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TerranceBaggz t1_j8bq2dk wrote

It’s a densely populated area. The more dense a population the more propensity for crime?


physicallyatherapist t1_j8d74u6 wrote

Not necessarily. If that was the case then NYC would have the highest crime


jdl12358 t1_j8dt64a wrote

Yes, New York City has a low crime rate, but things similar to this spree of crime happen pretty consistently in high density areas of the city like Times Square. No it's not a dangerous area or neighborhood or city imo, but I bet there's a pretty violent crime happening in the vicinity of Times Square most nights because so many people move through it. Towson also has a low rate of crimes, but things like this will happen more here and not in places like Catonsville or Ellicott City because fewer people live/travel through there.


physicallyatherapist t1_j8e3dmy wrote

OK but if you look at small cities with the highest crime rate, you won't see them on the density list I linked to below. My point was that there are other (and better) reasons for these things happening other than more people in an area


judeiscariot t1_j8d9wl6 wrote

NYC is rather an exception than the rule.


clebo99 t1_j8dqa52 wrote

NYC did things that worked but some would say went over the line. Stop and frisk for example. Now, you need too much money to live in NYC (well, in Manhattan anyway) so crime is much lower. But back in the 70s-80s-early 90s it was pretty bad.


judeiscariot t1_j8dsrdc wrote

Exactly. They went overboard with policing to get the results they got. If they hadn't then they'd be like other cities with similar population density.

The person who I responded to also used SF as an example, which went down a similar route and also costs too much, similarly.


clebo99 t1_j8dzc12 wrote

So the ethical question that everyone should ask themselves is was it worth it? I think a lot of people would say yes. Others would say that is targeted certain groups (which may or may not be true...I honestly don't know). What I do know is that people who live in cities (and I'm one of them living here right in the middle of Baltimore City) is that I want crime to be lowered. "Asking nicely" for people not to commit crimes hasn't seemed to have worked.


physicallyatherapist t1_j8ddm9u wrote

I just think there's probably more to it than than that. Because, again, if it was the case then NYC, Boston, San Francisco, and Miami would all have the highest crime rates


judeiscariot t1_j8ddqct wrote

That's great that you feel that way. But nobody said it's a 1-to-1 or that there isn't more to it. But population density is a good indicator of crime rate.


physicallyatherapist t1_j8djehh wrote

My man, I'm really not trying to get into an argument on a Monday morning. My original comment was to someone I like following on here because they usually have good insight to things. I just thought it was a bad reason they gave that someone was shot because.. there were more people in an area.


shaneknu t1_j8d9ymx wrote

In terms of absolute numbers, yes. Per capita, the more meaningful metric, it's often lower. There's a lot of people in Towson, most going about their day like normal people.


DecayableBrick t1_j8dgncb wrote

Taipei and Tokyo are extremely dense and have some of the lowest crime rates in the entire world.


DfcukinLite t1_j8duc4z wrote

You cannot compare asian cultures which are collective societies to American western individualism societies.


DecayableBrick t1_j8dv9jg wrote

Ahh so it's a culture problem then?


DfcukinLite t1_j8dvdzd wrote

Absolutely. We value guns and they value each other.


DecayableBrick t1_j8f2d0n wrote

There are areas in the US that have very high rates of gun ownership and yet low crime. How do you account for those?


DfcukinLite t1_j8fcrzg wrote

That doesn’t change the fact that we as society and culture value guns more than people. And our society it different than Asian ones


Angdrambor t1_j8dn65v wrote

Those cities also have functioning police dpeartments, better education, and decent transit. We should try to do the same here.

But also, Baltimore has less than half a million people. We can't achieve the sorts of economies of scale that Tokyo can.