Morgana_Skylene t1_j1kdv0l wrote
Lil rat dog
[deleted] t1_j1kdzcv wrote
Cheesetoast9 OP t1_j1kdzdp wrote
Yep, she's a rescue from Mexico, I brushed her earlier in the evening too, a mix of 4 different breeds, really sweet little dog.
Morgana_Skylene t1_j1ke3jw wrote
Reminds me of a dog I used to know named Stella. Very cute.
okayuser111028375 t1_j1kf0qn wrote
They match somehow. I love her.
thefoodleftinthesink t1_j1kf4lo wrote
Dog looks like she woke up at 6:42PM after a nap that was supposed to be 30 minutes long and went for 3 hours and 20
Cheesetoast9 OP t1_j1kfcbe wrote
Yep! She always looks like she just got outa bed, very scruffy, that's the terrier part of her
monkeyclawattack t1_j1kg4sk wrote
They both have the same energy hahaha
MissRockNerd t1_j1kghfd wrote
"This one's quiet."
No_Obligation_264 t1_j1khqum wrote
Hey, I resemble that remark! 🤣
ApprehensiveReach125 t1_j1ki4k3 wrote
Look at the dogs face! Poor thing is frazzled and adorable!
bgoal t1_j1kig4e wrote
Empty wine glass says might be more than turkey behind that nap.
clumsyc t1_j1kigwu wrote
Leg basket, I love that.
Cheesetoast9 OP t1_j1kjnhz wrote
We try to keep all of the relatives heavily drugged up, much quieter this way.
fungible_jpeg t1_j1km339 wrote
Nice try. That’s not a dog, that’s Salacious Crumb.
SuspiciousMention108 t1_j1kmfoz wrote
Any Chinese crested in line? She looks a lot like a powder puff Chinese crested
5point5inch t1_j1knx7x wrote
Family gathering < Nap with dog, every time.
Wild_Albatross7534 t1_j1kpczo wrote
Very cute. Dogs are smarter than we give them credit for.
NeighborInDeed t1_j1ktf36 wrote
cute dog.
octoriceball t1_j1kulsw wrote
"And warm. And smells of turkey. I stay."
Metallibuckeye t1_j1kwav5 wrote
Did your mom’s dog act in Return of the Jedi? He looks just like that little rat bastard that hung out of Jaba the Hut.
Jennlovesm5 t1_j1kwqa4 wrote
What a cute lil sweetheart.
Mental_Scene_4878 t1_j1kyb0p wrote
Turkey comas are best with a dog on your lap
18114 t1_j1kz0o7 wrote
They are good for each other. Merry Christmas.🎄🎄🎄☃️☃️☃️❄️❄️❄️
beinanian t1_j1l0426 wrote
What a cute couple
juice_box_hero t1_j1l17wu wrote
That is one scraggly-ass dog. Very cute 🥰
y0j1m80 t1_j1l17ye wrote
Salacious Crumb
Cody-Nobody t1_j1l1lwc wrote
Is it 6AM or 6PM? It’s dark..but WHICH ONE!?
marbanasin t1_j1l1u87 wrote
I was gonna say, it's unfair to uncle, but this is a Jabba and Crumb moment if I've ever seen one.
Cheesetoast9 OP t1_j1l36ux wrote
My mom tells me her DNA test says she is chihuahua, maltose, lhaso Apso and bichon fries.
Imatallguy t1_j1l3cem wrote
Now I can’t unsee that!
naenkaos t1_j1l44cq wrote
Turkey coma😂😂
Professorwormhat t1_j1l4v1n wrote
That dog looks like Salacious Crumb
Long-Piccolo-3785 t1_j1l5zpi wrote
The wine glass in the crook of the arm is a pro move
Cheesetoast9 OP t1_j1l6a3j wrote
He didn't drop it the whole time he was asleep! we should have refilled it.
