gjmq wrote
The kitten is the store owner now. OP walked by it.
zeke235 t1_iy8gk1d wrote
MrMitchWeaver t1_iy8h2zo wrote
I still don't know what you meant by "owner I passed"
Mahleezah t1_iy8hnza wrote
Who is the robed man?
verymuchbad t1_iy8iqlu wrote
Yoda loves cats
HarleyyR OP t1_iy8itrx wrote
i am, thank you!! 💙
HarleyyR OP t1_iy8ivna wrote
a literal mannequin
kneel23 t1_iy8jsv5 wrote
okay we'll allow it.
megalomaniamaniac t1_iy8lfwc wrote
My fave interpretation…!
latinzane32 t1_iy8n8w3 wrote
That stray is modeling for the store. In return, a place to stay, probably a meal or two. Looks like a win/win.
zendetta t1_iy8oasn wrote
Thanks. I was trying and just couldn’t parse it out.
No judgement. This person’s English is way better than my version of… well, every other language on earth. And a great picture.
TBElektric t1_iy8oizo wrote
This definition is one of ... He was passing by the store, this is the window display at the front of the store, and the OP was passing by and saw the kitty in a happy warm sleep.
Not the other definition of passed as it appears.
Wonderful_Letter7470 t1_iy8oq5m wrote
Just the “right” bed for Goldilocks😻♥️
Miss-Figgy t1_iy8oy1s wrote
LMAO, here we were thinking you were a non native English speaker and generously "interpreting" you, when in reality, you were just a drunk Brit.
CrayonEvangelist t1_iy8qtvl wrote
That’s one lucky floof!!! 🐱🍀
SandMan3914 t1_iy8re22 wrote
The store now has a sales cat
sexxystormi t1_iy8s9hq wrote
Awww ❤️
TriGN614 t1_iy8sep9 wrote
Walked by a mattress store, owner was pogchamp and let the kitty sleep. Just ignore the second sentence.
YoosAbitch t1_iy8tfft wrote
Then get good! 🤷🏽♀️ Thats what critical thinking stills are for. Pretend OP is speaking like Yoda.
Nosilla314 t1_iy8tjcf wrote
Obviously kitten is employed by shop owner to demonstrate cozy bedding available for purchase. This kitty deserves a raise for a job well done . 💖
Plus-Tangerine-723 t1_iy8w61w wrote
Awwwwww how adorable 🥰 I want the kitten
StephanieDesig4 t1_iy8yggh wrote
fruce_ki t1_iy8ypew wrote
You're not the only one...
HarleyyR OP t1_iy8zf1b wrote
i still cant believe i typed “owner i passed”
TBElektric t1_iy8zwwt wrote
I mean.. as a previous cat owner... I know for a fact that that cat is now the owner of that store.. 😆 so you technically just missed "the" at the beginning of that 🤣
Mahleezah t1_iy8zy8o wrote
Oh. I don't believe they are used in bedroom displays in the US, so I wondered what vargrant joined the homeless kitty!
agretsukko79 t1_iy9794y wrote
They might not be shiny, but they fold and crease as if they're not from a very soft and pliable fabric, but something tarp-y. I love how pointless this conversation is :)
imaginaryblues t1_iy9cbgf wrote
It is entirely pointless!
See I would disagree, I think the curtains are just wrinkled. Either way, not a very good store display.
Carnage1912 t1_iy9cihw wrote
Did she give the cat a botaul of wah tur?
seabirdduvetef06 t1_iy9d99h wrote
What an adorable little fella!
MoogleyWoogley t1_iy9i5xb wrote
Ah, that's why kitty has to sleep at furniture store.
VodkaBat t1_iy9nkve wrote
It’s almost like a haiku!
HarleyyR OP t1_iy9p0w4 wrote
definitely one of the things ever typed, possibly ever.
leodelacruz t1_iy9v345 wrote
He knows you're watching him. He looks at his ears
OG_Olivianne t1_iya45n7 wrote
This is adorable and every time I see cats I cuddle them. I’m also incredibly allergic and would like to be able to buy a bed without a reaction. When I cuddle a cat, I’m consenting to the reaction. Just food for though.
dobiemomluv t1_iya8669 wrote
Ok….I’ll take the bed and the kitten too. Just take my money!
faust111 t1_iyabi19 wrote
I thought the owner of the kitten passed away. And the kitten was sad.
kinglitecycles t1_iyagdex wrote
Ironically, we Brits drink pints.
Funky_Pickle t1_iyagkzl wrote
Oh same in Canada. Go to a bar and for draught beer it’s usually a stein, pint, or tankard/schooner.
Sometimes if you’re feeling fancy you can even order a pony or a jug
No_Car1491 t1_iyaihjv wrote
I saw this upon waking up from a nap and didn't even blink at the title, i read the intent ("stray" cat in shop window i passed by) and didn't see the typo til reading comments 🤣 yay display cat!
HarleyyR OP t1_iyaj0yr wrote
great minds functioning along the same wavelength.
swimmerman47 t1_iy6khde wrote
yeahh alright, I have no clue what’s going on with the title