Suitable-Ad6145 t1_j1l872o wrote
Lol reminds me of those weird orange things in labrynth 😂
Cheesetoast9 OP t1_j1l8kim wrote
You remind me of the babe!
Lastwomanstood t1_j1l8ojz wrote
Ooh Bichon fries, sounds interesting ;)
mechwarrior719 t1_j1l90dn wrote
“Only smart human in this place. Why stand around yapping at each other when there’s perfectly good naps to be taken?”
Pixysus t1_j1l9d36 wrote
Whatever you do, don’t get it wet and don’t feed it after midnight!
DEWOuch t1_j1l9lmt wrote
Twin souls!
Suitable-Ad6145 t1_j1l9x7l wrote
Precedes to sing entire song out loud while playing video games. Thank you I needed that
Accomplished-Tackle2 t1_j1latj7 wrote
Wish I was there. ❤️
Kitratkat t1_j1ldosq wrote
Are you in Australia? I'm just trying to work out where you are that you've already eaten Christmas Dinner. Not yet 9am here in UK, comas yet to arrive!
Cheesetoast9 OP t1_j1le1b1 wrote
Nah, we actually did our family Christmas on the 21st to work around some schedule conflicts.
MaygarRodub t1_j1liedt wrote
That dog had waaaay too much to drink last night.
iamremotenow t1_j1lmpz0 wrote
Oh, this is precious!
Jax-Light t1_j1lt6am wrote
Torky coma
shababadurr t1_j1ltaft wrote
Is your uncle Richard Harris?
TheNoBakeCookie t1_j1luxpu wrote
tangcameo t1_j1lwme6 wrote
I remember my uncles doing that while the game is on. I am now that uncle.
EarhornJones t1_j1lwxe9 wrote
They are both me at every party, ever.
_DONT_PM_ME_NOTHING t1_j1lxayw wrote
That glass makes me think, wine nappies.
_DONT_PM_ME_NOTHING t1_j1lxg2t wrote
You serving them with Chianti and fava beans?
_DONT_PM_ME_NOTHING t1_j1lxkkg wrote
How scraggly is the ass dog?
_DONT_PM_ME_NOTHING t1_j1lxt5o wrote
One of mine would just lay down on the floor, and snooze away. I’m not quite that uncle yet
nostalgeek81 t1_j1m0amm wrote
That’s very specific
sariaslani t1_j1m0z0o wrote
That face says a lot:) I bet he had great time but time to get some nap now.
SweetExpletives t1_j1m1c8t wrote
Sir Didymus, from The Labyrinth?
[deleted] t1_j1m1gto wrote
imtrashlikethisacct t1_j1m23kz wrote
"That dog's scary"
AZOMI t1_j1m333s wrote
I know that feeling
TroyMatthewJ t1_j1m3dg8 wrote
dressing up for Christmas isn't a thing anymore.
llamadander t1_j1m3mlr wrote
And maltose!
AusCan531 t1_j1m4x12 wrote
Isn't Turkey coma near Seattle?
crzychristopher t1_j1m5j5z wrote
Dog looks like Jaba's minion
Hidesuru t1_j1m5j8d wrote
That dog is my spirit animal.
Cam455 t1_j1m7h5t wrote
I'd agree with you. Specially when turkey is proven to actually have nothing to do with making you tired.
TheCowardlyViking t1_j1m7lmf wrote
As a man writing this wjile currently hiding in the bathroom to avoid a room of four over-sugared children, I understand this dog on a deep level.
Vio_ t1_j1m8xnw wrote
That's when you look at your watch and panic, because you can't tell if it's AM OR PM and you seriously believe you slept 14 hours, but are still tired.
Remember__Me t1_j1m957b wrote
It does look part potato.
carlitospig t1_j1m9qmf wrote
That pup has the cutest stink eye ever!
Jlx_27 t1_j1ma48u wrote
StrictPotatoTarian t1_j1mayi9 wrote
mittens11111 t1_j1mb319 wrote
Well spotted!
shhalahr t1_j1mb9dt wrote
I remember falling asleep one Sunday afternoon, then waking up a few hours later, ready to go to work. It wasn't until I saw the "PM" time on my laptop that I realized it was still Sunday.
shhalahr t1_j1mbely wrote
That dog definitely has a permanent "bed head" with her fur.
jeedaiaaron t1_j1mc061 wrote
And the wine glass haha
[deleted] t1_j1mc5pz wrote
Sproketz t1_j1mc9re wrote
Sir Didymus?
AgrajagTheProlonged t1_j1md07q wrote
I have a sibling in law who has a dog that’s 100% my buddy. We refer to him as a street rat both because he was a stray they adopted years ago and because he always looks kind of frazzled, scrappy, and scruffy. I’m rather fond of that dog, whenever we go to visit he always spends as much time as possible in my lap
Averygirl11 t1_j1mgspm wrote
I can’t blame him
Fred2718 t1_j1mhbwb wrote
Age and experience. Amazes the youngsters every time.
Fred2718 t1_j1mhk7a wrote
I've got one, too. Chi, poodle, terrier, scruff, in roughly equal proportions.
Fred2718 t1_j1mi20q wrote
It does, though. It regulates the flow of wine into your system, maximizing the overall soothingness. I learned that in O-Chem, but I forgot everything else. Or maybe it was P-Chem? Maybe some more wine will jog my memory.
cultwashedmybrain t1_j1mi4y4 wrote
What a cute dog! Reminds me of Rizo from the Muppets.
Reader124-Logan t1_j1ml8yg wrote
At my mom’s house my dogs could retreat to one of 2 bedrooms that all guests were forbidden to enter. Sometimes I found my stepdad in the sanctuary space with them!
ManyInitials t1_j1mnm1e wrote
Feeling kinship with this dog.
Blackwater2016 t1_j1mo4na wrote
She’s done with our shenanigans! 🤣
Cam455 t1_j1mp9vx wrote
Long-Piccolo-3785 t1_j1mrcfb wrote
Game recognizes game more like
Nasty_Rex t1_j1mrmka wrote
McDonalds has some pretty bichon fries
IndigoRose2022 t1_j1mshr5 wrote
At Christmas Eve party last night I found my SIL’s usually quite social senior girl hiding out in one of the bedrooms. I told her I totally understand lol.
SirVapes_ALot t1_j1mwbvq wrote
This is a perfect holiday picture -- thanks for sharing!
ofnuts t1_j1mx8kw wrote
Liquid turkey .
Ke-Win t1_j1mxgvs wrote
Peace on earth served with a corps of an animal.
Cheesetoast9 OP t1_j1n1aap wrote
Pet tax please!
Cheesetoast9 OP t1_j1n1ij8 wrote
If my uncle's shirt/jeans aren't ripped, he's 'dressed up' LOL!
iblinde t1_j1n31ea wrote
Turkey Comma
Pristine_Buffalo_620 t1_j1n6pj0 wrote
Don’t change the channel, I was watching that! Lol
Brilliant_Diamond420 t1_j1n94ai wrote
I absolutely LOVE that dog! 😂
Cheesetoast9 OP t1_j1n9e26 wrote
Me too! She has the best expressions and is so loving! She smiles too! (looks like she's growling as she's bearing teeth, but it's actually a smile, she is so gentle and never aggressive)
Brilliant_Diamond420 t1_j1n9hbl wrote
That's so cute 🤗
BEWinATX t1_j1ncjfj wrote
Coma uncle cradling a wine glass is perfect.
kronicfeld t1_j1nqh7r wrote
🎵Uncle in a coma, I know, I know, it’s tryptophan
GoryEyes t1_j1ntrmi wrote
Elegant-Wonder-2486 t1_j1o09mq wrote
Picture worth a thousand words 😴😉
DJ_DPoss t1_j1kduhz wrote
It’s tough to pass up an opportunity for some leg basket